Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Elderly Mr. Yin Yucai Suffers Mental Collapse as a Result of Persecution in Yuzhang Prison, Jiangxi Province
2011-07-18Mr. Yin Yucai, 79, was released from eight years of imprisonment in the Yuzhang Prison on July 4th. While incarcerated he suffered a mental collapse, and has become a different person from how he was prior to being imprisoned. Even on hot days he now wears a thick cap and face mask, and still trembles. He is afraid of meeting people, and is afraid to go home. He keeps saying, “He wants to kill me and my family, I can't return home.” It has been learned that Mr. Yin should have been released in late December 2010, but prison guards intensified their attempts to “reform” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] him.
Zhao Guirong and Gou Zhengxia from Xianyang, Shaanxi Again Detained
2011-07-18While practitioners Zhao Guirong and Gou Zhengxia were distributing informational materials about Falun Gong in Xianyang City on July 4th, they were reported to police and then taken away by police to the police station. At night, police officers broke into Ms. Zhao's home and confiscated Falun Gong DVDs, Falun Gong informational materials, and Falun Gong books. Previously, in September 2005, while Ms. Zhao and Ms. Gou Zhengxia were again publicly distributing Falun Gong informational materials they were reported to the authorities. They were sent to Shaanxi Women's Forced Labour Camp for three years.
Ms. Zhang Xiangfen, a Falun Gong Practitioner from Anshan City, Liaoning Province Sentenced
2011-07-18On June 19th, the Tiedong District Court of Anshan City, Liaoning Province, sentenced Ms. Zhang Xiangfen to a three-year prison term without the presence of any factual evidence. On February 14th, 2011, Ms. Zhang Xiangfen spoke to a a relative at a nursing home about the beauty and goodness of Falun Gong. As a result, she was arrested by police and detained the Anshan No. 1 Detention Centre. During her trial her defence lawyer stated he had comprehensively analysed the laws in China and found no grounds in the law to criminally prosecute Ms. Zhang Xiangfen for her belief in Falun Gong.
Mr. Dai Xianxi Detained Since May, Younger Brother in Japan Calls for Help
2011-07-17Mr. Dai Xianxi from Dongguan City, Guangdong Province was arrested on May 26th, as he distributed information about Falun Gong. Officer Huang Guihong and others from the Dongshan Police Station in Qishi Town made the arrest. More than 40 days have passed since his arrest and Mr. Dai's family hasn't been able to get any information about him. His young brother who works in Japan is calling for help to rescue him.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Shi Meiying from Zhejiang Province Dies as a Result of the Persecution
2011-07-17Ms. Shi Meiying was frequently harassed, detained and suffered various forms of torture. She was also sentenced to seven years of imprisonment. In the beginning of 2011, the Yongkang City 610 Office staff threatened that they would take Ms. Shi and her husband to Jinhua City and force them to practise a different kind of qigong. At that time, Ms. Shi's whole body was swollen because her health was deteriorating from the effects of being persecuted for over ten years. She passed away on June 17th, at the age of 48.
Ms. Cui Yutao from Datong City, Shanxi Province Suffers Mental Collapse in Police Custody
2011-07-17Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Cui Yutao was arrested at home on June 20th. Ms. Cui was later taken to the Datong City No.1 Detention Centre. On July 1st, police station officials contacted Ms. Cui's family and told them to go to the detention centre and take her home. When they saw Ms. Cui, she appeared to be on the verge of death and exhibited severe symptoms of a mental breakdown. She has not recovered since returning home. Ms. Cui has been arrested many times in the past and was subjected to beatings and force-feedings. Her symptoms are so severe after the recent arrest, her family is worried she may not survive.
From a Bully and a Thief to a Kind Person, But Still Persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party
2011-07-17Police broke into Mr. Zhou Zhaoxiang's home on May 26th. They tried to take Mr. Zhou to the Hegang District Brainwashing Centre, but he refused to go with them. Police surrounded Mr. Zhou's house, forcing him to climb onto the rooftop and escape. Mr. Zhou has been unable to return home or go to work. Before practising Falun Gong Mr. Zhou led a life of drinking, fighting, stealing and cursing. Since practising Falun Gong, he used the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance as the standard of his conduct. Thus, he became more tolerant and kinder toward others. Afterwards, Mr. Zhou was chosen as an outstanding employee at work. He attributed all of it to the power of Falun Gong.
Update: Mr. Wu Yang Sentenced To Seven Years in Prison
2011-07-16Mr. Wu Yang is a Falun Gong practitioner from Chifeng, Inner Mongolia. He was arrested while he was distributing Falun Gong DVDs in Beijing on April 22nd, 2009. Beijing police arrested his wife, Ms. Sun Ming, the same day and tortured her to death, then claimed that she died from jumping off a building. A court held trials of Mr. Wu on February 14th, 2010 and April 9th, 2010, and sentenced him to seven years in prison. The authorities withheld Mr. Wu's whereabouts from his family until May 2011. Mr. Wu is imprisoned at the Inner Mongolia 2nd Men's Prison.
