Open Discussion
Teacher Gave Me A New Life
2008-05-30A Falun Gong practitioner worked in the same company as me. He told me that I should follow "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance" to become a good person. He said if I devotedly recited "Falun Dafa is good", and '"Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance" is good', all my illnesses would disappear
Overcoming Illness Through Practising Falun Dafa
2008-05-24Even with the three pins in my bones, I did the practice everyday. I meditated twice a day and increased the time by one to two-minute increments. I practised the standing exercise three times a day, for about 30 minutes in the beginning. I maintained this regiment for three months. My condition changed rapidly, so I thought it was time to get the pins out.
One-Year-Old Songsong Recovered from Cerebral Haemorrhaging After Listening to the Falun Dafa Lectures
2008-05-22Songsong was born in Chengfeng Village, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. After 35 days he was found to be haemorrhaging, which is very unusual. After hearing about Songsong's condition, his aunt, who practises Falun Dafa, went to visit him and brought tape recordings of Teacher Li's lectures for him to listen to. When the lecture tapes were played on the third day, a miracle occurred!
The Illegal Arrest of Ms. Han Fengxia Exemplifies the Evil Nature of the CCP
2008-05-21Why is this evil behaviour so rampant? Because the CCP and its gangsters control the nation and the military. They motivate everyone to do their dirty work. They are able to have anyone who resists disappear. They either threaten them that they will disappear or make them disappear. They also control the media so that there is only one voice that Chinese citizens can hear--the voice of the CCP. People are deceived, fooled, and poisoned and became numb.
Benefits to Health Experienced Due to Practising Falun Gong
2008-05-18After watching Mr Li Hongzhi's video lecture Fa-Teaching Given to the Australian Practitioners, I realized that I still have many attachments--the need to complain, my fear of criticism, and selfishness. I saw I was far from Dafa's requirements. From now on, I will study the Fa [principles of Falun Dafa] more, seek within, and raise my xinxing (character). I will diligently work hard to do the three things well with my fellow disciples. I would like to tell you about some of my amazing experiences.
A Former Criminal Reforms under the Influence and Guidance of Falun Gong
2008-05-15Xiao Guang said, "Today, only Falun Gong people are truly good people." His fellow taxi drivers also agree. They all said that, now, only Falun Gong practitioners do not bargain for a lower price when they take a taxi, and they also clarify the truth to the drivers. All they talk about are good principles. Only the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) teaches people to be bad.
Does Love for the Country Equate to Love for the Communist Party?
2008-05-14Samuel Johnson said, "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." After the bankruptcy of the international communist bloc, the CCP buried itself even more deeply under the banner of patriotism. When any Western country criticizes the CCP, it is called "anti-China." When the Chinese public resists the CCP, it calls them "anti-government." When overseas Chinese people criticize the CCP, it calls them unpatriotic.
Against Humanity: Seeking Quick Success from Qualified People
2008-05-12Those represent the phenomenon of just loving the blooming seasons. That attitude, which is so eager to expect people to achieve quick success, is driving human beings to "social Darwinism." The cons will not show at present as human resources are plentiful, however, after ten or twenty years, when we are entering into a mature society, how will it be?
An Epileptic Child's Health Is Restored After Practicing Falun Dafa
2008-05-09Although it was close to Chinese New Year, we kept going the the lectures every day. The assistant extended the lecture series two extra days just for us. We learned all five exercises. I said to my son, "We are practitioners now. Let's not take that useless medicine anymore. Let's get rid of it." My son happily threw them all in the trash. He was so relieved.
China's Vice-Minister of Health Assists CCP Regime Cover Up Organ Harvesting Atrocities
2008-05-07Huang Jiefu, Vice-Minister of Health, has frequently appeared on Chinese television recently to promote the ethics of new regulations to control organ transplantation in China. In fact, each organ Huang Jiefu transplanted in his role as an organ transplant surgeon came from a CCP-controlled organ depository. The source of the organs is a deeply held secret. Huang Jiefu has been lying for years to cover up organ harvesting atrocities. Death row prisoners and Falun Gong practitioners held in concentration camps are routinely secreted away for organ harvesting.
Catastrophe and Renaissance of Chinese traditional Culture (Part 5)
2008-05-06Despite the CCP's effort to alienate and destroy traditional culture, it is still deeply rooted in Chinese people's minds. It clings tenaciously even though much has been eliminated by the Communist regime. People still choose auspicious dates based on age-old practices for marriages and burials. People still have the fengshui checked when building houses. In the 1970s and 1980s, the popularity of Qigong played a significant role in reviving Chinese traditional culture.
Falun Dafa Brings me Good Health for a Second Time
2008-05-06Before I started to cultivate I suffered from many different diseases, such as serious rheumatoid arthritis which made my legs rigid and very painful. I was also suffering from a pain and pressure in my chest and thyroid gland hyperplasia, all of which miraculously disappeared once I started the practice. Seeing all the great changes in both my mind and body I was determined to carry on practising.
A Norwegian Boy Changes After He Practises Falun Dafa
2008-05-05During the past month and a half, Ola has made great changes in his ways of thinking and behaviour. His parents and friends have all noticed. People around him have noticed that he is becoming compassionate and peaceful. His mother also noticed because Ola even began to help her with the housework. Now Ola treats everything that happens in his life as a test on his cultivation path. When a conflict occurs, Ola does not get annoyed anymore, but instead treats it as a good opportunity for cultivation.
Farmer's Late-Stage Gastric Cancer, Hepatitis B Disappear after Practising Falun Gong
2008-05-04I am a woman farmer living in the countryside and I am currently 50 years old. In early 2005, I was diagnosed with hepatitis B. Later, I was diagnosed with late-stage gastric cancer. The doctor recommended immediate surgery, which would cost about 20,000 yuan. I was told that, without the medical treatment, I could only live up to six more months. With the medical treatment, I could live three to five more years. However, even with the treatment, the cancer could still migrate to other places.
Chinese Communist Party Produces Propaganda DVD as Part of its "Preparations" for the Olympics
2008-05-03This film is categorised as "secret" and is produced by the CCP 29th Olympics Security Information Centre, the propaganda department of the State Security Ministry, and the Tianjin City State Security Bureau. Currently, the Party is organising people from each region to see the film, to poison their minds and fabricate excuses to continue to tread on human rights. The evil party is fanning nationalism, trying to make more excuses to persecute Falun Gong.