Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Exposing the Brutalities at Huanxiling Forced Labour Camp in Jilin City, Jilin Province
2007-06-01Shocking with electric batons, beating with spiked clubs, and kicking and punching is the torture method police used the most. One day at the beginning of March 2001, Li Yingpeng was suddenly called to the office and was shocked with electric batons for half an hour for no reason. During the massive torturing on March 11th, 2001, 37 practitioners of the 50 practitioners on the fourth floor in the Education Team were tortured by more than a dozen police with electric batons and spiked clubs. Bai Jingzhi had fractured ribs. Jiang Mifeng and Song Wenming had their backs injured from the torture.
Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province Responsible for the Arrests of Visitors to Practitioner Ms. Liu Dan
2007-06-01On May 16th, 2007, four relatives attempted to visit detained prisoner Ms. Liu Dan in Baimalong Forced Labour Camp. A guard working at the camp refused to let them visit that day, because they had seen Ms. Liu the previous week. The relatives argued but were referred to the head of the camp. The official refused visits and accused Liu Dan's relatives of finding people to destroy and expose Majialong Forced Labour Camp. The Shifeng District Police Station was called to take Liu's four relatives and friend away because they had no identification. Mao Xiangtao was detained for five days. Tang Fengying and Liu's friend were each jailed for ten days.
Ms. Zhang Dexia from Liaoning Province and Mr. Zhao Xinwei from Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Missing
2007-06-01Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Dexia, in her forties, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa in 2001. There has not been any further information from her since. Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhao Xinwei was an employee of the Equipment Installation Company (in the jurisdiction of the Urumqi City Petroleum Chemistry Corp), but his whereabouts have been unknown since the persecution started in 1999.
Art Studio Students Miss Their Teacher Mr. Zhang Yinfu
2007-05-31Tragically, art teacher Mr. Zhang Yinfu was arrested by the public security bureau on April 21st. That night, teacher Zhang finished teaching and chatted with one of his student's parent at 11:00 p.m. when he left his studio. The next morning, the students came to school but their teacher was not there. Teacher Zhang's office had been ransacked and left a mess. Several investigators came to question other teachers (hired by teacher Zhang). At this moment everyone asked, "Where is teacher Zhang?" Finally the news came out that public security was investigating teacher Zhang as a Falun Gong practitioner. No wonder teacher Zhang is so kind, for he practises Falun Gong. Falun Gong is the practice of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. The department persecuting teacher Zhang is the Bao Ming Detention Centre Xinan Neighbourhood Security.
Chao Zhiming Disabled and His Wife Persecuted to Death
2007-05-31Practitioner Chao Zhiming and his wife, Zhu Xiuying, were persecuted cruelly over the past few years for practising Falun Gong. Now Chao Zhiming is disabled, and his wife has died due to the persecution. The Chaos' personal belongings taken away by the police and the medical costs for their physical ailments caused by the persecution added up to about 120,000 yuan for the past several years. At present, Chao Zhiming is paralysed and can hardly take care of himself, and has lost some of his ability to speak.
The Chinese Communist Party Is Hiding Its Second Verdict Against Cao Dong from the Public
2007-05-31In May 2006, Dafa practitioner Cao Dong met with the European Parliament's Vice President, Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott. As a result, he was arrested. Mr. Cao was charged with "colluding with overseas anti-CCP forces" and "accepting an illegal interview." On February 8th, 2007, he was sentenced to five years of imprisonment. After the sentence, Mr. Cao's defence lawyer made a statement that "the trial decision does not conform to the facts" according to new evidence he collected. In order to cover up their crime of depriving Chinese citizens of their basic human rights, the judicial system operated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ignored the voice of justice and malevolently insisted on convening a second trial in private.
Mr. Wang Jitao from Chengde City, Hebei Province Dies within Three Months from Brutal Torture in Three Detention Centres
2007-05-31Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Jitao was 54 years old. Because he practised Falun Gong, officers from the Chengde City 610 Office, the National Security Division, the Political and Legal Committee, and the local police department cruelly tortured him. After he arrived in the Chengde City Detention Centre, the guards were extremely cruel. They beat Wang Jitao so badly that he vomited blood. His head became swollen, four of his teeth fell out, and his ribs were broken. He died on April 30th, 2007.
Crimes Committed by Li Laotie, Former Head of the Chinese Communist Party in Laishui County, Hebei Province
2007-05-31Li Laotie was the head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Laishui County in 2000. During Li's tenure, five practitioners in Laishui County were persecuted to death. Seven practitioners were issued severe sentences of fifteen, thirteen, eleven, ten, nine, or five years of imprisonment and they are still in prison. More than ten practitioners were detained in forced labour camps. Almost forty practitioners were imprisoned for as long as one year. Numerous practitioners lost their jobs, their salaries were discontinued, they were fined, their homes were searched and their property was confiscated, they were brutally beaten, their families were broken up, and they had to leave their homes.
