Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Elderly Mr. Zheng Dinguo Dies as a Result of Persecution
2006-02-25Mr. Zheng Dingguo, 64 years old, was very healthy when he was first arrested, but died only two and a half months later on February 19th, 2006 after being detained in a detention centre . His toes were very dark with the bones exposed. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official said he died of a stroke, but he never had such a medical history, and why would a stroke cause his toes to turn black?
The Persecution and Death of Older Practitioner Ms. Zhao Tingyun from Henan Province
2006-02-25On January 6th, 2006, police broke into a practitioner's home and arrested three practitioners. Ms. Zhao Tingyun was arrested outside the house. The practitioners were locked up in a detention centre and started a hunger strike in protest. Zhao Tingyun was force-fed twice a day on January 10th and then on January 13th. After the brutal force-feeding, Zhao Tingyun started to vomit blood. Around one o'clock on the morning of January 15th, the inmates where Ms. Zhao was locked up shouted, "She is dead!" Zhao's family requested to see her body, but they were denied by the police without any reason.
Practitioners Ms. Zhang Guizhen and Ms. Ju Shumin Died as a Result of Persecution in Hebei Province
2006-02-25Ms. Zhang Guizhen died on February 2nd, 2006, from long-lasting harassment. Local officials came to her house at night and deceived Ms. Zhang's daughter, saying that they would not come for her mother anymore. Ms. Zhang Guizhen had to become destitute and homeless to avoid arrest. Unfortunately, she got a serious illness as a result of the long-lasting harassment and persecution and passed away.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wang Mingduo Tortured to Death
2006-02-24Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Mingduo, 44, was sentenced to a three-year prison term in 2001, where he was beaten severely and forced to do heavy labour. Upon being released in late 2003, his employer fired him, and his wife was also dismissed from her job. He was arrested again in 2005 and went on a hunger strike to protest the injustice. Because Wang Mingduo's life was in danger, the forced labour camp released him. He was very weak, his legs and feet were swollen, his abdomen was bloated, and he had incontinence. Wang Mingduo died on February 17th, 2006.
Daughter of Detained Dafa Practitioner Mr. Shi Zhimin from Hebei Province Requests Police to Release Her Father
2006-02-24The Langfang City "610 Office" agents arrested many Dafa practitioners on February 5th, 2006. The next day, practitioner Shi Zhimin's daughter went to the National Security Division. She saw her father handcuffed to a metal chair and unable to move. Shi Zhimin's daughter asked the police, "Why did you arrest my father?" Officer Gao Chenggang said, "Your father was in a mob riot in Xianghe County. She said, "My father is old and weak. How could he have been in a mob riot?" The police became aggressive and threatening to her. They ordered her to leave without seeing her father.
Lawyer Yang Zaixin Dismissed for Defending Falun Gong Practitioner
2006-02-24Lawyer Yang Zaixin was dismissed on January 26th, 2006, from the Zhongchi Law Firm in Guangxi Province for defending Falun Gong practitioner Nong Youyue of Pinggou County, Guangxi Province. On January 26th, Mr. Yang received notice from the Zhongchi Law Firm, stating that he was no longer a licensed lawyer with the firm, as he had not renewed his contract. Therefore, beginning February 1st, 2006, he could no longer use the title of Zhongchi Law Firm lawyer.
Man or Beast? Revealing the Root of Forced Labour Camp Brainwashing
2006-02-24The police's mentality is split. On the one hand, they have to employ their animal nature to brainwash the practitioners. Yet, on the other, they disguise the evil with a false front of human nature to lead practitioners astray. To sing the Same Song, they present their human nature for others to see. They force themselves to believe that beating up and yelling at people every day is a form of kindness done for the tortured person's own good. They think that by implementing the "law" (though in fact the persecution of Falun Gong is entirely illegal) they can avoid personal responsibility. In reality, however, they are very clear who is in contempt of the law. They cling to the communist heaven-on-earth illusion despite its inherent evil nature.
Practitioner Shocked with Electric Batons, Leaves with the Help of Kindhearted People
2006-02-23This is one female practitioner's experience in Hebei Province. She had gone to Beijing over four years ago to tell people, who had been misled by the government propaganda, the facts about Falun Dafa and expose the persecution about Falun Gong. The authorities had arrested and taken her to a Shunyi County police department in suburban Beijing. She was cruelly shocked with electric batons and almost died from the torture, but left with help from a kind-hearted older police officer.
