Worldwide News
Taiwan: Continuous Signature Collection in a Dozen Places in Tainan City to Oppose Hong Kong's Article 23 Legislation
1899-12-30On July 5-6, more Taiwanese concerned about Hong Kong's human rights and freedom joined in the signature collection drive against Article 23 legislation in ten places in Tainan City and County. Signature collectors called upon people concerned about Hong Kong's future to sign their names to oppose Hong Kong's Article 23 legislation.
United States: Clarifying the Facts to U.S. Congressmen at a Town Hall Meeting in Illinois
-Both Congressmen expressed their indignation over the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong and its trampling on human rights and freedom of belief. They also expressed that they have the responsibility to safeguard human rights and freedom of belief. They said that they would provide further help in rescuing Charles Li.
Japan: Minghui School Teachers and Students Once Again Participate in Cultural Festival Held in the Northern District of Saitama
-Japan Minghui School teachers and students participated in the Cultural Festival held in the northern district of Saitama for the second time. They brought traditional Chinese culture and Falun Dafa's beauty to the Japanese people.
Korea: Seoul National University President: says "This Show Has Profound and Lasting Impact and Significance"
-Dr. Ahn Cheon, President of the Seoul National University of Education, and author of the book of The Force of Taiwan, watched the Divine Performing Arts Chinese Spectacular at Kyung Hee University on February 23rd, 2008. Dr. Ahn indicated that he felt the great influence and power of the show.
Central News Agency (Taiwan): Falun Gong Practitioners Sue Chinese Officials, French Court Asks for Assistance from Chinese Judiciary
-On December 17, the Central News Agency reported significant progress in the lawsuit against former Chinese Vice Premier, Li Lanqing. The plaintiffs' lawyer, Mr. William Bourdon, stated that a French court had asked the Chinese judiciary to assist in the investigation. Under a mutual assistance agreement between the Chinese and French judiciaries, the Chinese government cannot, in theory, ignore the request. This is the first case in which a European court has asked the Chinese judiciary for assistance.
Chinese Masterpieces Exhibited in Japan
-An exhibition of contemporary art by world-renowned Chinese artists was opened to the public in the Tower Hall of Edogawa-ku in Tokyo, Japan on December 18th, 2004. The artworks were from the private collection of Australian Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Dai Meiling. People from all walks of life enjoyed the beauty of traditional Chinese fine arts, while at the same time they learned more about the persecution of Falun Gong.
United States: Two Large Box Trucks Parade In Chicago Chinatown to Protest Visiting Chinese Leader
-The first stop in the USA for China's visiting leader is Chicago. On October 20, 2002 two box trucks appeared at two most crowded places of Chicago Chinatown. Banners on the trucks read "Jiang Zemin: Scum of the Nation, Condemned through Ages." The other illustrated some details of the secret border agreement with Russia signed by the visiting leader. The truck parade caused a sensation in Chinatown. Many passersby stopped to watch.