Mr. Liang Yuncheng Tortured to Near Blindness; Family Members Are Not Allowed to Visit

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Mr. Liang Yuncheng, 42, a resident from Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province, was arrested for practising Falun Gong. He was detained for more than three months and tortured to near blindness. Recently, the director of the Fengcheng Detention Centre called Mr. Liang's brother and told him that Mr. Liang needed a defence lawyer for his upcoming trial. When Mr. Liang's brother went to the detention centre to find out more about the case, the guards would not let him in the building.

Mr. Liang's brother then called the director of the detention centre and asked why he was not allowed to visit his brother. The director told him that a higher ranking official had ordered him to do this and that he should take the matter up with the Department of Legal Policy. The family member took his advice but the personnel there skirted the visitation rights issue by blaming the Political and Judiciary Committee.

They further explained to him that since Mr. Liang's case was a provincial-level issue, his family needed approval from a provincial official before they could visit him. Mr. Liang's brother warned them that Mr. Liang's existing eye condition needed to be treated regularly, or else he could lose his eyesight.

Mr. Liang was recently tortured because of his faith in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. After his parents went to visit him and saw how badly the guards had tortured him, they were very saddened and worried themselves sick. Not long afterwards, his father died then two months later his mother died.

Mr. Liang is a former teacher at the Fengcheng Occupation High School. He later took an entrance exam for a job at the Fengcheng City People's Court and received a very high score. In 1996, he started practising Falun Gong and began acting in strict accordance to the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

While working at the court, he never accepted any food, drink, property, or goods from any defendant or plaintiff and always tried to do good deeds for others. After Jiang Zemin's, [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] regime started persecuting Falun Gong in July 20th, 1999, Mr. Liang refused to give up his faith in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. As a result, he was transferred to the Fengcheng City Irrigation Bureau, where he soon excelled in his work. He received an award for excellence at his work place and from the Dandong Irrigation Project System.

During the three years that he spent at his job, he persisted in following his beliefs and as a result, he was tortured both physically and spiritually. In addition, he was forced to divorce his wife and leave his son. On January 3rd, 2009, when Mr. Liang was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong in Kuandian County, he was arrested by local police officers and taken to the Binxi Forced Labour Camp where he suffered brutal and inhuman torture.

When Mr. Liang was distributing Falun Gong leaflets in Hepanxincheng on March 7th, 2009, he was arrested by officers from the National Security Division of the Fengcheng City Police Department. Later that day, he was taken to the Beishan Detention Centre in Fengcheng City where he started a hunger strike to protest his imprisonment and abuse. Shortly after, the guards brutally beat him then tied him up and tortured him.

Mr. Liang was later transferred to the Fengcheng Detention Centre where he was sentenced to one year in the Benxi Forced Labour Camp and one year in the Fushun Brainwashing Centre. But due to his health condition, the forced labour camp refused to accept him and transferred him back to the Fengcheng City Detention Centre. Because he exposed the persecution wherever he went, the police did not know what to do with him.

The Fengcheng City Detention Centre:
Song Zhenhua, director: 86-4158126032 (Home), 86-13604952687 (Mobile)
Xin Hongqi, deputy director: 86-4158124429 (Home), 86-13942525596 (Mobile)

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