The Persecution of Ms. Wan Yonghong and Other Practitioners Employed at Qian'an City Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

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Li Zhengzeng was the director of the Qian'an Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. Since three practitioners worked at the bank, at his first all staff meeting, he threatened that he would not tolerate any of his employees practising Falun Gong. In October of 2007, before the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 17th National Congress, over forty practitioners were persecuted in Qian'an City, the three practitioners working at the bank were among them.

At approximately noon time on October 9th, 2008, Wang Yinjun, the bank office section chief, led police officer Ha Fulong and other police officers from the Qian'an City Police Department State Security Division and went to Ms. Wan Yonghong's workplace, one of its bank deposit branches. They arrested her, then ransacked her home and confiscated some of her personal belongings. They took Ms. Wan to the Qian'an City Police Department. Wang Yinjun and the bank deputy director, Qin Zhaohua had dinner with the police officials at the company's expense. Afterwards, Ha Fulong and two other police officers brutally tortured Ms. Wan. They shocked her with electric batons for more than two hours. After dark, they took her to a brainwashing centre. At night, when Ms. Wan tried to escape from the window, she fell from the fourth floor and was severely injured, with several fractures. She had to stay in bed for more than five months and she is still not able to take care of herself even now. Her family had to spend nearly 70,000 yuan1 on her medical expenses. Not only did her company refuse to pay her medical expenses, but they also stopped paying her salary.

Two days after Ms. Wan's arrest, the other two practitioners employed at the bank, Liu Xiaoyuan and Yuan Chunlin, were arrested and their homes were ransacked. Their personal belongings were confiscated. After the practitioners were taken to the police department, they were shocked with electric batons. They were sent to the Qian'an City Detention Centre on that same night. A month later, they were transferred to the brainwashing centre for further persecution.

The officials from the Qian'an City Police Department had reported the detained practitioners to higher level officials in the Justice Department. They did this to request that the practitioners' receive forced labour sentences, but their requests were rejected. However, in order to fire these practitioners from their jobs, the bank officials colluded with the police officials and eventually sentenced practitioner Liu Xiaoyuan and Yuan Chunlin to forced labour. Their job contracts were cancelled. All three practitioners had been working at the bank for 20 to 30 years and had been recognized as good employees. The bank director, Li Zhengzeng, deputy director Qin Zhaohua and section chief Wang Yinjun should be held responsible for this unjust treatment of the practitioners.


1. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

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