Open Discussion
People in China Awaken to the Truth
2007-03-02She said to them, "If it were not for Falun Dafa, I probably would have been bedridden for the rest of my life. Before, I never believed anyone who said that Falun Dafa is good, because China Central Television said that Falun Gong is not good, and my kids said the same thing after watching the television, so I believed what they said was true. This time I experienced it and confirmed it myself. Falun Dafa is truly good.
Investigation Leads: Deceased Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Peng Min Had Large Hole in His Lower Back, and Other Leads
2007-02-28After the Chinese Communist Party's atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners was exposed, the Falun Dafa Association and the Minghui/Clearwisdom website launched the "Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong" on April 4th, 2006, collecting evidence on a large scale. Below is some recently received evidence from 2001. We hope that people who know the truth will continue to help us to expose the persecution of Falun Gong.
Now I Understand the Truth About Falun Gong
2007-02-27I gradually started to develop an interest in Falun Gong. I wondered why people could not stop reading this book. What exactly is it? Why is it that some people hate it? With curiosity and some fear, I opened the book Zhuan Falun. After reading a few pages, my fears disappeared.
The CCP Has Special Agents Secretly Read and Destroy Mail from Around the World
2007-02-27They use a special device to read the contents of the letters without opening them. Even if a letter is folded, the computer is able to display the letter as though it was never folded. Should the agents find the content of a letter conflicting with the interest of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), they pass the case to the Public Security Bureau. The Public Security Bureau, which oversees all the law enforcement agencies in China including the police stations, will have the recipient of the letter followed. The agents destroy banned books, such as the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, when they find them in the mail.
The Epoch Times: Amnesty International and Student Groups Host Organ Harvesting Forum at Colorado Universities
2007-02-25The forum, entitled "China's New Genocide: "Organ Harvesting from Prisoners of Conscience," was held at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs on Wednesday, January 31st, and the University of Denver and the University of Colorado at Boulder on Thursday, February 1st. Over 300 people total attended the three forums hosted by Amnesty International and seven other student groups.
Those Whose Hands are Soaked in Blood Do Not Deserve Immunity from Prosecution
2007-02-24On Wednesday, February 7th, a hearing will be held in the U.S. Courthouse to decide whether certain people on "Special Missions" are exempted from prosecution under the eminent domain of diplomatic immunity for crimes they committed while acting in official capacity.
Two Short Stories: An Out of Control Car Stops at the Edge of a Cliff, and, the Awakening of a Policeman
2007-02-24In a county in Hebei Province, a practitioner saw a policeman he knew. He asked the officer: "What have you been doing recently?" The policeman said: "We've been very busy recently. Every day, we go to the countryside for integrated management." The practitioner asked: "What things are you managing?" The policeman said: "Everything. There is nothing we don't handle. But there is one thing we don't do: we don't control Falun Gong. All Falun Gong practitioners are kind people. Even if we see them, we don't bother them!"
Columbia Spectator (Columbia University, New York): Reclaiming Chinese Culture
2007-02-22One need look no further than the bizarre efforts of Chinese officialdom over the past couple of weeks for confirmation of this. Around the world, embassy officials and consuls of the Chinese state have been putting the Chinese people's hard-earned tax dollars to work trying, oddly enough, to bring down a Chinese cultural show--New Tang Dynasty Television's Chinese New Year Spectacular.
Views About the Chinese New Year Global Spectacular
2007-02-21In the U.S., where the freedom of belief is respected, her suggestion of course didn't receive much support, and she later apologised privately. However, her comments raised an important issue: What is authentic Chinese culture? Is Falun Gong part of authentic Chinese culture? Is the NTDTV Spectacular presenting authentic Chinese culture?
The Return of Divine Culture--and Beyond
2007-02-20The current NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular is not only pleasing audiences with its performances, but it is also enabling people to experience pure compassion and pure beauty, providing both spiritual pleasure and moral edification. Even more importantly, this show has revived "worshipping the heavens, spreading virtue" and "nurturing society's moral standards, educating people" -- the essential functions of the performing arts according to the divine culture. In this way, the Spectacular is presenting true, orthodox Chinese culture.
Investigation Leads: Shenyang Military General Hospital Has a Large Supply of Organs
2007-02-18the Falun Dafa Association and the Minghui/Clearwisdom website founded the "Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China" (CIPFG, also called "Coalition to Investigate the Persecution") one month later. The CIPFG is collecting information from people who have come forward and is calling on people who know the truth to further expose crimes concerning illegal organ harvesting in China. Below is information that has come to light recently.
Falun Gong and the NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular
2007-02-17When thousands of Western audience members left the theatre after watching the Chinese New Year Spectacular, they had gained a new understanding of ancient Chinese culture. It is marvellous that people can enjoy traditional Chinese culture. This was truly something to be proud of, as the performance we presented to the world showed the essence of our traditional Chinese culture.
A Chat with a Chinese Military Police Officer
2007-02-17One day, I ran into a military police officer in China who had just recently retired. When I clarified the truth about Falun Dafa to him, he replied: "Falun Gong is good! When I was in the army, my division was in charge of supervising jailed detainees, and in the jail there were Falun Gong practitioners. They were very good people, and we treated each other like friends. They even taught us the exercises. Isn't there an exercise called 'Arhat Carrying a Mountain on His Back?' I truly admire their perseverance!"
Our Exercise Site: Exercise Sites in Tainan City
2007-02-16Early on, there were only two practitioners. One of them was a student in Cheng Kung University and the other was a lady. They found that there were many tourists in the garden in the afternoon. To give chances to more people to learn about Falun Dafa, in March 2001 they decided to set up another exercise site in the afternoon.
A Warming Experience I Had Whilst Been Illegally Detained in China
2007-02-15And then he said, "See, among the Falun Gong practitioners in our forced labour camp, there are PhD graduates, instructors at universities, doctors, engineers, statisticians, college students, and farmers. I hear there is a practitioner who used to be a policeman that is now detained in the Women's Ward. From the population structure, I see that practitioners have come from all walks of life. I have also observed that each of you is very kind. No one is picky when they are assigned labour work. No one is found to be lazy and none of you tries to seize a chance to work less."