Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Witnessing The Cruelty of Bejing Police
2002-03-18 -
Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death in a Forced Labour Camp
2002-03-18 -
Biography of Dalian Practitioner Chen Yong, Who Was Tortured to Death
2002-03-18 -
Details of Liu Qiusheng's Murder
2002-03-14 -
Lu Xiuyun Killed By Brutal Force-Feeding
2002-03-14 -
60-year old Practitioner Zhang Guangqing Tortured to Death
2002-03-14 -
Evil Deeds in Fuyu County
2002-03-14 -
Mr Liu Qiusheng Tortured to Death; Police Turn Body Snatchers
2002-03-13 -
Evildoers Force-Feed Excrement and Urine to Practitioners Determined in Practice of Falun Gong
2002-03-13 -
Covered with Injuries, Female Practitioner Jiang Shuhua is Tortured to Death
2002-03-12 -
Practitioner Yue Kai Dies After Two Years of Torture
2002-03-11"After returning home from the labour camp, Yue Kai could hardly stand up, as his weakened body had been reduced to skin and bone. To make matters worse, his wife's term of illegal labour re-education was extended for one more year. Suffering from both physical and mental persecution, he died on February 28, 2002, at the age of only 29."
Honest, Professional Police Officer and Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death at the Hands of Police Department Personnel
2002-03-11 -
Police Officers Torture Female Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-03-10 -
Police Handcuff Practitioner To Basement Stairs Despite Being Pregnant
2002-03-10 -
Lawless Policemen Say, "Give Them an Injection of Heroin if They cannot be Transformed."