On Sunday 22nd of September 2002, the European Falun Dafa Experience-Sharing Conference was successsfully held for first time in Copenhagen. Practitioners from all over Europe gathered for the conference. The atmosphere was warm, serene, and compassionate. Practitioners shared their experiences of practising Falun Gong and studying the Fa, and shared their experiences and understandings of stepping forward to shoulder their responsibilities to clarify the truth and send forth righteous thoughts in this great historical period. From the first ever experience-sharing of an Icelandic practitioner, to the experiences of a Swiss pracitioner who had appealed in Tiananmen Square, and the experiences of an 89 year-old British Lord, the articles were of great variety, but all very special. Words can never describe the significance of such a conference, but it is certain that the practitioners' sincere and righteous words and experiences will echo in the future actions of all the practitioners who had the honour to listen to them.

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