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Russia: Dafa Practitioners Receive Warm Welcome in Stavropoly City's 230th Anniversary Celebrations
2007-10-12Through participating in the city' anniversary celebrations in this special way, practitioners brought Falun Dafa's magnificence to this city. They were warmly welcomed by local residents. After the event was over, Stavropoly City's Cultural and Recreational Park Administration issued a special recognition letter to the Falun Gong practitioners in appreciation of their participation.
Vice President of European Parliament Expresses his Concern for Falun Gong Practitioners’ Safety to the Speaker of the Parliament
2007-10-11After his visit to China, Mr. McMillan-Scott has been using various ways to appeal to the international community for their concerns about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, especially the on-going atrocity of the Chinese Communist regime’s organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners. In August 2006, he joined the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China (CIPFG). He believes that a campaign of genocide is occurring in China. He is deeply concerned with this and warned that these people responsible for the crime would face punishment by law.
Germany: Participants Share Their Thoughts at the Global Torch Relay for Human Rights in Munich
2007-10-06The torch relay is to protest against the Olympic Games being held in Beijing when such terrible human rights abuses are happening there and among other issues demands the release of adherents of the peaceful meditation practice Falun Gong. A United Nations report regarding torture revealed that 66% of torture victims in China are Falun Gong adherents. According to reports, these people are systematically murdered in Chinese slave labour camps for their organs, which are traded for economic profit in world markets. The torch relay is meant to put pressure on the Chinese Communist regime and bring hope to the people in China.
Vice President of the European Parliament Speaks at a Bangkok Conference
2007-09-19"I met two men at a secret site in Beijing ... [one] man I met was Cao Dong, who was imprisoned and tortured for four years because of practising Falun Gong. Mr. Cao told me that one day his friend disappeared and when he showed up again, he was a dead body with a big cut. Apparently, his organs had been taken".
Shocked at the CCP's Atrocities, a German Man Writes to the International Olympic Committee
2007-09-01On August 25th 2007, a German couple, the Nehrings, travelled from Ruhrgebiet to Munich to attend the Human Rights Torch Relay ceremony. Mr. Nehring had written to the International Olympic Committee prior to this event, expressing his indignation about the human rights violations happening in China, particularly the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Speech by David Kilgour at the Human Rights Torch Lighting Ceremony in Athens
2007-08-31"David Matas and I completed the revised edition of an independent study earlier this year, which concluded to our horror that since 1999 the government of China and its agencies in numerous regions of the country have put to death a large but unknown number of Falun Gong prisoners of conscience (The investigation report is available in seventeen languages at organharvestinvestigation.net). Their vital organs, including kidneys, livers and corneas, were seized involuntarily for sale at high prices and to foreigners, who normally face long waits for voluntary donations of such organs in their home countries. This is absolutely not what we expect from any government hosting the Olympics."
Secretary General of Interfaith International Centre: CCP Has Failed in Its Attempt to Defame Falun Gong
2007-08-28In the Athens press conference launching the "Human Rights Torch Relay", Dr. Charles Graves, Secretary General of Interfaith International Centre, delivered a speech in which he proclaimed that people in Western society have come to understand Falun Gong through observations and the Chinese regime's attempt to defame Falun Gong have failed.
Member of UK House of Lords: Boycott the Olympic Games to Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-08-26"We are deeply concerned by reports that the Chinese authorities have so far murdered at least 3,000 practitioners since the persecution began and that they have been implicated in the widespread practice of organ-harvesting from live prisoners, which has been condemned by governments and human rights organizations alike. However, we believe it is time for the world to take a much stronger position toward the Chinese government. We are now calling for a boycott of the 2008 Beijing Olympics by all right-minded nations, unless China changes its stance on Falun Gong and stops the torture and genocide immediately."
Speech in Athens at Launch of Human Rights Torch
2007-08-14"China has no special ‘right’ to practise discrimination against any of its religious minorities. Many political leaders who have visited China have asked the political leaders of the People’s Republic to respect human rights. Among these requests is that China respect the religious orientations of the Falun Gong belief."
Athenians Support Human Rights Torch Relay
2007-08-11After reading a flier, a young girl said in shock, "Harvesting organs from living people! It is horrible! My hair is standing on end! I have to go to the Human Rights Torch ceremony!" An elderly gentleman took out a magnifying glass from his pocket and read the flier for a long time. He told the one who gave him the flier, "I have heard about the CCP's poor human rights record, but I had never thought it was so cruel. What you are doing is great! We Athenians support you!"
Speech Given by Vice Chairman of Friends of Falun Gong at a Press Conference in London
2007-07-23The following statement is from activities in London to commemorate eight years of persecution against Falun Gong. The statement is from John Dee, Vice Chairman of Friends of Falun Gong, and was read at a press conference opposite the Chinese Embassy on Saturday July 21st.Friends of Falun Gong is a non-governmental organisation of people who do not practise Falun Gong but are actively seeking to end the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party
Statement Sent by Councillor Brian Coleman to a Press Conference Outside the Chinese Embassy in London
2007-07-22"I send you my heartfelt support in your demonstration to commemorate the 8th Anniversary of the beginning of the persecution of Falun Gong and I call upon the Government of the People's Republic of China to cease all violations of human rights. I call upon the Government to release all prisoners of conscience immediately and unconditionally and to abide by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I also urge the Government to end the persecution of the Falun Gong spiritual movement and the resulting numerous human rights violations, to abolish "Re-education Through Labour" and to ensure that all offences punishable with deprivation of liberty are brought within the scope of the Criminal Law."
Speech Given at a Press Conference in London by Vice-Chair of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2007-07-07No world event symbolises peace and harmony amongst the people of the world more than the Olympic Games. Besides the significance of Greece being the site of the first Olympics, both ancient and modern, it also hosted the last games in 2004, when all nations of the world were united in the spirit of fair play. If China is allowed to host the next Olympics without first ending its morally corrupt human rights abuses, especially the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, it will be a sad indictment on the moral standards of the world as a whole".
Statement at Press Conference in London by Chair of Coalition to Investigate Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2007-07-06"The torch will start on the 9th August in Athens and will then be carried through more than ten countries in Europe and then onto other countries around the world, in order to show the Chinese authorities the volume of support for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong, and to demonstrate the strength of feeling amongst right-minded people that the 2008 Olympics cannot co-exist with a climate of intimidation and physical and mental abuse of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese government".
The German President Talks about Human Rights with his Counterpart Hu Jingtao in Beijing
2007-06-04On May 24th, 2007, during the second day of the German President Horst Koehler’s first visit to China, he had a closed door talk with the Chinese President Hu Jintao for over one hour in which he mentioned China’s unsatisfactory human rights situation to his counterpart. According to a member of the entourage, when meeting with Hu Jintao, Koehler stressed that every political regime needs its people’s trust, and that the respect for human rights can strengthen its people’s trust in the government. He also recounted that during Hu’s visit to Berlin in November 2005 they had already touched upon this topic and made it public at the press conference in Berlin.