
  • AWSJ (The Asian Wall Street Journal): Notable & Quotable

    Related anti-subversion laws under Article 23 directly affect the freedom of expression and civil liberties of those who live in, work in or visit Hong Kong. They also risk permanently undermining confidence in the place, say critics [of the law].
  • President Bush's Bipolar Human Rights Policy (Extract)

    "Jiang is also an enthusiastic persecutor of religious and spiritual groups, especially the meditation movement Falun Gong. Banned […] in July 1999, over 500 Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death and tens of thousands sent to labor camps and mental institutions."
  • Geneva Family Information Newspaper: Geneva Parliament Members Condemn China’s Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners

    According to a report in the Geneva Family Information Newspaper, the Falun Gong practitioners living in China are suffering. Not only have some practitioners been tortured and beaten to death, but there are also more than five thousand practitioners being detained in mental hospitals.
  • New York Times: Plan to Crack Down on Dissent Stirs Debate in Hong Kong

    China's deputy prime minister, Qian Qichen, fanned the dispute when he said in a recent television interview that opponents of the new rules must have something to hide. The opponents must have "devils in their hearts," he warned...
  • Financial Times: Hong Kong's plans for sedition laws cause alarm

    The likely effect of the new laws is to raise growing levels of self-censorship in Hong Kong on issues sensitive to China such as Taiwan and Tibet and the Falun Gong, a spiritual group banned in China but legal in Hong Kong.
  • Forbes: Subverting Hong Kong's Markets

    "Five years after Britain handed Hong Kong over to China, the Hong Kong government says it will enact a law prohibiting acts of treason, secession, sedition and subversion against the Chinese government. The business community--particularly the foreign business community--worries that China's definition of these crimes will be far stricter than that of most liberal democracies."
  • AFP: Falun Gong member says husband taken hostage by China

    A Falun Gong practitioner claims that her husband has been taken hostage by Beijing police after she filed a lawsuit against China's leadership for human rights abuses..."I can't imagine any other reason for his arrest except to keep him as a hostage to threaten me," she said.
  • Eloy News (US): Open-Web policy for China

    "Contrary to the drumbeat sounded in recent years by some advocates of engagement, China's willingness to engage in the world economy has not translated into evolution toward democracy, nor an improvement in religious, human, or worker rights.Indeed, the government of China remains in many respects the enemy of its own people, imprisoning dissidents and clamping down on nearly all forms of free expression."
  • Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER) : Counters to Chinese Checkers

    "The Communist Party has always seen the media's primary role as rallying public support for the party and its policies. So when the Internet came along, it was no surprise that the party wanted to control it, too, even as it recognized the Net's economic and educational benefits. The party's biggest concern is that the Internet could be used by foreign or indigenous organizations, such as the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement."
  • BusinessWeek: In Hong Kong, Security or Suffocation?

    "It's almost as if officials are deliberately setting out to subvert Hong Kong's international image. Why does the government want to accelerate the process if, as it professes, the proposed new laws will be rarely utilized, and there's no immediate plan to use them? It's almost as if Ip and her crowd are trying to scare investors away from Hong Kong."
  • AFP: China arrests husband of Falungong [practitioner] who sued Jiang

    "Given that my husband is not a Falungong practitioner, I can imagine no other reason for his arrest except for the purpose to keep him as a hostage to threaten me. I would like to ask: If this is not terrorism, what is?" Zeng said
  • SCMP: Japanese demands China free wife held as Falun Gong devotee

    "Kaneko said he visited his wife, Yoko, in August in a Chinese labour camp where she is serving an 18-month term. "Not only has she lost weight, but I could see she was suffering mentally," he said..."She was slow and quiet, not even able to fix her eyes on me," Kaneko said. "I could not help wondering if she could survive the 18 months' labour camp life and come back to Japan alive.""
  • Daily Times: Letters to the Editor - Don't forget China as threat to U.S.

    "Ever since Falun Gong has become popular in the U.S. for its positive effects to health and well being, there has been detailed documentation about how Jiang has interfered with all levels of government, through the long arm of his embassies and consulates. Defamatory letters and phone calls have been placed, or personal visits have been made, incorporating vicious propaganda. Scare tactics have implied diplomatic and economic pressure."
  • Fort Wayne News Sentinel: Protest greets Chinese leader in stopover

    "About 100 people, mostly followers of the spiritual movement Falun Gong, protested at the airport with banners appealing for the government to end persecution of its followers..Followers of the spiritual movement participated in meditative exercises at the airport and in front of the consulate building in a show of solidarity."
  • Washington Post: China Walls Out the News

    "It's a fundamentally lopsided arrangement that denies the Chinese people access to news and views from the outside world -- which they want and which Americans need them to hear. We can't allow the world's most populous nation to be kept in the dark about who we are, what we stand for, and why they should be on our side in the fight against terror."