SEOUL, South Korea - The success of the final performance of the Divine Performing Arts International Company (DPA) at the Universal Arts Centre in Seoul on February 8th brought its tour of South Korea to a beautiful conclusion.
Ryong Sin, a painter of Buddha portraits from Byeog Wol Mountain Hut, stood in front of a large DPA display after watching the show. He told the reporter with great enthusiasm that "The DPA is leading people toward a realm that everyone dreams of...the DPA informs them about the value of morality."
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Its Colours and Music Lift People Up
As a professional Buddhist portrait painter who illustrates Buddhas, deities, and celestial beings in his paintings, Mr. Sin paid special attention to the unique colours used in the DPA performance. "The brilliant colours DPA uses delivers a vivid image and atmosphere, beneficial to the health of people. DPA has presented traditional Chinese thoughts well with the colours and it is amazing. I'm very fortunate to be at the show, it's very meaningful.
He also said: "The colours of mysterious paradises are white, gold, emerald and pink. These are the colours of the heavens. These are the colours that give human beings courage and power.
"The music is also different. It is music from a higher realm. The costumes of those dancers and the colours of their costumes are mysterious and harmonious. Human beings walk into a divine kingdom where humans and celestial beings interact with each other. I think this is the connotation of the DPA performance."
People Can Only Stand in Awe
Mr. Sin was enthralled by the entire performance.
"The DPA is well designed with the backdrop similar to a painting. Only this painting is incredibly beautiful, as well as the costumes.
"Korean culture originated from China. Our clothing has also been influenced by traditional Chinese clothing during Go Gu Ryeo time period. Without the understanding of Chinese culture, Korean culture would not be able to take root. The DPA performance is not only an art performance, it has thoughtful connotations.
"Li Bai's poems, Chinese culture and connotations are basically of Buddhism and Daoism. The DPA has finely portrayed these ideals. Moreover, there is the birth of the divine pen. How marvelous! The DPA passes on Chinese culture through explaining the basics of human beings and nature. What a great message it delivers!"
He was most impressed with the dynamic backdrops
"It will suddenly appear! The moving space, flying movements, Li Bai's background with poems appearing...Oh! Who has designed all this?"
"The choreographers have conveyed Chinese traditional legends very well in their dances. The themed dance of the divine pen will take the world by storm. Guimin Guan's lyrics are beyond this world, the pianist is excellent, Mulan's story is great, and especially the last program Knowing the True Picture Offers Ultimate Hope is outstanding, the arrangement is outstanding. People can only stand in awe.
"The choice of theme is brilliant! The core of what human beings long for-heaven. The DPA has chosen this theme. Now, health or any spiritual worlds have their roots in Chinese culture. That's why DPA can succeed; this performance can fulfill people's desires."
The Poster Delivers a Message as Well
He was drawn to the DPA poster as well: "The answer to DPA's popularity is already portrayed in the poster. The colour and design both have charisma. The name of the group Divine Performing Arts also contains a message for modern people."
"The logo of the DPA is very precise and successful: illuminating in the centre with a silhouette of the form of a female dancer in the midst of the air, very mysterious and compelling. This poster creates great ambiance. This is the renaissance of traditional Chinese culture. This poster has such a great design with an appealing gold colour. Divine Performing Arts probably means an impression of the divine.
"People in modern society no longer know about their goals in life. A person is born, lives without knowing about oneself and then runs around making a living and wasting time. When such a person watches this performance, he will understand the message from Divine performing Arts and will know how to live."
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