Publications, Press Releases
Press Release: Top-Level Chinese Communist Party Official Authors Chilling New Book on Jiang Zemin
2002-06-16Part of Jiang's Inner Circle, Author Gives Harrowing Account of the "How" and "Why" Regarding Jiang's Decision to "Eradicate" Falun Gong
Press Statement: Call for Support to Help Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2002-06-16Given at a Press Conference in Riga, Latvia (June 11, 2002)
AFP Story: 30 Falun Gong members barred from travelling to Iceland from France
2002-06-16 -
AP: Iceland Enforces Falun Gong Ban
2002-06-16 -
EU FDI: Lift the Ban on Falun Gong Travellers to Iceland; Protect the Right for Peaceful, Free Expression 2002-06-15 -
EU FDI: China's "Blacklist" Draws Attention in World's Airports, Raises Alarming Questions 2002-06-15 -
Press Statement: From Falun Gong Practitioners in Reykjavik, Iceland
2002-06-15Travel agents have been given a blacklist, which forbids them from selling tickets on Iceland Air to Falun Gong practitioners...denial of boarding has taken place in Denmark, Norway, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Finland, France, the United States and other countries. Citizens of the EU, US, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Japan, and others have been discriminated against and had their rights violated because [of this]
Press Statement: Not satisfied with bringing disasters to millions of Falun Gong practitioners, Jiang Zemin is also making trouble for Iceland.
2002-06-15 -
Arbetarbladet (Swedish newspaper): Iceland stops Falun Gong
2002-06-15 -
AP: Iceland Sends Police Abroad in Effort to Stop Falun Gong
2002-06-15 -
Reuters: Falun Gong rally outside Turkey-China game
2002-06-15 -
AFP: Amnesty Says Torture, Ill-Treatment Increased in China Last Year [excerpt]
2002-06-15 -
FDI Press Release: German Citizen Detained While Entering Iceland
2002-06-14 -
AP Story: Iceland released detained Falun Gong members
2002-06-13 -
FDI: Chinese Dictator Manipulating U.S. and European Airports