My Nine Years of Persecution

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My name is Wu Youqing, and I am from Gaozhou City, Guangdong Province. I started to practise Falun Gong in June 1997. Since then I have followed the requirements of Falun Gong, and I strive to do everything according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. My colleagues and relatives have noticed the changes in me and praised my character and performance at work. My body has also undergone great changes, recovering from chronic enteritis. One of my relatives recovered from cancer after she started to practise Falun Gong. She is now over seventy and enjoys good health.

After July 20th, 1999, Jiang Zemin's, [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] regime began to brutally persecute Falun Gong. They fabricated slanderous news and broadcast it on TV and radio in order to deceive people. Because I am very determined in my belief, I was arrested and detained many times. Police from the Gaozhou Domestic Security Division, 610 Office1 and local police station interrogated and severely beat me. They harassed me in my home and at my work unit. They used thug-like means to try to force me to give up Falun Gong.

On January 5th, 2002, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials went to the dormitory of my work place and found a Falun Gong book. I was charged with the crime of "using an illegal organization to disrupt the execution of the law" and detained for 28 days at the Second Detention Centre. Then I was transferred to the Maomin Brainwashing Centre and detained for three months. At 1:00 a.m. on the night of my arrest, I was taken to the First Section of the Gaozhou City Police Department, now the Domestic Security Division. Section Chief Chen Jiguang and police officer Liang Zeng severely beat me and tried to force me to kneel down. When I refused, they kicked my legs with their heavy shoes. The next day I was transferred to the Chengnan Police Station in Gaozhou City. Policeman Liang Zeng and another one nicknamed Gao Lao from the Caojiang Police Station again aggressively kicked my legs and even kicked off the buttons on my top. After that, Liang Zeng poured cold water over my head and down my neck, and switched the air conditioner to the coldest level to freeze me.

The second time I was detained was from August 2003 to February 19th, 2004.

On January 10th, 2005, I went to visit my parents. I was arrested while distributing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. Policemen Zhan Jie and Liang Zeng didn't go through any legal procedures in the arrest. The authorities then sentenced me to three years in the Sanshui Forced Labour Camp.

During my detention there, they tried to forcibly brainwash me. In order to force me to give up my belief, guards mentally torture me. On February 5th and 6th, 2005, the leader of the Sixth Brigade, a man surnamed Zhang, ordered a guard and two other inmates to strip me naked in public and tore apart my clothes. He also told the guard to show me the photos they took of me. They didn't let me sleep all night.

On February 22nd, 2005, I was transferred to the Third Brigade. On the first night there the leader, named Li, other guards and inmates (more than ten people) stripped me naked. For over ten consecutive days they didn't let me sleep until 2:00 a.m.. They also tormented me by forcing me to stand for a whole day.

When I was detained at the Second Brigade, guard Fan Na was on duty and twice she ordered the inmate on duty to wake me at midnight and force me to sleep with my legs straightened.

I was locked up in a cell for ten days. I went on a protest hunger strike for ten days. I was then locked up in solitary confinement. One night the leader of the Third Brigade kicked me and injured my hamstring so severely I was not able to kneel down due to the pain. Team leader Wang Minjing kicked me in the face and caused my eyes to swell shut. They used a torture method called "Five horses splitting a body"" to torture me. They extended my sentence as punishment for my hunger strike.

At the end of 2007, after I came home, I went to the 610 Office, the Domestic Security Division and my previous work place, Countryside Credit Union in Gaozhou City, and asked if I could return to my job. They said that the city 610 Office had ordered them to fire me, but the 610 Office told me to talk to the boss of my previous work unit. I consulted lawyers and they suggested that I lodge an administrative lawsuit, but nothing worked.

Before the persecution began, my husband had been supportive of my practice of Falun Gong. He often took me and my son to the practice site. I had a harmonious family life. But after the persecution began, he felt the pressure. He was unable to bear the huge blow economically and mentally. He turned his anger and resentment onto me. After I had been arrested and detained several times, he tried to create all sorts of obstacles and even beat me. After I was released from the Sanshui Forced Labour Camp, he often punched and kicked me in the face and head. He recently filed for divorce. A happy family has now been broken apart because of the CCP's persecution of people who believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

I sincerely hope that people will not be deceived by the CCP's lies and will not take part in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

The following are some of the persons and organizations involved in the persecution:

Zhan Hanwen, Party Secretary of the Gaozhou City Political and Judiciary Committee in Guangdong Province: 86-668-6690663 (Office), 86-668-6663401 (Home)

Address: 59 Zhongshan Road, Gaozhou City, Guangdong Province 525200

Wu Haiou, Director of the 610 Office: 86-668-6698610 (Office), 86-668-6671616 (Home), 86-13824850905 (Mobile)

Li, Director of the 610 Office: 86-668-6698610 (Office), 86-13809785987(Mobile)

Address of the 610 Office: 3rd Floor, Municipal Committee Building, 59 Zhongshan Road, Gaozhou City, Guangdong Province

Pang Ruihai, Countryside Credit Union, Gaozhou City, Guangdong Province: 86-668-6686268 (Office)

Education Section: 86-668-6686339

Address of the Police Department: 39 Zhongshan Road, Gaozhou City, Guangdong Province 525200

Zhan Jie from the Domestic Security Division: 86-668-6635310 (Office), 86-13828611262(Mobile)

Liang Zeng: 86-668-6635310 (Office)


1. "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

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