Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • The Torture I Suffered in a Police Station and a Forced Labour Camp

    "My name is Liu Cuiqing. I live in Tangshan City, Hebei Province. I was arrested by the police for printing materials that explain the truth about Dafa. Eight people assaulted me. I was secretly sentenced to three years of forced labour, and put me in Kaiping Labour Camp. In the labour camp, the methods they used to persecute practitioners were very cruel. My family members also went through tremendous suffering."
  • The Atrocities Behind The Term "Civilized Management" at Tuanhe Labour Camp in Beijing

    Tuanhe Labour Camp tried every trick to boast that what they were doing exemplified "civilized management." They invited Dafa practitioners' family members to visit the camp, organized holiday celebration parties between labour camp deputies and those who were transformed and their family members. Many Dafa practitioners' families have been deceived by such propaganda, resulting in their hostility towards Falun Gong.
  • Eyewitness' Account of the Death of Zhang Yali and Two Other Falun Dafa Practitioners

    "I would like to tell you about the death of three practitioners, Ms. Zhang Yali, Ms. Zhang Baoju, and Ms. Guan Ge in a labour camp. Zhang Baoju said, "We cannot just watch our fellow practitioners be tortured and forced to renounce their belief''. They all wrote their wills, which stated, "This is not suicide. We do this under the circumstance where the evildoers rampantly persecute practitioners. we all know that Teacher states clearly in "Zhuan Falun" [the main text of Falun Dafa] about the issue of killing...we are willing to give up our young lives." The three of them hanged themselves on June 4, 2003."
  • Chen Fukui, Former Chief of the Research Institute of Paper Mill Suffers Persecution for Speaking the Truth

    "I am 66 years old and am the former chief of the Research Institute of Ningan Paper Mill in Heilongjiang Province.On February 3, 2001 while I was at my relative's home, police arrested me for no reason and took me to the detention centre of the Dongli Police Department. On November 19, 2001, they sentenced me to four years of imprisonment. This is very unjust. I did not commit any crime."
  • Former Associate Chief of the Secrecy Bureau in Dengyang City, Mr. Yang Daifu, Unjustly Sentenced

    On May 22, 2003, Deyang City District Court, Sichuan Province sentenced two Falun Dafa practitioners without any charge. The two practitioners were Mr. Yang Daifu and Mr. Jiang Shengui. Mr. Yang and Mr. Jiang were sentenced to five and four years of imprisonment respectively. No one was allowed in the courthouse except for their relatives. When Yang Daifu appeared, his relatives and those who knew him were shocked to see him. They could hardly recognize him. It was clear that he had been cruelly tortured.
  • A Female Dafa Practitioner Was Tortured to Death in Beijing Detention Centre in November 2001

    East City Detention Centre in Beijing was suspected of torturing a female Dafa practitioner to death in November 2001. I am able to confirm the validity of the report because I was being held in that detention centre at the time. Due to my persistence in Dafa cultivation, I was put into a cell at the East City Detention Centre on November 5, 2001, and learned from the inmates there that a female Dafa practitioner had just been persecuted to death.
  • Practitioner Ms Duan Xueqin from Inner Mongolia Suffers Brutal Torture

    Practitioner Ms Duan Xueqin is from Inner Mongolia. She was sentenced to three years in a labour camp in Anmeng Tumuji. The prolonged, highly intensive labour and mental torture caused her to suffer from a stomach perforation and anemia acidity sickness. She was unable to take food for over fifty days, and was finally released when her life was in danger.
  • Dafa Practitioner from Heilongjiang Province Recounts Her Persecution Experiences of Abuse and Gross Mistreatment

    I am 40 years old, and I work at the Jiamusi City Textile Printing & Dyeing Mill. I was unjustly detained on several occasions for going to Tiananmen Square, Beijing to appeal for Dafa. I experienced horrendous torture: electric shock, force-feeeding and beating. Since I refused to speak, a head police officer slapped my face. Another officer stopped him, saying, "Don't leave any evidence [because her face will show the torture]." I realized they were afraid of having their crimes exposed.
  • Persecution of Ms Yue Lihua at Shandong Province Female Forced Labour Camp

