French National Assembly Member Puts Forward a Motion Regulating Organ Transplantation
2010-10-31Ms. Valerie Boyer held a press conference to introduce the motion she is proposing to the assembly. The motion will require French residents that go to other countries to get organ transplants to provide proof of the source of those organs. The motion mentioned specifically the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) crime of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
Slovakia: Falun Gong Practitioner Describes Torture He Endured in China to Slovak Members of Parliament
2010-08-01On July 19, Mr. Liu Hongchang visited Slovakia. Mr. Liu spent 5 years in a Chinese prison because he practised Falun Gong. He was received by two members of the Slovak parliament, Mr. Dostal and Mr. Sebej, who heard his story. The MPs expressed their sympathy for the people in China who are persecuted for their beliefs.
Former Romanian President Emil Constantinescu Writes to Romanian Falun Dafa Association in Recognition of the Principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance
2010-05-16"The principles promoted by Falun Dafa - Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance - can help us all, whatever our beliefs may be, in our attempt to improve our life and the perspective of life. These principles help us cherish the most important thing for us, as human beings: the concern for the less fortunate ones, the sacrifice, loyalty and dedication."
Swedish MPs Support the Hong Kong People's Wish to See Shen Yun
2010-02-14Two Swedish MPs, Ms. Cecilia Wigström and Mr. Andreas Norlén, who have seen Shen Yun performances in Sweden, were interviewed recently. Both were disappointed to learn that the Shen Yun shows were forced to cancel because the Hong Kong government, manipulated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), refused to grant visas to six technical experts on the Shen Yun Performing Arts staff.
Lord Avebury: The Chinese Communist Regime is the Primary Reason behind the Hong Kong Incident
2010-01-30After hearing the news that Hong Kong complied with the CCP to interfere with Shen Yun's shows in the city, many United Kingdom political leaders who care about Hong Kong expressed disappointment. Lord Avebury, Member of Parliament, believes that the Chinese Communist regime is the primary reason behind the Hong Kong authority's denial of visas.
Finnish Politician: I Will Tell More People About the Persecution of Falun Gong
2009-10-17Well-known author Jari Tervo and the Mayor of Hameenlinna Tapani Hellsten were very curious about the CDs and fliers available from practitioners. They expressed the will to help more people learn about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. In 2008, the Finnish government rescued 12 practitioners persecuted in China and facilitated their immigration to Finland.
UK VIPs Condemn the CCP’s Persecution
2009-10-10In their speeches and interviews, they called upon the UK government to act immediately, uphold religious liberty, and help stop the CCP’s brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, especially the appalling atrocities of organ harvesting, as soon as possible. Their speeches represented the voice of justice from the British public.
French Political Leaders Support Falun Gong Practitioners' Ten Years of Protesting the CCP Persecutio
2009-08-15This is the tenth year that Falun Gong practitioners have peacefully resisted the CCP's persecution. Political leaders and human rights organisations in France signed an urgent petition drafted by the Falun Dafa Association calling on the Chinese government to take immediate action to stop the unreasonable and bloody persecution.
Italian MP Issues Press Release Condemning the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong
2009-08-13The Honourable Domenico Scilipoti said that it's really disgraceful that the CCP abuses basic human rights. "Its discrimination and persecution of Falun Gong practitioners who believe Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is unacceptable. Men and women, young and old, every day, Falun Gong practitioners are beaten and subjected to all kinds of gross mistreatment and abuse in prison.
Vice President of European Parliament: "It is Time to Put the Chinese Communist Regime on Trial for Genocide"
2009-05-09The Vice-President of the European Parliament, Mr Edward McMillan-Scott, organised a press conference at London's Foreign Press Association recently. He invited experts on China, scholars and Falun Gong practitioners who suffered persecution, to expose the genocidal crimes of the Chinese Communist regime's organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.
European Parliament Vice-President Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott Expresses Concern about the Human Rights of Falun Gong Practitioners
2009-05-06On April 15, 2009, European Parliament Vice-President Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott hosted an international hearing on religious belief in China and the ten-year persecution of Falun Gong. Mr. McMillan-Scott said, "I strongly believe everyone should have right and freedom to their religious beliefs. This is indeed what is stipulated in China's Constitution. Unfortunately, in the whole of China, freedom and independent religions are persecuted."
Greater London Assembly Member Calls on CCP to "to end its persecution of groups such as the Falun Gong spiritual movement" on Human Rights Day
2008-12-10"I call upon the Government to release all prisoners of conscience immediately and unconditionally and to abide by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which expresses the belief that people should have the right to life, liberty, the security of their person, as well as freedom from torture and arbitrary arrest."
Czech Minister of Interior Affairs Condemns the Persecution of Falun Gong
2008-05-05”Let me join everyone who shows solidarity with the persecuted members of the Falun Gong spiritual movement. I decide to do so after being introduced to the elementary principles of its teachings based on following Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance in everyday life ... I strongly condemn the violence committed by the Chinese government on Falun Gong practitioners."
Czech Republic: Czech Cabinet Members Raise their Voices in Support of Falun Gong
2008-03-23Czech Minister of Finance Miroslav Kalousek joined the petition calling for an immediate end of persecution of Falun Gong. In a letter send to Czech Association of Falun Gong, minister Kalousek stated: “It is my honour to undersign this petition of yours. Allow me to express my gratitude for your effort to protect human rights in China.” At the same time, the Czech Association of Falun Gong received a letter from the Czech Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Ondřej Liška
Former Estonian Prime Minister Calls for an End to the CCP Atrocities
2007-11-06Mr. Laar said that the 27 million Chinese people who have withdrawn from the CCP have made a courageous and correct choice. He said: “a classic communist tactic is both persecuting yourself and your family members. In fact, they [the CCP] fear the public. Once the fear among the public vanishes, the CCP reign of terror will collapse.”