Mr. Liu Yong from Nanchang Sentenced to Seven Years in Ganjiang Prison
2011-07-16On June 9th, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Yong was arrested at home, then imprisoned at the Beidou Building in Xinjian County. Approximately eight officials took turns interrogating him, depriving him of sleep for five days and nights. They tortured him brutally, including striking his face with shoes, severe beatings to his nose and legs, and rubbing mint oil into his eyes. His vision was completely impaired and has only now recovered. On April 25th, 2011, the Qingshanhu District Court tried Mr. Liu and sentenced him to seven years of imprisonment.
The Ongoing Persecution of Older Practitioner Ms. Tang Mingbi from Chongqing City
2011-07-16Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting practitioners on July 20th, 1999, Ms. Tang Mingbi, 64, has been arrested many times by police. She has been sentenced to a forced labour camp twice, held in a detention centre six times and sent to brainwashing centres five times. In 2001, police arrested Ms. Tang and asked her if she was still practising Falun Gong. She said, “Of course. Falun Gong is such a good practice.” Lan Qifeng then slapped her in the face hard several times. He shouted, “I'll beat you to death and throw your body into the river. The central government gave us secret instructions a long time ago: Any practitioner who is persecuted to death will be regarded as having committed suicide.”
Wife Arrested after Husband Detained Twice in a Forced Labour Camp
2011-07-16Mr. Shen Lianghua and Ms. Zhao Yueyun, a married couple, have been persecuted by the Chinese Communist regime since the beginning of the persecution of Falun Gong. Mr. Shen was sent to a labour camp twice and Ms. Zhao was forced to become homeless. When Ms. Zhao returned home in the summer of 2011 to harvest crops, officials from the Guan County Police Department arrested her. Previously, Mr. Shen was taken to Wangcun Forced Labour Camp in February 2002. Because he refused to give up his belief, guards tortured him in many ways, including depriving him of sleep. Guards then put him in solitary confinement, removed his shoes, poured water on the floor, and shocked him with electric batons for a week.
Mr. Wang Yuncai, an Elementary School Teacher from Tianjin, Dies as a Result of Persecution
2011-07-15When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution in July 1999, Mr. Wang Yuncai, 46, was detained several times and beaten by police. Mr. Wang was again arrested by police in 2002. He was stripped of his clothing and hung up, while police brutally beat him. He was then sentenced to three years in Banqiao Forced Labour Camp. Mr. Wang's wife later divorced him, as she could not stand the constant harassment and pressure from the authorities. In 2005, he was sentenced for the ninth time. Mr. Wang's health deteriorated due to the many years of persecution and he passed away on June 16th, 2011.
Over 40 Practitioners Arrested by Dalian City Police Recently
2011-07-15Falun Gong practitioner Lao Gu was watched and followed for a long time by agents from the Guangming Police Station in Dalian City, Liaoning Province. Agents also monitored practitioners who interacted with Lao Gu. Together with officials from the Dalian City Domestic Security Division and Ganjingzi District Police Station, they went to the home of a practitioner surnamed Shen and arrested 30 practitioners on the afternoon of June 25th. Then on the morning of June 29th, they arrested more than a dozen practitioners in Jinzhou District.
Trial in the Hongshan District Court, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
2011-07-15On the morning of May 31st, the area surrounding the Hongshan District Court in Wuhan City was densely populated with plainclothes and uniformed police officers. Passersby were interrogated. It turned out that four Falun Gong practitioners were being tried in court that day. The four practitioners on trial were Mr. Peng Liang, Mr. Zhang Jingzhou, Mr. Liu Shehong, and Mr. Ouyang Haiwen. On May 27th, Peng Liang's sister engaged a lawyer to defend Peng Liang in court, but she was suddenly seized and taken away by police.
Ms. Wang Suxia from Xiong County, Hebei Province Forced to Leave Home to Avoid Further Persecution
2011-07-15The Department of Education officials in Xiong County, Hebei Province ordered that all teachers and students sign a statement to not practise Falun Gong. Furthermore, they demanded that students and teachers sign their names on a scroll which had words written on it that denounced Falun Gong. Some schools even forced small children to sign their names. If the children did not sign, they were not allowed to go home. Because she had been persecuted so many times, Ms. Wang Suxia knew very well how evil the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is. To avoid further persecution, she had to leave her home. The next day officials came to her home and threatened her family, demanding that she write the guarantee statement to not practise Falun Gong. Now she cannot return home.