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On August, 14, under the scorching sun, from 10 AM to 5 PM, practitioners from Tokyo and Saitama-ken continuously stood for 7 hours in front of the Chinese Embassy to appeal and Fa Zheng Nian [rought translation - send forth righteous thoughts] at the top of each hour.
History Will Hand Down a Just Verdict -- Practitioners from Ottawa Protest Conviction in front of the Chinese Embassy

August 15, 2002 was the darkest day in Hong Kong's history. Hong Kong magistrate Symon Wong enforced the will of Jiang and his political gang of scoundrel and sided with all accusations from the Hong Kong police, convicting the 16 Falun Gong practitioners of "public obstructions" and charging them different amounts of fines. The convicted practitioners include 4 Swiss nationals and a New Zealand citizen.
At noon of August 15, practitioners from Ottawa held a peaceful appeal to protest the Hong Kong court's unjust conviction of the Falun Gong practitioners.
The Hong Kong police's arrest of the Falun Gong practitioners was itself illegal. The subsequent accusations of "public obstruction" and "attacking police" were even more groundless in the presence of the truth. However, under Jiang's despotic power, the Hong Kong magistrate betrayed his basic professional ethics, the justice of Hong Kong's legal system, and the Hong Kong people's future under the public gaze. During the trial hearing, he even tried to ingratiate himself with the Hong Kong police by saying that the Hong Kong police's arrest of the practitioners was an act of "mercy." Whether it was violence or mercy, truth or fabrication, we believe that history and people will make a just verdict.
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