Publications, Press Releases
Several Medical Personnel in Beijing Reveal That the Authorities Deceived World Health Organization Inspectors (photos)
2003-04-22Time, a prominent magazine based in the United States, revealed that the Chinese government hid SARS cases in Beijing from the World Health Organization (WHO). On Friday, Time quoted several doctors and nurses at Beijing hospitals who revealed that on Thursday, hours prior to the WHO inspectors' arrival at the No. 309 People's Liberation Army Hospital, the hospital moved 46 of the confirmed SARS patients to a hotel, and there are about ten SARS patients in the ward.
Time Asia: Unmasking A Crisis
2003-04-21As a Time reporter continued through the ward, a nurse who wouldn't give her name stopped him and explained, "[...] All of these wards are full of SARS patients, there are over 100 at least. Don't believe the government--they never tell you the truth. They say it's a deadly disease with 4% mortality? Are you kidding me? The death rate is at least 25%. In this hospital alone, there are over 10 patients dead already."
AP: Hundreds Demonstrate For Falun Gong Movement
2003-04-21'Several hundred demonstrators peacefully protested in Times Square and elsewhere in the city Saturday to attract attention to China's ban on the Falun Gong meditation movement. The protesters listened to music and speeches and passed out literature to people passing by in Chinatown and midtown Manhattan.'
Central News Agency (Taiwan): SARS Strikes Beijing, Citizens Are In a Panic
2003-04-20"The Beijing Travel Bureau recently conducted an investigation of local hotels, and discovered that since March, hotel occupancy rates have seriously declined. A large number of tour groups have canceled their trips to Beijing. SARS has caused the country to "to stop all foreign contact" and people are in a panic. Both international conferences and general mass activities had to be canceled, causing a severe blow to the general development of the Chinese economy."
EFGIC: Brother and Sister Hung by Their Wrists and Beaten - Brother Dies from Torture
2003-04-19'The police took the siblings to an outdoor yard. The police hung them both up by their wrists and then proceeded to beat them severely. These sources say that Mr. Chen was beaten until he spat up blood; his entire body was black and blue, and both his legs were broken. After the beatings, the police sent Mr. Chen to the Huailai Detention Centre.'
Pohjolan Sanomat (Finland): Cultivation of Mind and Body
2003-04-19'Falun Dafa is an ancient Chinese qigong practice, which has been founded by Mr. Li Hongzhi. He brought his practice to the public in 1992 and ever since it has attracted millions of practitioners worldwide.'
EFGIC: Lawyer for U.S. Rights Org Takes Aim at Overseas Assets of Chinese Officials Persecuting Falun Gong
2003-04-19'The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong recently launched an initiative targeting assets and properties of Chinese government officials who have participated in the persecution of Falun Gong in China.'
Looking at the Credibility of China's Official Propaganda in Light of the SARS Outbreak
2003-04-19If the media had been allowed to cover the issue openly at the beginning of the outbreak, reveal the reality of the situation and the risk to the public and to people's lives, it would have resulted in the necessary precautions being instituted earlier. How many lives could have been saved in China and elsewhere?
Ming Bao (Hong Kong Chinese Newspaper): Falun Gong Sues Immigration for Discrimination
2003-04-19'In total more than eighty Taiwan Falun Gong practitioners were refused entry to Hong Kong including the four plaintiffs. They had planned to attend the "World Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference" on February 22 2003. When they arrived at Hong Kong on February 21, the Immigration Office rejected their entry without reasonable explanation and expelled them...Two of the plaintiffs were violently expelled, though they offered no resistance.'
The German Wuerzburg Post: Compassion and Brutal Persecution
2003-04-17'The Falun Gong photo exhibition held in the Wuerzburg Adult University portrays a vivid contrast between peaceful exercises and barbarous persecution...The Chairman of the Adult University in Wuerzburg emphasized that Looking for a path to peace is particularly important in the modern world. Falun Gong reveals to us a righteous path to internal and external peace.'
EFGIC: Cover-ups, Torture, Brainwashing and Death: News of 14 More Falun Gong Dead from Police Atrocities in China
2003-04-16Reports of the deaths of fourteen Falun Gong practitioners have recently been confirmed. Many of these cases repeat a chilling pattern: physical and psychological torture inflicted by corrupt police, followed by release of the practitioners from custody just days or even hours before they die from their injuries as the police attempt to shirk responsibility for the deaths.
Finnish Newspaper Reports on Falun Dafa Exercise Demonstration (picture)
2003-04-16On April 7 2003, Finnish newspaper Pohjolan Sanomat published an article entitled Cultivation of Mind and Body, which was about a Falun Dafa exercise demonstration. The article included a brief description of the practice and also talked about the persecution in China.
Villabverne (Danish Newspaper): Daily Protest Against Chinese Oppression
2003-04-14'What Falun Gong lacks in numbers it makes up in sheer determination. Since 28 April 2002, Poul Andersen and his kindred spirits have been in front of the embassy virtually every day. Regardless of the rain, sleet, snow or wind, the banner has been unfolded, and between 10 and 11.15am, they have all tenaciously done what they can to create awareness of the monstrosities and persecution they believe is happening to Falun Gong practitioners in China.'
EFGIC: European Parliament expresses "serious concern" that anti-subversion law in Hong Kong will curb civil liberties
2003-04-12'The E.U. assembly said it had "serious concern with regard to several aspects of the proposed...legislation," particularly the banning of organisations like the Falun Gong spiritual movement. It added that the bill "must not undermine existing human rights and civil and religious liberties."'
Manchester Evening News (UK): A Chinese student is appealing for help from the government to persuade authorities in his homeland to free his imprisoned fiancée
2003-04-10'A Chinese student is appealing for help from the government to persuade authorities in his homeland to free his imprisoned fiancée. Wei Guo, a student at UMIST, fears he will never see girlfriend Yong Jie again after she was arrested in Beijing as part of a crackdown on the banned spiritual movement Falun Gong.'