“Luxembourg Word” (a newspaper):“Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance” - a Chinese Way of Life
2001-11-02With increasing use of state-sanctioned and state-ordered brutality and force, the numbers of victims among the Falun Gong practitioners also increases. Torture, rape and government-staged suicides seem to be the order of the day.
STUTTGART NEWS: Striving for Inner Harmony
2001-11-02Manyan Wu of the [German] national Falun Dafa Association adds that the persecution in China is escalating and all Internet websites in that country concerning Falun Gong are blocked. The latest Chinese government ruse blames Falun Gong for the anthrax incidents.
REUTERS: Diplomats cautious on China's invite for torture envoy
2001-11-02Rodley has expressed concern about "persistent allegations" of ill-treatment of Chinese detained in connection with political or religious activities, including members of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement.
AFP: Future Chinese leader Hu meets British PM [Excerpt]
2001-10-31 -
Local Media Report on Falun Gong activities in Bury St. Edmunds, a small town in England
2001-10-31 -
MOTALA TIDNING (Swedish newspaper): The Persecution of Falun Gong
2001-10-26 -
Swedish Journal: A. is Struggling for the Freedom of All
2001-10-25 -
Belgian Media report on the Falun Gong Activities during the EU-summit held in Ghent, Belgium
2001-10-25 -
PRESS AND JOURNEY: Protest over Banned Chinese Exercise
2001-10-20 -
Local Dutch newspaper reports: Walking plea for Falun Dafa
2001-10-19 -
THE BIG ISSUE: What's wrong with Falun Gong?
2001-10-17I had heard overheard an astonished passer-by in Oxford Street saying to her acquaintance that she couldnt quite believe how quiet and peaceful the Falun Gong march was,..
AFP: Falun Gong Follower Dies After Mystery Fall During Raid
2001-10-10 -
AFP: Falun Gong Follower Dies After Mystery Fall During Raid
2001-10-09 -
EVENING STAR [UK]: Call for China to free unlawfully jailed meditators
2001-10-09 -
German media reports on "Serenity, harmony and success through Falun Gong"