Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Guo Lirong from Chengdu City Persecuted to the Point of Multiple-Organ Failure
2006-11-1545-year-old Ms. Guo Lirong was arrested after work on September 8th, 2006. She went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was taken to the Qingyang District People’s Hospital, a prison hospital that colludes with government officials in persecuting Dafa practitioners. She was handcuffed in a hospital bed and forcibly given an IV infusion. It was recently learned that Guo Lirong has developed symptoms of multiple-organ failure due to long-term persecution, and her life is in danger. The police released her on October 8th, 2006.
The Chinese Communist Party Is Arresting Falun Dafa Practitioners with the Excuse of Protecting the Olympics
2006-11-15On October 30th, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Fengqiu was arrested by police and sent to the Masanjia Labour Camp in the afternoon. When Ms. Li's family member went to the Taihe District Police Department to request her release, Officer Han Yaobang from the legal justice office told them that Falun Gong was interfering with the 2008 Olympic Games that will be held in Beijing, and hence, all Falun Gong coordinators must be arrested.
The Plight of a Woman's Family in Wuhan
2006-11-15From October 1999 to present, Hu Mingxiu has been detained five times. Her husband Liu Yongsheng has been arrested three times and he is now detained in Qinduankou Prison. Her family’s home was ransacked three times. Her elderly mother ultimately died from the stress of this long-term intimidation. This is the unjust story of an ordinary working woman who, simply because she practises Falun Gong and tries to improve her moral standard, has suffered so much persecution.
The Life of Zhao Yougang from Shandong Province in His 30s Is in Danger Due to Severe Persecution
2006-11-14Zhao Yougang, a Dafa practitioner from Weifang City, has been tortured in a prison in Wuxi City for several years, and his life is now in great danger. On the first day there, he was tied to an "iron chair". He had already been on a long-time hunger strike, which made him very weak. Half an hour later he fainted. He was then sent to the hospital. This hospital was notorious for its violence and mistreatment of prisoners. Zhao Yougang weighed very little, but because of the torture, his body was swollen like a balloon. Under the strategy of "if he isn't transformed, let him die," the prison launched one campaign after another to torture him.
Urgent Rescue Needed for Dafa Practitioner Mr. Yu Ziming from Sichuan Province
2006-11-14On June 29th, 2006, the police arrested Mr. Yu Ziming and another practitioner, Ms. Gao Huifang, for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution, and detained them at the Longchang County Police Station. At 1:00 p.m. that same day, the police tortured and killed Ms. Gao. Mr. Yu is being held at the Longchang Detention Centre, where he has developed scabies due to the poor conditions. Because Mr. Yu was a witness to the murder of Ms. Gao, the Longchang Police said, "He won't leave this place alive." They are currently trying to sentence Mr. Yu. Please help to stop this evil plan.
Mr. Sun Changping Tortured For 30 Days at Fusong County Detention Centre in Jilin Province (Photos)
2006-11-14On September 19th, 2006, Sun Changping, a Falun Dafa practitioner, was taken by Tang Longping, head of the Lushuihe Police Department, from his workplace. Mr. Sun was viciously beaten and then detained and tortured in the Fusong County Detention Centre for thirty days. He was tied to a "death bed". Two bones in his back were broken and protruding. After such vicious torture, Mr. Sun had great difficulty walking. He was recently released from the detention centre.
Ms. Zhu Xiyu Suffers Mental Breakdown from Torture at the Heizuizi Women's Labour Camp in Changchun, Jilin Province
2006-11-14When I was detained at the Heizuizi Women's Labour Camp, I watched with my own eyes the completely inhumane, brutal persecution of Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhu Xiyu. Because she refused to comply with the guards' orders, she was often beaten and yelled at. Some of the other detainees also beat her at the command of the guards. She went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution and her detention, and was force-fed by camp doctors. Often she ended up with dark bruises on her face. Sometimes when she returned from the labour camp clinic, her face was covered in blood, and she had a tube inserted into her nose. Later I heard that Zhu suffered a mental breakdown.
