WHEREAS, Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a Chinese practice of exercise and meditation; and
WHEREAS, Falun Gong is founded on Buddhist and Taoist teachings and emphasizes the principles of truth, compassion and tolerance (or mercy), it helps those who practice it in their efforts to be healthy, happy and relatively stress-free. The contemplative practice is comparable to other more well-known types of meditation and exercise; and
WHEREAS, the practice of Falun Gong has been condemned by the government of Jiang Zemin, and its followers have experienced extreme persecution, including death. Banned in 1999, Falun Gong is a practice pursued at great peril; and
WHEREAS, the regime of Jiang Zemin is presumably concerned about the large numbers of followers, reportedly more than the number of members of the Chinese Communist Party. There are approximately 70 million people in China who follow Falun Gong and millions in other countries, including a significant number in the United States; and
WHEREAS, the Chinese government's use of torture and psychiatric labeling has resulted in strong condemnation from the United Nations, American medical groups, the United States Congress and a host of organizations, including Amnesty International; and
WHEREAS, in September, 2002, Missouri's Senator Kit Bond spoke in defense of Falun Gong, and noted that the Congress previously called on the Chinese government to release prisoners of conscience and end harassment and imprisonment of its people, noting that rights of free expression, belief and association should be accepted; and
WHEREAS, whose who value freedom and democracy accept the concept of fundamental human rights, and reject oppression, persecution and torture based on personal ideology; Now, Therefore,
Be it resolved by the council of Kansas City:
That the Mayor and Council hereby recognize Falun Gong: and
Be it further resolved that this Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Council in testimony thereof and that a copy hereof be presented to the Mid-USA Falun Dafa Association at Kansas City in token of the Mayor and Council's respect and hope that persecution of followers of Falun Gong will stop.
Authenticated As Adopted This
10th Day of October, 2002.
Mayor Kay Barnes
City Clerk/Director of Records
Edward F. Ford, 1st District-at-Large
Teressa Loar, 1st District
Bonnie Sue Cooper, 2nd District-at-Large
Paul G. Danaher, 2nd District
Troy Nash, 3rd District-at-Large
Mary Williams-Neal, 3rd District
Evert Asjes III, 4th District-at-Large
Jim Rowland, 4th District
Rebecca Nace, 5th District-at-Large
Terry M. Riley, 5th District|
Alvin L. Brooks, 6th District-at-Large
Charles A. Eddy, 6th District

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