Mr. Xu represented Falun Gong practitioners and introduced to the media and the audience about the Jiang regime's escalating persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China since last November. In less than two months, 43 Falun Gong practitioners have been verified to be tortured to death. Among them, there were retired cadres, senior engineers, teachers, medical doctors, workers, countrymen and housewives. They were all good people and productive members of society. Miss Zhang from Guangzhou talked about how her elder sister was illegally arrested and sentenced to jail simply because she practises Falun Gong. Mr. Fu from Sichuan Province said that his kind-hearted wife has been imprisoned for a long period of time because she firmly believes in Falun Gong. She has endured inhuman tortures and her family members are not allowed to visit her.
Several Chinese media came to cover the event. A few dozen people queued in front of the Chinese Consulate to wait for their visas. Almost all of them attentively listened to the speeches given at the press conference.
Later, Falun Gong practitioners continued to send forth righteous thoughts [thinking pure upright thoughts to purify oneself and one's surroundings] at the top of each hour. In the evening, practitioners held a candlelight vigil to commemorate fellow practitioners who were tortured to death.
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