Whereas, Falun Dafa is an advanced exercise and meditation practice of mind, body, and spirit based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance; and
Whereas, since its public instruction in 1992 by Mr. Li Hongzhi, Falun Dafa has brought health and peace of mind to over 100 million people on six continents; and
Whereas, more men and women of Canada are learning the practice and purifying their hearts, energizing their bodies, and embracing peaceful, virtuous communities; and
Whereas, the practice of Falun Dafa is simple, as it consists primarily of two components: self-improvement through study and the practice of gentle exercises; and
Whereas, Falun Dafa transcends cultural and racial boundaries and contributes to the universal dream of a peaceful, tolerant, and more compassionate society; and
Whereas, Falun Dafa practitioners' determination and courage to stand up for truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance while facing severe persecution from the Chinese Communist Party has show the world the value of life and the preciousness of human dignity.
Now Know Ye That We do by these presents and declare that May 2012 shall be known as
in our City of Kamloops, in Our Province of British Columbia, this 29th day of May, two thousand and twelve.
Peter Milobar, Mayor, City of Kamloops
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