70-Year-Old Couple Liu Yanqing and Yang Zhixiu Arrested in Suining City, Sichuan Province
2006-11-14On October 2nd, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioners Liu Yanqing (70 years old) and Yang Zhixiu (68 years old) were arrested by officers in Pengan County Train Station, Suining City, Sichuan Province during the night when they visited their former classmates. The police also took away their Falun Dafa books and leaflets exposing the persecution that they had with them. Now they are being detained in Pengan County Detention Centre.
Elderly Ms. Ding Guixiang from Jilin Province Dies as a Result of Persecution
2006-11-1371-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Ding Guixiang had been detained multiple times, threatened for many years, and harassed repeatedly. Prior to 2002, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa and was twice taken to Lishu County Detention Centre. Later she was sentenced to one year of forced labour. Due to the length of time she was mistreated, threatened, and tortured, Ms. Ding Guixiang died on August 27th, 2006.
With Orders to "Transform or Beat to Death" Guards Cruelly Torture Practitioners at Shaanxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2006-11-13Guards in Shaanxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp persecute practitioners by force-feedings, beatings, and "Straightjackets". Early in 2000, on the second floor of the camp, a practitioner in her 60's (name unknown) was force-fed while holding a hunger strike. Guards violently forced a feeding tube into her trachea resulting in her death. Inmates used wooden boards to carry her body out of the camp and left her by the front gate. A white car took her body away.
More Details Concerning Ms. Yang Hongyan's Death in 2004 in Yang'ai Prison, Guizhou Province
2006-11-13On July 27th 2001, Ms. Yang Hongyan was sentenced to a four-year prison term. In December of 2004, just before the completion of her term the authorities of Guizhou Province organised various jail officials to learn new ways to intensify the persecution against Guizhou practitioners. Ms. Yang Hongyan was persecuted to death in the Guizhou Provincial Public Security Hospital.
Ms. Ji Xiulan, 53, of Anqiu City Died in 2003 Due to the Persecution
2006-11-13Ms. Ji went to Beijing in October 1999 and January 2000 to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. She was arrested by the police, then detained in the Anqiu Detention Centre. Officers extorted 10,000 yuan from her. In July 2000 her husband was sent to a forced labour camp and Ms. Ji was left to take care of their three children. Police continued to harass and threaten her and attempted to brainwash her. Ms. Ji suffered a great deal both mentally and physically, and sadly, she passed away in May 2003.
The Life of Ms. Tian Yuling in Heilongjiang Province Is in Danger Due to Brutal Force-Feeding
2006-11-12On August 23rd, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Tian Yuling was arrested and taken from her home by police. They detained her in the Bin County First Detention Centre. Ms. Tian went on hunger strike for more than seventy days. The centre deputy head Yang Hu (male), centre doctor Lu Wanlong, and guard Wen Xiku (male) force-fed her six times. Lu Wanlong used a very thick tube as a form of torture, which caused Ms. Tian Yuling to suffer a digestive system malfunction, and her life is now in danger.
Mr. Du Yinghui Recounts the Persecution of His Family in Tianjin City
2006-11-12At Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp, my brother suffered from inhuman torture. In order to force him to renounce Falun Gong, the vicious guards cursed, insulted and beat him up. They smeared hot pepper juice and feces all over his lips and nose. In the middle of the winter, they stripped off his clothes and tied him in front of the window in his cell. They also soaked his feet in icy cold water for long hours and tortured him with brutal force-feeding that caused severe gastritis. But my brother persevered due to his steadfast faith in Falun Gong. After he finished the eighteen-month prison term, it was extended it by six months twice.
13-Year-Old Boy Beaten by Police When He Went to the Public Security Bureau to Look for His Mother
2006-11-12On September 19th, 2006, practitioner Ms. Yang Zhonghong from Lushuihe Town, Fusong County, Baishan City, Jilin Province, was arrested when she was explaining the facts about Falun Dafa to policeman Liang's wife, who reported her. On October 16th Ms. Yang Zhonghong's 13-year-old son, Sheng Wei, carried his three-year-old sister, and went to the bus station to take the bus to look for his mother. On the way he asked people for directions to the Fusong Public Security Bureau. He asked the police there for his mother. The police responded by hitting and kicking him and stepping on his face with their shoes.