Berne, September 28, 2002
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On September 28, 2002, practitioners held a presentation in Berne,Switzerland. Below is one practitioners experiences.
The first thing that happened that morning I did not hear the alarm clock, allowing me only half an hour from the time I got up to the time I was supposed to be at the information booth. Hurriedly I carried all the materials to the car and drove off. During the drive I was hit with severe abdominal pains and contemplated to perhaps return home. However, I looked at the pain as a form of interference and with righteous thoughts the pain was gone within one minute. It felt as if I never had abdominal cramps! I arrived at the designated location at precisely 8:00 a.m. and began the work to set up the display.
Soon after I had arrived, a young man approached who stayed with us a long time. He wanted to know details about the persecution and asked very interested questions about the photo boards and the other display materials that chronicled the persecution. He then asked to be allowed to assist us and wanted to know precisely how he could help. I responded by letting him know he could do us the biggest service if he would let his friends, family and acquaintances know about this senseless, brutal persecution. I also pointed to the back of the informational flyer that includes a detachable appeal section to be sent to Senator Robert Deiss, to intervene in this massacre. We let him know that he would always be welcome to contact us, via the telephone numbers printed in the flyer. Thanking us, he departed, carrying a flyer and newspaper.
To stage activities anymore without Mr. Yang [a Swiss practitioner who can do calligraphy] present is almost unthinkable. He paints calligraphy souvenirs for passers-by, gladly painting for them anything they wish, free of charge of course. While people wait their turn for their calligraphy present, we tell them about the unjust persecution. Rarely does someone leave without first expressing sympathy. We are sure that those who received Mr. Yangs calligraphy will later on show it to their friends and also mention the persecution.
There was an added attraction in Berne on this beautiful sunny day; the oldest existing steam train locomotive in Switzerland drove by a few times, pulling several passenger cars. As she steamed past us the third time, she suddenly stopped. A small mishap? She stopped right by our display and all the passengers could not help but see our Falun Dafa booth and display. We did not let such a great opportunity pass by! I quickly grabbed a bundle of our newspapers and brought them to the people on the train. Without exception, everyone accepted a paper. I had barely finished handing out papers when the train started once again.
It really was a wonderful day, considering the good weather, which made the location of the booth even more pleasant and ideal. We were not assigned a place, as we usually were, in the shopping centre, but at the hub of the bus and tram stations. That way, many people saw us performing the exercises and readily accepted a flyer. Even the youngest practitioners, 3 and a half and 4 and a half years old, took the initiative and handed out flyers.
Translated from:
(Original text in German)
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