Voices of Support, Awards and Recognition
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THE TIMES: Q&A: the visit of China's vice-president
2001-11-02Tony Blair will mention the occupation of Tibet and action against dissidents in China, particularly on members of the Falun Gong [group], which has been banned.
Support Letters from U.K. Bishops
2001-10-28Two letters of support for Falun Gong and an end to the persecution from Bishops in the United Kingdom.
Letter of Support from Director of Asian and Oceanian Department, Netherland
2001-10-27 -
Latvian Government Rejects Slander against Falun Gong and Declares that Falun Gong should be Congratulated, Honoured and Respected
2001-10-26 -
A German Mayor and his City Council Intervene for Justice
2001-10-25 -
Amnesty International [AI] Invites Falun Gong to take Part in Stamp out Torture Theatre Event
2001-10-23 -
MAIN POST Newspaper: China is World Champion in the Practice of Torture
2001-10-23Around 70-100 million Chinese citizens practise Falun Gong in the PRC. The ruling Chinese party saw a threat in those numbers and outlawed the movement in July 1999.
Media report on Chinas New Excuse to Persecute Falun Gong in the Wake of September 11th
2001-10-23..this past week, the Chinese Foreign Ministry claimed that a letter containing "suspicious substances" wrapped in Falun Gong "propaganda" was mailed to the Chinese office of an American company. Even if the substance doesn't turn out to be dangerous, the incident looks like a clumsy effort by somebody to defame the outlawed spiritual group.
Statements of Support for Falun Gong from two members of the European Parliament
2001-10-21Two MEP's, Chris Heaton-Harris and Mr. Roger Helmer, show their support for Falun Gong and the ending of the persecution in China.
Expulsion of an Italian Entrepreneur from the People's Republic of China: Question to the European Commission
2001-10-21On Monday 8 October 2001, Alfredo Fava Minor, General Manager of Shanghai Famas & Hocks Technical Textiles Co. Ltd., a manufacturing company based in Jinshan (60 km from Shanghai), which employs around 35 people, was stopped at Pudong Airport by the Chinese authorities and immediately re-embarked and expelled without explanation. Was it because he was a practitioner of Falun Gong?
International Education Developments Statement Calls Upon the International Community to Urgently Address the Situation of State Terrorism in China
2001-10-21 -
London [UK] Councillor Pledges Full and Firm Support to the Falun Gong and its Followers
2001-10-19I and my colleagues on the Assembly are proud to have played some small part in publicising the unacceptable treatment of Falun Gong practitioners who routinely suffer torture and intimidation in China
Speech from Friends of Falun Gong (Europe) at London Press Conference on 14 October
2001-10-18Following the terrible acts of terrorism which took place in America on September 11th, it is our view that the actions of the Chinese government towards Falun Gong practitioners over the last 2 years are also considered to be state terrorism.
Lord Moynes Public Statement at the Falun Gong Press Conference in London,UK
2001-10-16What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lost his own soul?
Swiss Priest : I support all of you, what do you need me to do to help you?