Open Discussion
To the Leaders of Singapore: It is Wise to Embrace Righteousness and Abandon Evil
2005-05-21Even as people throughout the world criticise and condemn the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for persecuting Falun Gong, a Singapore court, under the influence of the CCP, handed down guilty verdicts for two Falun Gong practitioners, sentencing them to heavy fines and imprisonment on April 27th, 2005. Obeying the directions of the CCP has brought serious harm to the government and people of Singapore.
Falun Dafa Benefits Kind-hearted People
2005-05-21Recently, scientists have discovered that the cosmos is experiencing unprecedented dramatic changes while other galaxies are separating from the Milky Way at an accelerating speed. From ancient Chinese culture, it is said that the phenomena in the cosmos are connected to human world, that dramatic changes in the cosmos link to huge events in the human world.
Declarations of Quitting the Communist Party Hit Dalian City's Streets, China
2005-05-20One declaration was taped to a bus stop booth near Sanba Square (see picture below). Another was posted on a bulletin board on Lijia Street. Pedestrians stopped to read them carefully. This kind of declaration has never been seen before in China and has caught the attention of people, who are interested in the contents. After reading the declarations, their expressions become serious. It is clear that the declarations are thought provoking.
The Epoch Times: Falun Gong, Practised in 78 Countries
2005-05-20May 13th, 2005 was the 13th anniversary of Falun Gong's introduction to the world. It was also the 54th birthday of Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong. Falun Gong practitioners and people from all walks of life around the world together celebrated the 13th World Falun Dafa Day with various activities.
My Thoughts on the Hong Kong Supreme Court Protecting Constitutional Rights
2005-05-19On May 5th, 2005, Hong Kong's Supreme Court overturned convictions against Falun Gong practitioners given by a lower court. They had been charged with blocking public access and obstructing the police. Two practitioners were falsely accused of "assaulting police officers." In a summary of the case, the court said that the freedom to peacefully demonstrate is a constitutional right in Hong Kong. The court ruling also recognised that since the demonstration was legal and thus the arrest was illegal.
Commentary: Singapore's Judges Trample the Dignity of Law
2005-05-19Has a pedestrian committed the crime of disturbing the peace when he yells loudly for help while being assaulted by bad persons? Has a person committed the crime of breaking and entering when he rushes into someone's house to put out a fire? Every law has many clauses and details. However, these clauses and details, no matter how numerous, cannot cover all of the varied circumstances in actual society. Therefore, police officers need to know how to enforce the law using appropriate measures, and the judges need to make proper explanations and judgements during court cases.
"The Chinese Communist Party is Corrupt, Withdraw as You Wish" - Comments a Political Science Teacher
2005-05-19Two days later she came back to see me and said, "Sister-in-law, I have decided to withdraw from CCYL. I have discussed it with the teacher in charge of our class. I asked the teacher if the CCP is good, and she replied that it is already corrupt. I then asked her if Falun Gong is good. The teacher said that Falun Gong is very good, but its practise is difficult because one has to restrain one's heart and be a good person.
A Dog Saves Its Owner
2005-05-18Just after he said that, unexpectedly the dog stood up and barked twice at this practitioner. The man explained to him that the dog didn't want him to leave. After a while, the other practitioner stood up and said goodbye, but the dog ran to him and barked once, as if asking him to stay. The two practitioners had to sit down again. They urged their friend to reconsider resigning from the Communist Party. But he was still reluctant to do so.
2005 Annual Report of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom States Chinese Government Continues to Be Responsible for Pervasive and Severe Violations of Religious Freedom and Related Human Rights (Excerpt)
2005-05-17In China, the government continues to be responsible for pervasive and severe violations of religious freedom and related human rights. Every religious community in China is subject to restrictions, discrimination, and state control. The most serious religious freedom abuses are experienced by Roman Catholics, house church and unregistered Protestants, and spiritual groups such as the Falun Gong, abuses involving imprisonment, torture, and other forms of ill treatment.
Declaration by a Former Detention Centre Guard Who Has Awakened to the Truth
2005-05-17Since I exposed the details of the persecution that some of the Falun Gong students sent to our detention centre experienced, the officers involved were scared. Later, the authorities investigated this incident and held me responsible. I was not able to withstand the pressure and wrote a so-called "self-examination" statement, which contained words disrespectful of Falun Dafa. Now I solemnly declare null and void the entire content of that statement.
The Difficulty of Belief, the Power of Belief -- Interview with Ms. Wang Lianrong, Who Has Lost Three Children in the Persecution
2005-05-1664-year Ms. Wang Lianrong lost her three children, who were all in their thirties, within three years. The following article depicts the persecution that she and her family have had to endure under the reign of the Chinese Communist Party since the persecution against Falun Gong began on July 20th 1999.
Falun Gong Practitioners Talk Candidly of Their Heartfelt Wishes
2005-05-16"The important distinction comes from the fact that these Falun Gong practitioners went there to appeal for freedom of belief. They bravely stepped forward to clarify the truth. This was something that had never happened in all of China's history. They did not shout slogans, but just stood or sat there peacefully. I asked myself, 'What kind of inner strength helped these people to step forward?' This fact alone drove me to get to know more about Falun Dafa.
A Government Employee in China: "Now I can clearly see the destructive nature of the Chinese Communist Party"
2005-05-15"What's more, have you ever heard about this? During the June 4th incident, they used tanks to crush the students. It was really horrifying. The Chinese Communist Party has always persecuted its own people. All these years, they have done nothing but harm people and make their lives miserable. Yet the media still cover up for them, glorify them, and claim that everything is great and glorious. They always lie. The way I see it, they won't be able to keep it up for much longer."
New York Times Exposes How China's Forced Labour Camps Are Used by the Communist Regime To Persecute Innocent People
2005-05-14Since the Chinese communist regime is in power, China's labour re-education system has become a tool for the party to persecute innocent people in each political movement. A New York Times reporter interviewed some Falun Gong practitioners who were imprisoned in China's labour re-education camps. The following is an excerpt of his report entitled, "Issue in China: Many in Jails Without Trial" published on May 9th, 2005.-Ed.]
Past Incidences of the Singapore Government's Discrimination and Suppression of Falun Gong
2005-05-14They were allowed to hang banners that read, "The great cultivation law of Falun Dafa, free instruction" and hand out introductory materials free of charge. All of these activities, including practise by groups of several hundred people, did not need the authorities' approval or permission. This open environment continued until July of 1999 when the Chinese Communist regime (CCP) officially started persecuting Falun Gong.