Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Police Torture a Retired Teacher, Causing His Stomach to Burst, Requiring Extensive Emergency Surgery
2008-02-18Mr. Lei Zhengxia, is a 62-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner. On January 14th, 2008, he was arrested from his home by police officers. Police interrogated Lei Zhengxia by use of torture every day. Policeman Li Hong personally attacked Lei Zhengxia's stomach, chest and other vital spots of his body until all the internal organs were severely damaged. Lei's stomach had burst from the torture. Police sent him to the hospital on January 27th where emergency surgery was performed. We heard that the medical and operation fees reached nearly 40,000 yuan up to February 2nd. The police didn't want to pay for the medical expenses since that might mean legal responsibility for the interrogation by torture and intentional injury. Lei Zhengxia's younger sister and other family members worry about being able to afford the huge amounts of medical expenses.
Practitioners Brutally Tortured and Brainwashed in Heilongjiang Women's Prison
2008-02-18Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xu Jiayu was sent to the newly built 13th prison ward in the Heilongjiang Women's Prison on December 27th, 2006. The 13th prison ward was built specifically to hold Falun Gong practitioners. Guard Xu Zhen and a prisoner began brainwashing Ms. Xu Jiayu on December 28th. Ms. Xu talked to them about the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong and they became angry. The guards set up a TV and VCR. They put in a tape slandering Falun Gong. From 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., the guards took turns asking non-stop questions. This created a tremendous mental pressure that lead some to succumb to the authorities demands to renounce their practice of Falun Gong.
Persecution at the Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp in Jiutai City, Jilin Province
2008-02-17I want to tell of some of the abuses I have experienced and witnessed at Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp. I am doing so to refute the Communist Party's false claim of "now being the best period of human rights in Chinese history." The Camp's goal of "reforming" or brainwashing us amounts to transforming human beings into subservient robots. In order to achieve this goal, the officials resorted to savage beatings, electric shocks, tying us onto the Death Bed, long-term handcuffing, sleep deprivation, and toilet bans, among other methods. The inmates were authorised to do anything they pleased with me. They beat me, pinched my nose until tears ran down my face on numerous occasions. They slapped my face with shoe soles and burned my heels with cigarette lighters, saying it would cause agonising pain when I walked without leaving a scar, thus no evidence of torture.
Details of the Persecution Ms. Ren Shuzhen Suffered in Yongdeng Country, Lanzhou City
2008-02-17After she started cultivating Falun Gong, Ren Shuzhen's illnesses disappeared. Following the onset of the persecution, she went to Beijing to appeal. She travelled twice by train and walked all the way the third time. Authorities arrested and detained her on all three occasions. The officials sentenced her to one year in a forced labour camp in 2001. While in the camp, the guards verbally and physically abused practitioners, regardless of their age. They used violence to compel good people to "reform." Ren Shuzhen refused to write statements defaming Falun Gong, resulting in her being subjected to a severe beating at the hands of the persecutors. Following this abuse, she was unable to turn over for more than 20 days. Another beating followed, at the hands of guard chief Hu, who beat for persisting in her belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." This beating affected her hearing, and she also became incontinent.
Mr. Wang Hongshu Taken Into Custody And Beaten Savagely by Officers of Diaobingshan City
2008-02-17Mr. Wang Hongshu is a 50-year-old practitioner. At about 5 a.m. on January 17th, 2008, when he was on his way to his sister's home he was intercepted by a car without any licence plate. There were two people in the car. They did not show any ID and were not in police uniform. After they discovered that Mr. Wang was a Falun Gong practitioner, they dragged him against his will and tried to force him into the car. Mr. Wang tried to inform them about the true nature of Falun Gong. They said, "Do not talk with us about this. We must seize you." Mr. Wang refused to cooperate with them, so they beat him savagely. As a result, one of Mr. Wang's front teeth was knocked out, and another became loose, his face became blue and purple and his left eye filled with an abnormally large amount of blood.
Bloody Violence Witnessed at Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province
2008-02-17I am a Falun Gong practitioner and I have been detained at the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp. On February 2nd, 2004, I heard the sound of someone being slapped. I saw a group of guards and inmates rush to where the slapping was taking place and more sounds of someone's face being slapped followed. Ten minutes later, inmates were seen dragging three men covered in blood. I saw inmate, Qi Lianfeng brutally punching the severely injured man he was dragging. Qi was punching the man's weak spots such as the chest and the ribs. The scene was pitiful. Inmates dragged the three severely injured men into the "small cell", and tied them to "iron chairs". This was followed by brutal beatings, being shocked with electric batons and unbearable verbal abuse.
Practitioners Force-Fed Drugs, Exposed to Swarms of Mosquitoes at No. 2 Women's Prison in Yunnan Province
2008-02-16A Falun Dafa practitioner who was recently released from the No. 2 Women's Prison in Yunnan Province revealed that the prison guards forced every imprisoned Falun Dafa practitioner to give up her belief by being "transformed". All of the practitioners were forced to have their blood pressure taken. Subsequently, they were told that they had high blood pressure and needed to take drugs and receive injections. Nerve-damaging drugs were administered for long periods of time. The No. 2 Women's Prison is located near a forested mountainous region that is host to swarms of mosquitoes. Most inmates are allowed to use mosquito nets while they sleep. However, Falun Gong practitioners are not allowed to use the mosquito nets. An elderly practitioner was so badly bitten she had bite wounds all over her face.
