World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News
Australia: 500km Bicycle Journey Receives Support from the Media and Politicians
2002-12-29Mr. King expressed the view that the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese government is wrong, and the Australian government is seeking effective ways to rescue Li's fiancée. As for the Christmas present, their office would contact relevant departments in Shanghai where the labour camp is located and make an enquiry on his behalf, to show their concern over the case.
Australia: Melbourne Community Holds Rally Against Hong Kong's Article 23 Legislation
2002-12-28"It has been merely five years, and the Chinese Communist Party already wants ..the once free and democratic port city to degenerate into one that is spiritless and governed by a dictatorship."
U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Expresses Concerns on Article 23 in Television Interview
2002-12-28Dec. 23 was the last day before the deadline of the consultation period of the proposed legislation of Article 23 in Hong Kong. A New Tang Dynasty TV reporter interviewed Deputy Assistant Secretary of State from the U.S. State Department, Mr. J. Scott Carpenter. Mr. Carpenter is from the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor...
Australia: Rally and Parade Against Hong Kong Article 23 in Central Sydney
2002-12-27At noon December 19, 2002, Chinese-Australians from all walks of life rallied at Circular Quay to show their concern and strong opposition to Hong Kong's Article 23 legislation, which will destroy human rights, democracy and freedom in Hong Kong.
USA: Congressman Christopher Smith Writes to China's Ambassador to the US to Express His Strong Opposition to the Current Proposed Draft of Article 23
2002-12-27"Not only are many of the proposals in Article 23 bad policy and misguided law on their own merits, but their practical effect will be to reduce the economic incentives for businesses, entrepreneurs, and scholars to congregate in Hong Kong. The "chilling effect" that will occur as Hong Kong essentially imports the same heavy-handed human rights policies practiced in the Chinese mainland will be significant and measurable."
Australian Practitioner: Chinese Authorities Kill My Mother Ma Guilin and Deny My Last Chance to See Her
2002-12-27After going through over eight months of mental and physical torture Ma Guilin became terminally ill and was sent to hospital. Her Daughter from Australia requested a visa from the chinese consulate to go see her, but due to the fact that she was a Falun Gong practitioner her visa was delayed until her mother was dead.
Letter from US Congressman John Peterson Congratulating the Philadelphia Conference
2002-12-27As you embark on these activities, I wish you and your fellow supporters well and commend you for you dedication to a practise which, as you state in your letter, aims to "bring peace to the hearts of everyone."
An Open Letter from Falun Dafa Associations of Asia to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Regarding Article 23
2002-12-26"We expect the government of Hong Kong to listen to the voices of Hong Kong's people, who oppose the implementation of Article 23, and we expect that they will listen to the human rights organisations' appeals from all over the world."
China: Spring Is Always in Changchun--Congratulating the Second Changchun Falun Dafa Day
2002-12-25We still remember one year ago, when some practitioners proposed to set up "Changchun Falun Dafa Day," we all felt very inspired and excited...Ever since then practitioners in various places in China also had Falun Dafa Days, one after another.
Tokyo: Parade Against Proposed Hong Kong Article 23 Legislation
2002-12-25It was cold and windy in Tokyo on December 22, 2002. About two hundred people gathered in a park not far from the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo to protest the proposed Hong Kong Article 23 Legislation. The people included Japanese clerks of companies, students from China and Taiwan, Falun Gong practitioners and other Chinese in Japan.
United States: Falun Dafa Photo Exhibition to Be Held for Two Months at the Downtown Library in Atlanta
2002-12-25The photo exhibition is entitled "The Peaceful Journey of Falun Dafa" opening on the evening of December 5, 2002 in the downtown library of Atlanta. "This photo exhibition is to tell people the most basic fact -- that Falun Dafa is good! The persecution in China is vicious. And it is not far away from us, especially because it has involved our neighbours and friends."
United States: Letters of Support From Two Congressmen
2002-12-25 -
Australia: Public Rally Against Hong Kong's Article 23 Held in Sydney
2002-12-24On Thursday 19th December 2002, more than seventy people staged a peaceful rally at Circular Quay in Sydney to raise public awareness of Hong Kong's proposed enactment of the Basic Law's Article 23. Participants included human rights groups, scholars, and those with ties to Hong Kong.
Please Rescue My Brother and Sister-in-Law from Inhuman Incarceration (Photo)
2002-12-24"During detention, my sister in-law was hung up and handcuffed inside an iron cage during the very cold winter. She was even forced to stand on the ice and snow whilst shackled for half a month."
A Call for the Rescue of My College Classmate, Mr. Cong Zhongxiao
2002-12-24Mr. Cong Zhongxiao is 39 years old and received his master's degree from the Dalian Science and Technology University. Before 1999, he had worked for the Dalian City Beida Vehicle. He took up Falun Gong in 1997 and became a very good citizen and hard worker. After the persecution began, due to his steadfast belief in Falun Dafa he has suffered much at the hands of Jiang Zemin's regime. This is his story and a call to help rescue Cong Zhongxiao from brutal treatment and torture.