Police in Changchun, Jilin Province Rampantly Arrest Practitioners and Search Their Homes
2007-05-30Since March 2007, many practitioners in Changchun have been arrested, persecuted, and had their homes searched by the police and Public Security Bureau agents in their local districts. It seems that every two or three days several practitioners are arrested. Dozens of practitioners have recently been taken into custody. The police go to a practitioner's home and then deceive him or her into opening the door for them. If that ploy is not successful, they use a locksmith to break into the home, the police search it, and confiscate any Falun Dafa materials and related items and arrest the practitioner.
The Suffering of a Mother
2007-05-30I have searched hard for the proper words but I don't seem to be able to find any that accurately describe the feelings of a mother for her children. Her son Zheng Zhicheng was sentenced to three years in 1999 because he practises Falun Dafa. At the end of 2002, he was sentenced to three more years. Her son-in-law Wei Danquan was forced to retire from the army after the persecution began. His home was frequently ransacked, and he was monitored and detained many times. In 2003, he was sent to a forced labour camp. Seeing their son and son-in-law mistreated so terribly, her husband could not bear the trauma and passed away. Can you imagine what she must be feeling?
Police Use Drug Addicts to Torture Practitioners in Changsha City's Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province
2007-05-30On July 23rd, 2007, practitioner Li Wei was forced to stand on bricks that had been heated in a furnace in the scorching hot summer. He was also constantly bombarded with propaganda and otherwise mentally tortured, causing him to suffer a mental collapse and jump out of a building. Liu Heqing was savagely beaten for a long time. He was frequently woken up, pulled from his cell and beaten. On one occasion over ten officers on duty pulled him out to the hall and beat him for several hours. The beating caused him to suffer a mental collapse. The police gave bonus rewards to those who had beaten him.
Cases of Falun Dafa Practitioners Being Persecuted in Tieli City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-05-30The 610 Office arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Hongtu and sent him to a detention centre, where he suffered brutal torture. On June 1st, 2006, he was transferred to Hulan Prison in Heilongjiang Province, where he continuously suffered persecution. Practitioners were forced to stand for long periods of time as physical punishment. Perpetrators used plastic tubes to whip the head, back and legs of the practitioners. They also threatened, "You'll be beaten every day if you don't yield." Practitioner Sun Yuemin was forced to wear a torture instrument called "big branch stick" that weights 44 lbs, is 50 centimetres long and 2 inches wide, and has steel rings on both sides. Police beat him shouting at him: "We'll beat you to death if you don't talk..."
Calling for Help -- Rescue My Sister, Falun Gong Practitioner Zhou Meihua
2007-05-29My sister Zhou Meihua lives in Dalian, Liaoning Province in mainland China. In March 2007, she was arrested because she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. She was imprisoned in a forced labour camp and has been tortured, including being beaten by police. Within just a month of imprisonment, Meihua looked like a different person. She was very thin and weak. Her hair was cut short and she was in camp uniform. Her face was bathed in tears. Her hands were red and swollen and some of the skin had peeled off. My mother suspected it was as a result of torture. When she asked what had happened, the guard answered that my sister is "too stubborn."
A Young Chinese Practitioner's Essay: Mother's Love
2007-05-29My mother is a Falun Gong practitioner. When I was one-and-a-half years old, mother was forcefully taken to a detention centre or prison time and time again, and I had to live with my father and grandmother. Mother conducted a hunger strike, refusing food and water for ten days. The labour camp guards inserted a tube through mother's nostrils to force feed her; the guards filled highly-concentrated salt water into my mother's stomach, and the salt water burst from mother's nasal cavity and oral cavity. Mother's stomach was so swollen that she tossed on the bed due to the pain, without closing her eyes all night long. Fearing responsibility for my mother's death, the labour camp agreed to release her. When my near-death mother saw me, she opened her cracked mouth and smiled.
Weiningying Forced Labour Camp in Benxi City, Liaoning Province Routinely Tortures Practitioners on "Death Bed"
2007-05-29The methods that Liu Shaoshi, director of the Weiningying Forced Labour Camp in Benxi, Liaoning Province, uses to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners are extremely sinister and ruthless. He instigates police officers to forcefully "transform" Falun Dafa practitioners. The cruelty of the methods that they use on practitioners is escalating. The method they use routinely is called the "Death Bed torture". Several Falun Dafa practitioners were tortured this way and some have become disabled afterwards.