Practitioner Dies from Torture in Detention: Police Still Withhold News from Family

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Forty year old Mr Wang Youcheng, was a Falun Dafa practitioner from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. At midnight of April 23, 2002, he was secretly kidnapped by armed police. Dafa practitioner Guan Chunfeng was also kidnapped. Both of them were secretly held at the detention centre of the Harbin City Ship Transportation Bureau. While in detention, Wang Youcheng was tortured to death. Up to this day, the police still did not inform his family of his death. The details of his death are still unknown.

Guan Chunfeng was later transferred to the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City. He was beaten so badly that he couldn't even bend his legs. He is still being jailed there.

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