Dear Minister,
I am shocked by the account given by the Falun Gong association on the plight of Falun Gong practitioners in China, Changchun as well as the imprisonment terms of two practitioners who have been sentenced.
These two practitioners were accused of being responsible for broadcasting a report on cable television exposing the truth on the self-immolation incident which happened in January 2001 on Tiananmen Square as being single handedly staged by the Jiang’s regime. As a result they were sentenced to death.
It looks like massacre is happening at this very moment in this province. The Amnesty International has therefore started an urgent action campaign.
I hope to see France coming in to mediate so that human rights will be earnestly respected in China.
Thank you Minister. Please accept my lofty respects.
Lionnel LUCA
Translated on April 30, 2002 from
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