My Husband and I Endured Long-term Persecution by the Vicious CCP; My Husband Was Tortured to Death
2006-02-23During the last six years of brutal persecution and torture of Falun Gong practitioners, my husband Rao Zhuoyuan and I both stood steadfast in our belief. Agents from the wicked Chinese Communist Party (CCP) tortured my husband to death, and I have endured suffering from long-term physical torture and mental torment. The CCP destroyed a harmonious family that many others admired before.
How the Jilin Province Education System Persecutes Practitioners
2006-02-23CCP officials in Jilin Province have ordered the administration of all colleges and universities to persecute all practitioners in the system, including taking them to brainwashing centres and trying to "reform" them. Those practitioners who refused to write "guarantee statements" were suspended from their employment using various excuses. This seriously violates related laws and regulations and has created chaos in the colleges and universities. For example, the "policy" of Northeast Normal University is that, in order to adhere to superior's "orders," the university management suspends practitioners from their teaching positions or related duties and forbids practitioner students from attending school.
Twenty People Near Death at Daqing Prison
2006-02-23In 2005 three Falun Gong practitioners died within three months of each other from torture in Daqing Prison. On May 14th, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Wang Hongde was tortured to death after severe physical and mental abuse. On June 7th, 2005, practitioner Xu Jishan was choked to death with water by five inmates under the direction of the prison management. On July 23rd, practitioner Yuan Qingjiang died from long-term torture. Daqing Prison guard Guo Chuntang openly said, "What's the big deal if a few people died from torture in Daqing prison?" Guard Li Fengjiang said, "When it comes to Falun Gong, if they refuse to be brainwashed, we'll cremate them."
Older Practitioner Mr. Yang Zhizhong Tortured to Death
2006-02-22Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Yang Zhizhong was in his 50s. In 2003, secret agents followed him home while he was carrying Falun Dafa materials. They arrested him at his home, subjected him to cruel torture, and secretly sent him to Dabei Prison on a ten-year term. He went on hunger strike to protest the persecution. His physical health was severely damaged due to long term mistreatment, but the guards would not release him until his life was in danger. Mr. Yang Zhizhong vomited large amounts of blood and was finally sent to hospital. However, he died at 5 a.m., January 19th, 2006.
75-Year-Old Woman Practitioner Facing Unlawful Sentence
2006-02-22A 75 year old Falun Dafa practitioner, Zhu Yuezhen, from Jinan City, Shandong Province was once again arrested, and faces an imminent sentence. Ms. Zhu was arrested on December 1st, 2005, while she was walking along a road, and was held in a detention centre in Jinan City. Previously, the lawless officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) threatened that they would demand her husband to divorce her and that they would withhold her pension, and expel her from the Retirement Centre where she lived. She has been beaten, cursed, and arrested many times.
71-Year-Old Practitioner Ms. Shen Baoying Passed Away After Enduring Persecution
2006-02-2271-year-old practitioner Ms. Shen Baoying practised Falun Gong for many years, and all her diseases had disappeared. In 1999, after the persecution started, her two daughters and son-in-law were persecuted repeatedly because they practised Falun Gong. Ms. Shen Baoying was also forced to leave her home. Ms. Shen endured great psychological pressure, worrying all day. Whenever she heard a police car she was nervous, worrying that she would lose her daughter again. She could no longer eat and became weaker and weaker. Under the tremendous pressure of persecution, she passed away on December 9th, 2005.
Wang Bo Recounts How the CCP Deceived, Brainwashed, and Used Her, Part 4
2006-02-22"In fact, the CCP has brainwashed the young generations like this since it came into power. It forces you to surrender unknowingly! It stops you from realising that you should protect your rights! It forbids you from speaking up! It forbids you to have a different opinion! I realised later that according to the CCP's book, protecting the CCP is not "getting involved in politics," but if you do not agree with the CCP, you are "getting involved in politics." The Chinese people have been scared deeply by all the various political movements [of the Communist Party] during the past years."