Practitioners Tortured, Placed in Solitary Confinement at Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai
2008-02-16When Mr. Xiong was in the First Ward in Tilanqiao Prison he was beaten by 8 to 10 inmates every day, and was forced to sit on a "tiger stool" [Narrow stool made with copper wires] daily for 15 hours. It is a mini-transformer wrapped with copper wires with a diameter of 20 cm and an uneven surface. After sitting for several minutes, one's buttocks. During his imprisonment, he went on a hunger strike and was force-fed a liquid containing chilli powder and menthol. Some of this hot liquid got into his eyes.
Mr. Zhou Jingchen Unjustly Detained, Imprisoned, and Sentenced Ten Times in Ningxiang County, Hunan Province
2008-02-16Mr. Zhou Jingchen has been detained seven times, and was twice sent to forced labour camps, becuase he continued to practise Falun Gong. Mr. Zhou was tortured by police officers, including beating him for five days in a row, cuffing his hands behind his back, hanging him upside down, and dousing him with freezing cold water and then directing fans toward him. He was so brutally beaten that his skin turned black and purple and his body was swollen. He was forced into a straight jacket, and locked up in a small cell. His hands were tied with ropes so tightly that they went numb. In another term of detention, he was handcuffed to a bed for ten days, bound with straps to a bed for three months, and force fed for 500 days.
Nearly Blind from Weeping and Losing Her Teeth from Worry, Ms. Guo Calls for Help
2008-02-16"Please rescue my daughter!" echos Ms. Guo's desperate plea. This heartbroken mother is in her 50s, yet one eye is blind from crying and her teeth are falling out from worry. Aunt Guo is the mother of Ms. Li Hongshu, who was sentenced twice to a total of 17 and a half years in prison because of her desire to continue to practise Falun Gong. On November 20th, 2007, when Ms. Guo went to visit her daughter, the prison guard told her, "Ms. Li Hongshu is under strict control and is not allowed to meet with family because she has read and distributed Falun Gong articles." After going home, she felt like a dagger had been twisted in her heart. She did not know whether her daughter was dead or alive.
Ms. Pan Jingxian Disabled by Torture at Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Jilin Province
2008-02-15"On November 24th, 2006 the police sent me to the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province for one year. I was surrounded by collaborators [former practitioners who assist in brainwashing and torturing practitioners.] I was forbidden to have any contact with other people. They slandered Dafa and forced me to read books of different religions. They attempted to coerce me to write a so-called "repentance statement", and to have me give up my beliefs. Because I did not cooperate, I was beaten several times. Once, a guard accused me of doing the sitting meditation on the bed. She slapped my face and used an electric baton to shock me. Even though my health was poor, the guards still compelled me to work at the labour camp. I felt pain in my feet, and my torso and legs were numb."
The Persecution of Practitioners at the Chuanwei Factory in Chongqing City
2008-02-15Since the beginning of the persecution, Changwei Police Department chief Wang Daocheng and Chuanwei Factory manager Liu Jiarong closely followed the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) policies and established a 610 Office within the Chuanwei Factory. They arranged countless brainwashing sessions and forced practitioners to attend. Banners and slogans defaming Falun Gong were posted everywhere in the factory. The factory authorities held a "Ten Thousand Signature" event, forcing everyone to sign their names against Falun Gong. They held a photo gallery show to slander Falun Gong, showed videos against Falun Gong, and forced people to read the books written by the CCP regime to slander Falun Gong. They coerced each practitioner's family to write a guarantee statement that they would cooperate with the authorities to force their family members to give up practising Falun Gong.
My Experiences at Gaomi Detention Centre and Wangcun Forced Labour Camp
2008-02-15"I was unjustly detained at Gaomi Detention Centre for 28 days. Four police officers, one of whom was called Yu Jihai, then took me to Wangcun Forced Labour Camp. I refused to cooperate during the physical exam, and refused to give a urine sample. I took off my handcuffs to throw them in the toilet. Yu Jihai caught me and took the cuffs. He ordered others to get a tube and take a urine sample by force. I firmly opposed them and their attempt failed. At the time, my face was so swollen from bruises that I could not even see. The forced labour camp authorities did not want to accept me. Yu Jihai and the other police officers had to bribe them to take me."
Ms. Wang Ping, Mr. Luo Guozhu, Mr. Rao Xuming and Mr. Chu Guanyuan of Yingcheng, Hubei Province Still in Custody
2008-02-15Ms. Wang Ping, in her 40s, is a customer service representative for the railway scale at the Shuanghuan Company. Persecutors nabbed her at work the morning of June 13th, 2001. Chen Jing, Qiu Xianbo and another person from the Xinji Police Station tried to force her to make a confession that night. They beat her the whole night with wire clothes hangers and electric batons. Her head was swollen from the beatings; one of her arms sustained a four-inch-long cut that bled; other injuries on her body also bled. The next day the police took Ms. Wang Ping to the Yinching City First Detention Centre.
Mr. Liu Qingyu in His 70s Suffers Mental Breakdown from Torture at the No. 2 Labour Camp in Shandong Province
2008-02-14On the morning of November 27th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Qingyu was arrested by police from Liujiayao town, and his home was ransacked. When the police ransacked his home, the man in his 70s and his one-year-old grandchild were take out of the home and they were terrified by the police's violence. Liu Qingyu was taken to Anqiu Detention Centre. According to independent verification, on January 3rd, 2008, Liu Qingyu was taken to the No. 2 Labour Camp in Shandong Province. Liu Qingyu suffered a mental collapse after the mistreatment and torture he suffered. One of the tortures included solitary confinement in a "small cell."