From November 7th to 9th, 2008, Falun Dafa practitioners in Taiwan held a three-day group experience sharing and Fa study gathering in Douliu City, Yunlin County. Through intensive Fa study and experience sharing, practitioners created an environment that helped them to improve in their cultivation practice.
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On the afternoon of November 9th, practitioners gathered in the assembly hall of Douliu Senior High School and studied the Fa together |
Improving One's Self and Character
Mr. Xiao, who works at the Endemic Species Research Institute in Jiji Town, started practising Falun Going a month ago. He learned about Falun Dafa in September on his way to New York City to attend the NTDTV International Chinese Traditional Martial Arts Competition. In the process of studying the Fa, Xiao said that the teachings continue to clear his old concepts and notions, and he believed that this was a very high-level teaching. After he started to practise, he could better put himself in other people's shoes. He has noticed that he is more tolerant of mistakes made by other drivers on the road.
Ms. Su from Huwei Town talked about the changes she experienced after learning the practice. She used to have a bad temper and never admitted her mistakes. Her husband always apologised when they had fights. After she started practising Falun Gong, initially she was still not happy. But as time went by and she shared her experiences with other practitioners, she found her attachment and eliminated it. Now she is happy every day.
Ms. Liao is from Taichung. Initially her husband supported her practsce of Falun Gong, but later, he believed Beijing's slanderous propaganda and tried to stop her from continuing the practice. Through Fa study, Ms. Liao knew that it was right to persist in practising. Once when she was doing the sitting meditation, her husband yelled at her attempting to make her stop. Though frightened, she continued. Immediately she felt a strong current going through her body and she felt herself shaking. Her husband left after awhile and never tried to stop her again. Through the Fa teachings, she understood predestined relationships and the issue of karma elimination, and gradually got rid of the attachment of fear and improved herself. Now she goes outside to practise with other practitioners and participates in experience sharing meetings.
Ms. Chen came from Tainan. A while ago she fell into a difficult situation - she would fall asleep when she studied the Fa and couldn't keep up with sending righteous thoughts. However, through the Internet, she studied the Fa and shared experiences with her older sister who lived in Yunlin every day at 10:00 p.m. They also send righteous thoughts together. This way she broke through the interference and created an environment for Fa study and experience sharing so that she and her older sister can improve together.
Chen from Beigang talked about the importance of looking inward. Once he pointed out a mistake of a practitioner but did not get kind response. He looked inward and realised he had the attachment of always wanting to advise others.
Ms. Lin is a retired Chinese medicine doctor. Several days ago she fell off her scooter when she was on her way to a truth-clarification activity. She did not mind at the time and felt fine throughout the activity. When she got home, she started to feel some pain. She realised that sometimes she told herself that she was old and needed to take opportunities to rest.
Eliminating Notions Through Truth Clarification
Ms. Lin recently clarified the truth about the persecution of Falun Dafa to tourists from China at Sun Moon Lake, a popular tourist spot. She encouraged other practitioners to clarify the truth to Chinese tourists. Normally when she made phone calls China to clarify the truth, she was somewhat afraid, but she eliminated this attachment when she clarified the truth face to face to the Chinese people. She also got rid of the attachment of successfully helping people quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They now feels that as long as the Chinese people hear the truth from her and understand it, that is enough.
A practitioner explained the importance of practitioners working together as a whole body by relating the following story. A fellow practitioner called China to tell people about the persecution. The person who picked up the phone said that they had seen Falun Dafa practitioners at Sun Moon Lake and quit the CCP along with the rest of the nine people travelling with him.
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