Open Discussion
All of the Penalties Imposed on Falun Gong Practitioners Are Illegal According to Chinese Law
2004-05-12I am a legal worker and I have a good friend who is a Falun Gong practitioner. He is a very nice, kind-hearted man. He has an interest in law, so we often talk about legal topics and issues. After Jiang Zemin started the persecution of Falun Gong, we discussed our understandings of the issue. We contemplated the issue from a legal point of view again and again. We also consulted a good number of books. I was amazed to discover that there are severe fundamental flaws in the way the Chinese government handles the Falun Gong issue.
Officials of Daqing City in the Datong Area Attempt to Fabricate a "Falun Gong Suicide"
2004-05-12The officials immediately wanted to cut open the dead man's stomach. They asked Kong's family to say that Kong Zhaoyuan went insane because of practising Falun Gong. They even guaranteed to pay his funeral expenses if they would say this. Kong Zhaoyuan's family refused, saying that the old gentleman could not go to the funeral with a "self-inflicted" wound to his stomach, and there were no Falun Gong practitioners in the village. They know nothing about Falun Gong.
Thoughts on the Anniversary of "4-25": From Scientific Studies to Falun Gong Cultivation (Part 2)
2004-05-11I had not begun to practise Falun Gong, yet I knew instinctively that it was a high-level qigong [ A form of traditional Chinese exercise which cultivates qi or “vital energy.”] practice. Later, I understood that my holding back really was due to my deep-rooted atheist's point of view. It was such an interesting difference when I look back on it now.
Lessons Learnt From Having "Complacency in My Cultivation"
2004-05-10I ran into more and more conflicts. I even felt that it was strange. Why were there so many difficulties? I regarded them as interference that should be rejected, rather than looking within to see if I, myself, was the problem. Later on I just followed my feelings when running into problems. One most obvious example is that for a long time I did not know what I was reading when studying the Fa. I did not even feel that there was something wrong with such strong interference. I still believed that my cultivation state was quite good.
Look at Problems from the Standpoint of a Cultivator
2004-05-10After helping her many times in the middle of all the other things I had to handle, I became impatient. I thought that her computer was only worth one or two hundred yuan, and I had to put in so much time on it. If I were paid by the hour, I would have earned enough to buy her a new computer. 'But when I offered to buy her a new one, she refused. The more impatient I became the slower the computer ran. First, the browser locked up. Next, the network card stopped working. The more anxious I got, the messier the situation became.
The Persecution of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" Violates the Human Rights of 1.3 Billion Chinese People
2004-05-09Since I came to the United States, I was able to see or hear a lot of information that I could not see while in China. This, plus my experiences in the "Tiananmen Square Student Democracy Movement" in 1989 and other experiences in life made me very aware that if one wants to know the facts of something in China, one cannot listen only to the official statements. One needs to do a totally independent study and conduct an objective analysis while considering all aspects of the matter. So I tried to learn more through the Internet and newspapers about the proceedings of April 25 as well as the incident in Tianjin City where police arrested Falun Gong practitioners.
My Experience of Being Intimidated Into Serving as a Special Agent for the "610 Office"
2004-05-09The "610 Office" personnel also asked me in a leading way if that fellow practitioner pushed me to go to Beijing to appeal, trying to get me to agree to their agenda. I said no and told them that it was me, alone, who decided to go. However, they changed their manner of questioning and asked me if my appeal was done under his influence. I clearly knew that the purpose of such an interrogation was to shift all responsibility on to that fellow practitioner. Even so, I shamefully went along with it.
Journalists of the World: Please See Through the Lies About the Largest Persecution in the World
2004-05-08Previously, I had the good fortune to work as a newspaper reporter, and to this day I still treasure the experience. While reporting, I learned first-hand about the many challenges facing journalists: In this computer age, reporters are bombarded with information at an ever-increasing rate. Because of the Internet, traditional media outlets also face far more competition than just a generation ago. Moreover, costs for producing news media continue to rise, particularly for newspapers. These and other factors all constrain the amount of time journalists have to investigate the stories they are reporting on.
A Russian Neurologist Talks About Falun Gong
2004-05-06As a medical doctor and researcher, I must take full responsibility for what I say. Regarding Falun Gong, I cannot help saying some good words about this excellent practice, which I have been practicing myself for six years. During the period of my practice, as a medical expert I have collected a vast amount of data showing Falun Gong’s beneficial effects to ones health. Many of these cases are my friends who also practice Falun Gong. There are also patients who just started practicing.
Solemn Declarations from Non-Practitioners
2004-05-06With the large scale use of mass media apparatus Jiang's regime have attempted to deceive the people of China into thinking that Falun Gong in something harmful. Since the persecution of Falun Gong started, Falun Gong practitioners themselves have been telling people the true facts about Falun Gong. Once people come to know the real facts behind the persecution and come to see that the persecution is wrong they feel guilty about how they thought or acted under the intense pressure of Jiang's regime and wish to openly declare that their actions and thoughts are void.
On the Fifth Anniversary of the "April 25 Appeal" -- Remembering April 25, 1999 (Part 2)
2004-05-05Five years ago, on April 25, a momentous event took place in Beijing, China. More than 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners in China went to the Appeals Office of the State Council on Fuyou Street in Beijing to make an appeal in accordance with Chinese law. The peaceful appeal received international attention because of the peacefulness, rationality, good faith, forbearance, self-discipline and high level of social awareness demonstrated by Falun Gong practitioners.
About My Korean Colleagues
2004-05-05He asked why I didn’t go back to visit my parents, and I explained that I couldn’t. “Why?” he asked. Before I even started to answer, the Korean colleagues nearby all started answering the question for me. “She practices Falun Gong, and the Chinese government is persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.” “The Chinese Consulate has bugged her home phone line.” “Her name is even on the blacklist.” The lunch break that day became a discussion about how the Chinese government has been trampling on the human rights of local Canadian residents on Canadian soil. The Canadian student kept saying, “Really? Really?”
Chen Gang - Eyewitness of the "4.25" Incident: A Great Page Has Been Recorded By History
2004-05-04"Chen Gang agreed to meet his mother at the Central Appeals Bureau near Zhongnanhai at 9am. Unexpectedly, many Falun Gong practitioners had already gathered there. Everyone stood quietly outside Zhongnanhai in an orderly manner. Everyone had only one wish, to call for the release of practitioners detained in Tianjin. That evening, everyone left quietly because they learnt that the Tianjin practitioners would be released. Premier Zhu had reached an amicable agreement with the representatives."
Jiang Zemin Is the Main Culprit Behind the Persecution of Falun Gong -- Part 1
2004-04-29When Jiang Zemin became the General Secretary of the Party, faith and morality were disappearing from society. The dramatic political changes sweeping Eastern Europe greatly shocked the leadership of the Chinese regime. After the Party's 15th General Assembly in 1997, Jiang Zemin became the "core leader" of the Party, giving him ultimate power. It was widely discussed that his motives were selfish and for his enjoyment of his position. To ensure this intent, Jiang cracked down on any groups that were not under his direct control.
On the Fifth Anniversary of the "April 25 Appeal" - Remembering April 25, 1999
2004-04-27Five years ago on April 25, 1999, approximately 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners went to appeal to the State Council's Appeals Office on Fuyou Street in Beijing. The world stood still as the Falun Gong practitioners appealed in a peaceful, rational, trusting, tolerant and highly self-disciplined manner. Nevertheless, on July 20 of the same year, Jiang Zemin's cohorts began a rigorous persecution of Falun Gong, using the government machinery to slander and attack Falun Gong.