Economic Persecution With Righteous Thoughts

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Because of my attachment, I was arrested and imprisoned for a year. Before I was arrested, I had a vision: I stood in front of a window with metal bars and looked up at a grey sky. A voice said, "Lock her up for a year." I had similar thoughts and images in my mind before several practitioners I knew were arrested. I did not take them seriously because I believed they were thought karma. I did not negate this thought and eliminate the evil arrangement I had seen. Later I was put in a forced labour camp, I realized that the window with metal bars looked so familiar.

As I continued to read the teachings, send forth righteous thoughts and tell people the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong, many attachments were eliminated. I was released within three months. After I got home, the administration at school decided to follow the Communist Party policies and prevented me from going back to teaching again.

I sent forth righteous thoughts every day to negate this persecution. One day I felt Teacher was right next to me. He was very kind and gentle. I felt so calm at the moment and the righteous thoughts I sent were very calm and powerful as well. That afternoon, the school told me I could go back to teaching but I wasn't allowed to teach history and culture related classes because it would be easier for me to tell the students the truth about Falun Dafa based on the teaching materials. I felt terrible in the beginning and couldn't believe how the influence of the evil CCP (Chinese communist party) culture has changed the Chinese people. They knew how the students in my class improved after they learned classic literature and culture in Chinese history. But they wouldn't allow it when it came to Falun Gong issues. I looked inward and I realized I was validating myself. I thought after I practiced Dafa, things like Confucianism and history would be a piece of cake and I could do very advanced teaching easily. I believed that I never had a student whom I couldn't teach after I practiced Dafa. I started to eliminate the attachment to the idea that "I am a good lecturer."

The new faculty that just came this semester told me when we first met, "I have heard good things about you. You know just about everything and are proficient in many things." I was shocked and awakened, thinking, "How did things get this exaggerated?" I realized that I had fallen into the attachment of validating myself almost too deeply. The school administrators wouldn't let me teach culture and literature from Chinese history because they did not know I could clarify the truth of the persecution from other subjects such as art, music and calligraphy. I had never told them that the wisdom of mankind in inventing everything came from Dafa. It is Dafa that gives wisdom to practitioners who study these subjects. I did not put in any effort in improving my academic capability and artistry. It just happened because I was a Dafa practitioner. I later explained to my colleagues that I had no talents. The talents they thought I had came from the Fa. It was the Fa that was guiding me to think of many things based on Truth-Compassion-Forbearance.

I later found the principal and told him I wanted to start teaching literature and culture classes. He agreed and even let me teach an important subject. I ended up teaching a middle school class. These students were greatly influenced by the most rotten part of the CCP culture and the principal told me, "Why don't you start by changing their ideologies. Many of them have parents who are government officials. Now you know why I let you teach them."

Recalling this part of my practice, I felt that Teacher had arranged everything in the most ingenious and perfect way. In every tribulation that seems impossible to pass, as long as we follow Teacher's requirements, everything will be rectified by the Fa because everything in the world revolves around the Fa.

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