Kao Fuquan Tortured at the Lingnan Gold Mine Brainwashing Centre in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province

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Name: Kao Fuquan
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Address: Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province
Occupation: Unknown
Date of Most Recent Arrest: May 8th, 2010
Most Recent Place of Detention: Ji'nan Prison
City: Jinan
Province: Shandong
Persecution Suffered: Sleep deprivation, brainwashing, forced injections/drug administration, beatings, imprisonment, solitary confinement, torture, physical restraint, interrogation, detention

Mr. Kao Fuquan was arrested, then taken to the Lingnan Gold Mine Brainwashing Centre on May 8th, 2010. During his detention, Ji Xiaodong (brainwashing centre director), 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) staff members Li Jianguang and Song Shaochang, and criminals hired by the centre officials frequently tortured him in order to force him into a "confession." After six months of torture, Mr. Kao's ribs were broken, and he was injected with unknown drugs on multiple occasions. He nearly died at one point.

Mr. Kao was later sentenced and taken to Ji'nan Prison. However, prison officials refused to accept him due to his poor physical condition. The local police subsequently placed him on bail for medical treatment.

The following describes Mr. Kao's torture at the brainwashing centre.

At 8:30 a.m. on May 8th, 2010, police officers Li Jianguang, Guo (first name unknown, police badge number 047047) and Song Shaochang arrested Mr. Kao. They beat him into unconsciousness, and broke two of his ribs.

Three policemen took Mr. Kao to the Lingnan Gold Mine Brainwashing Centre, then tied him to a tiger bench1 with wire and a steel chain. Mr. Kao was in intense pain in this position due to his broken ribs. The officers beat him on his neck, hands, legs, and feet with a heavy wooden club. He passed out quickly. After he regained consciousness, he couldn't lift his head. The police called in a female doctor (last name Du) to measure Mr. Kao's blood pressure, and subsequently administer unknown drugs. He passed out again, and the officers then began taking turns beating him. The beatings continued until 11:00 p.m. The police then feared that Mr. Kao was dying, and took him to a hospital. After hearing the doctor's report indicating that Mr. Kao's brain was fine, but his neck was injured, the officers took him back to the brainwashing center, then continued the torture and administration of unknown drugs. Three days later, the police took off the chains to allow Mr. Kao to use the toilet. Two men carried him to the toilet, but he was unable to relieve himself. He was then placed on an iron chair and deprived of sleep for five consecutive days.

During those days, the police locked Mr. Kao in solitary confinement. He couldn't move and suffered from multiple injuries throughout his body. His blood pressure was dangerously elevated, and he hadn't relieved himself for 15 days. Three months later, the police dragged him to the interrogation room and tortured him for two full days. Song Shaochang whipped Mr. Kao with a bundle of wires and yelled, “How many Falun Gong materials have you printed? Where did you print them?” Mr. Kao refused to answer. The police falsified a guarantee statement to renounce practising Falun Gong and forced Mr. Kao's signature.

Mr. Kao was confined in a dark, hot, stuffy room and constantly administered unknown drugs. His health deteriorated. On August 19th, 2010, officers took him to the Linglong Hospital for a diagnosis to determine whether or not he was dying. He was diagnosed with coronary heart disease and he'd also suffered a heart attack. He didn't receive medical treatment, and police then took him back to the brainwashing centre. On September 18th, Mr. Kao was on the verge of death, so police took him to a hospital. His blood pressure was dangerously elevated and his heartbeat was 240 beats per minute, and he suffered from gallstones, a gallbladder infection, and swollen lungs. The police nonetheless prevented him from receiving medical treatment and insisted on bringing him back to the detention centre. However, the detention center refused to receive him due to the extent of his injuries and illness. The officers subsequently placed him in solitary confinement. Mr. Kao was forced to urinate and defecate in the room. The police refused to open the door to allow air circulation in the room.

On November 29th, policemen Song Shaochang and Wang Lifeng entered the solitary confinement room and yelled at Mr. Kao, “You and your family are not allowed to hire a lawyer. A lawyer will not help you. If you write a guarantee statement renouncing Falun Gong, your sentence will be reduced by several years. If you refuse, you will die here. You will be sentenced to a prison term with or without a lawyer. Save your money and don't hire a lawyer.”


1. "Tiger Bench": Prisoners are forced to sit on a small iron bench that is approximately 20 cm (6 inches) tall with their knees tied together. With their hands tied behind their backs or sometimes placed on their knees, they are forced to sit straight up and look straight ahead without movement for long periods of time.

Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2011/7/27/244535.html

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