    Ms. Yue Lihua: from Jinan City, about forty years of age, rented seven rooms to Dafa practitioners who were destitute, was sold out by someone, and was unlawfully sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp (till September, 2004). The police, seeing that she may inspire the others who were brainwashed to wake up, transferred her to the Second Brigade. This Brigade was specially regulated to deal with religious adherents, such as Christians, who did not attend the state-run churches (regulated by the Communist Chinese government) but had religious meetings at home and were labelled as believing in evil religions.
  • More than a Dozen Beijing Policemen Beat Mr. Han Junqing to Death

    Mr. Han Junqing, 47, was a resident of Beijing. He was tortured to death at the beginning of June 2004. It has now been confirmed that he died from the brutal beating at the hands of more than a dozen policemen. His body was cremated on June 5th. An examination revealed that Mr. Han, a Falun Dafa practitioner, had sustained several broken ribs. The skin and muscle under his left eye was severely injured, and a piece of flesh was missing there.
  • Barbaric Torture in the Fuzhou Women's Prison: Biting 60-Year-Old Professor and Coating the Wounds with Hot Peppers, Pulling Out All Pubic Hair

    Falun Dafa practitioner, Ms. Wang Lei, a professor in her 60's, had been illegally sentenced to prison for practising Falun Gong. She has suffered all kinds of inhumane torture since her imprisonment. Sometimes, as soon as Ms. Wang fell asleep, criminal inmates would strip her, beat her up, and shamelessly clamp her nipples with clips and pull out all her pubic hair. Criminals Su Jingxuan and Shi Suyuan would even bite her and coat her bite wounds with hot pepper solution, causing Ms. Wang to scream in extreme pain.
  • A Young Woman Practitioner in Hebei Province Becomes Mentally Traumatized as a Result of Police Brutality

    On June 3, 2004, Ms. Wang Lijuan from Lincheng County returned home after four months of torture in brainwashing centres in Hebei Province. Four months of brutal abuse reduced a healthy and active young woman to a state of mental collapse. She constantly talks to herself, holding a stuffed toy monkey. Her eyes stare around aimlessly. She cries and laughs for no apparent reason. Sometimes she complains about being watched, yelling out through the whole night.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhao Yanwu Tortured in Prison

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhao Yanwu, in his thirties, is a resident of Sichuan Province. In 2002, Zhao Yanwu went to Dujiangyan City for the purpose of interrupting Chinese state-run television broadcast programmes in order to expose the persecution of Falun Gong. Police arrested him soon after. Dujiangyan City Court sentenced him to imprisonment for five and a half years. On April 28, 2004, over two years after Zhao Yanwu's initial detention, his mother went to Ya'an Prison and asked to visit her son. The guard said that the supervisor had given strict orders that no one may visit Zhao Yanwu.
  • Illustrations of Torture Devices and Methods Used on Practitioners Detained in the Jinzhou District Detention Centre

    Torture Device: Death Frame. This device is a rectangular frame made of metal tubes. On the four points of the frame are four cuffs made of thick metal strips. The two smaller cuffs on the top are used to secure the victim's hands, and the two larger ones on the bottom are used to secure the victim's feet. When such a torture is used on someone, that person has to bend his or her body, unable to straighten the body or sit down. When the four limbs are cuffed to this frame, the victim has to endure excruciating pain.
  • Murder, Disfigurement, Torture and Enslavement: Longshan Forced Labor Camp Commits New Crimes in Order to Qualify as a "Provincial-Level" Camp (Photos)

    A civic-level forced labour camp insanely and inhumanely tortures Falun Gong practitioners in order to accumulate "achievements" so as to meet the upgrade criteria. This clearly demonstrates that under Jiang's policy to annihilate Falun Gong, brutally persecuting Falun Gong practitioners not only becomes a criterion for promotion for personnel in public security, procuratorial organs, people's court and judicatory organs, but also a criterion for the promotion in status for forced labour institutions.