Voices of Support

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  • Swedish Ministry of Commerce: “We are resolutely against the arrest and torture of Falun Gong practitioners!”

    "I would like to express that on different occasions the Swedish government had censured the Chinese government on its torture of Falun Gong practitioners. Of course, we will continue to do so. We are absolutely against the violent treatment of peaceful citizens making appeals and oppose the arrest and torture of Falun Gong practitioners who are thrown into prisons or labour camps."
  • Report from the Stockholm International Conference on “Genocide in the New Era”: Preventing Campaigns of Genocide and the Persecution of Falun Gong

    "We agreed that the continuing persecution of some hundred million Chinese citizens by the government of the People's Republic of China for their moral beliefs is a most serious manifestation of genocide as defined in Article 2 of the 1948 Genocide Convention and is unacceptable in the world today, prejudices the development of cooperation and trust between nations and warrants further efforts by governments with a view to its termination."
  • Three Irish Government Councils Unanimously Pass Motion Demanding an End to the Ongoing Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in China

    “This County Council calls on the Government to use its position as Chair of the EU - China Human Rights Dialogue taking place in Dublin this month, to demand that the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China is ended and all prisoners immediately released. In particular that pressure would be put on to secure the return of Dun Laoghaire students, Liu Feng and Yang Fang, to complete their studies in Ireland and that this motion would be brought to the attention of the Minister.”
  • Sweden: First Attaché of the French Embassy Apologises to Falun Gong Practitioners

    The First Attaché expressed deep regret and said, “I cannot say why the French Government did this. Here, I express my deep regret to you. I will send your letter to the French President immediately, and I think all Falun Gong practitioners who were arrested in Paris should go to France and ask the French Government for a reason.”
  • Dublin Councillors Nominate Resolution Demanding the End of the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in China and the Release of all Illegally Held Prisoners

    'On Monday February the 9th, councillors representing Fingal County Council and Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council will vote whether to accept a motion to condemn the persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in China. The motion urges the Minister for Foreign Affairs Brian Cowen to demand that Dun Laoghaire students Liu Feng and Yang Fang are permitted to return to Ireland to continue their studies during the Human-Rights Dialogue with China held in Dublin on the 26th and 27th of February.'
  • Irish MEP Writes to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Regarding Recent Arrests in France

    "Could the Presidency call on the French authorities to clarify the arrest policy used during this official visit. Could the Presidency also urge the French authorities to respect the fundamental rights of all European citizens to the right to freedom of expression and the right to freedom of assembly and freedom from arbitrary arrest."
  • Letter from a Dutch Government Official Expressing Concern about the Human Rights Situation in China

    “The human rights violations in China are very serious. For instance, brutal torture, bad treatment in the prisons, coercing a suspect into admitting guilt, and arbitrary arrest. In addition, the Chinese government strictly restricted freedom of speech and assembly, and the rights of labourers. Meanwhile, in their handling of the dissenters, minority nationalities, religious beliefs, spiritual groups (such as Falun Gong), and criminals who commit general crimes, the Chinese government indicted them with extreme penalties. The Dutch government will pay close attention to the situation."
  • Lord Hylton Writes to the Editor of The Times: "Chinese policies 'bring suffering'"

    After reading an article about "the lavish reception and maximum security afforded to the President of China during his visit to Paris", Lord Hylton wrote to the Editor of The Times (London) on February 2nd 2004. In his letter, Lord Hylton suggested that the persecution "of Falun Gong practitioners and the continued existence of labour camps all might have recommended a more modest welcome" to the Chinese President. He went on to say that he trusts the President of France "will place a higher value on upholding freedom of belief and worship, together with other human rights, wherever these are threatened."
  • UK: European Friends of Falun Gong Speech at French Embassy in London

    "We as European Friends of Falun Gong would like to express our deep concern at the treatment of certain Falun Gong practitioners by the French police during the recent Chinese New Year celebrations in Paris...It is deeply disturbing that a group of peaceful, law-abiding citizens should be treated in this way in a country which claims to be one of the largest democracies in the western world."
  • French Minister Delegate for Local Freedoms: "Unreasonable Acts Will Not Happen Again"

    At 4pm local time in Paris yesterday, Minister Delegate for Local Freedoms Mr. Patrick Devedjian met with French Falun Dafa Association President Mr. Tang Hanlong at the French Ministry of the Interior. Mr. Devedjian expressed that the unreasonable acts conducted by the police against Falun Gong practitioners will not happen again.
  • "European Friends of Falun Gong" Letter Asks for Public Apology from French Authorities

    "We believe therefore that the French authorities should make a public apology to the Falun Gong practitioners for an episode which contravenes the basic democratic right of all citizens to demonstrate peacefully. It is totally unacceptable that the French authorities should allow the same sort of human rights abuse currently taking place in China to be transferred to the streets of one of the largest democracies in the western world."
  • MEP: “Extending the persecution to France is not acceptable."

    Member of the European Parliament Roger Helmer wrote a letter on January 23rd to the Ambassador of the French Embassy in England regarding the incident in which Falun Gong practitioners were stopped from joining the Chinese New Year celebration parade in Paris. He pointed out that the attempt to extend such a persecution to member countries of the European Union is completely unacceptable. “Although most of us will never practise Falun Gong ourselves, the very democratic principles of the French Republic are there to protect peaceful minority lifestyle choices."
  • Lawyers' Open Letter to the Government of France

    "...we would like to call on the government of France to immediately initiate an investigation of this incident, and to ensure that essential human rights to freedom of association and freedom of belief are fully respected. France has been known as a democratic country with a long-standing history of liberty and freedom. What occurred yesterday brings doubt to the free world that France intends to respect that history."
  • Letter from a Member of European Parliament to the Mayor of Paris -- "Paris Should Not Have Yielded to Beijing!"

    "I was saddened to learn that you yielded to pressure for the dictators of China and stopped the French Falun Gong practitioners from participating in the Chinese New Year parade in Paris. France should have stayed true to European democratic and egalitarian principles by standing up to the pressure from China. China suppresses its own people and now France is allowing China to suppress the citizens of France from expressing their beliefs!"
  • Amnesty International UK: China's E-repression Leads to Dramatic Rise in those Imprisoned for Expressing Opinions Online

    'Amnesty International says in a report published today (Wed 28 January 2004) that since November 2002 there has been a dramatic rise in the number of people arrested and imprisoned for expressing their opinions online or for downloading information from the internet in China...Those detained in China include students, political dissidents, Falun Gong practitioners, workers, writers, lawyers, teachers, civil servants, former police officers, engineers, and businessmen.'