Letters from Dafa Associations
Reply to the Guadeloupe Falun Dafa Association: France Hopes for China to Respect Fundamental Freedoms
2002-11-27France and her European partners have attentively followed this campaign [against Falun Gong] since 1999...[and] will continue to remind the Chinese authorities of our countrys attention to the need for respect of fundamental freedoms..
Letter to a Malaysian Newspaper from the Falun Gong Association (UK)
2002-11-24"I am distressed to see a report in your newspaper 11/11/02 presenting Beijing regime propaganda on Falun Gong and its attempt to dissuade Malaysia from approving the registration of a Falun Gong Association in your country..We hope that you will be able to see through the false Beijing propaganda and support the human rights of innocent civilians who practise Falun Gong."
Falun Gong Association (UK) Writes to Japanese Prime Minister
2002-10-01I understand that you will be visiting China soon and would like to take this opportunity to respectfully request your help in securing the release of Falun Gong practitioner Mrs. Yoko Kaneko, who has been incarcerated in a labour re-education camp in China for exercising her basic rights of freedom of speech and belief.
Swedish Falun Dafa Association Writes to the Japanese Prime Minister
2002-10-01In May 24 2002, the Beijing police arrested Yoko, together with two other Japanese Falun Gong practitioners, when they were distributing leaflets appealing for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong...Their actions were actually noble and harmless to everybody. Out of compassion, they left the comfort of their homes attempting to help the thousands of innocent men, women and children who are unjustly persecuted in China.
European Falun Dafa Association urges Japanese Prime Minister to Secure Release of Mrs. Yoko Kaneko from Chinese Labour Camp
2002-09-28"We call on you to raise the case of Mrs. Yoko Kaneko with the Beijing authority during your visit to China. Your help would be invaluable to the campaign for her personal freedom and adds to the international standing of Japan as a liberal and democratic society."
UK: Letter to Members of the Ukrainian Government from the Falun Gong Association
2002-09-09On behalf of the Falun Gong Association of the United Kingdom I am writing to respectfully request your assistance in serious matters of utmost importance for the future of the people of Ukraine. I call on you to use the executive powers bestowed on you by the virtue your ministry to stop what appears to be a two-year history of persecution of the practitioners of Falun Dafa in Ukraine.
Letter to the Prime Minister of Ukraine from Irish Falun Dafa Association
2002-09-04"Those who know the truth of the persecution are routinely shocked by the lengths the Chinese government go to torture its own people and we are saddened when those who fail to investigate the practice for themselves echo the actions of the Chinese Government. Do not tarnish your countries international reputation but instead join the righteous voices that are condemning this illegal persecution."
Letter from Austrian Falun Dafa Association to Japanese Foreign Minister
2002-09-04"We are writing on behalf of all Falun Gong practitioners in Austria and respectfully ask you to urge the Chinese authorities to release Falun Gong practitioner Mrs. Yoko Kaneko in your visit in China."
Letter from Swiss Association of Falun Gong to the Ukraine Prime Minister
2002-09-02"The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine will be subjected to pressure from the Chinese Embassy, to compel your Government to take a tougher stand on Falun Gong. We applaud the fact that justice in Ukraine is impartial. We hope it will be the same in the political field and that this young democracy will remain always upright, even when confronted with a giant like China."
Congratulations to the Founding of Falun Dafa Associations in Czech Republic and Venezuela
2002-08-31 -
Letter to the Prime Minister of Ukraine from the European Falun Dafa Association
2002-08-29"It is appalling that Jiang Zemin can dictate the actions of an independent state like Ukraine and that Ukrainian authorities would be subject to decrees from as far away as Beijing. Through a series of recent events, we are witnessing a systematic expansion of Jiangs persecution of Falun Gong in Europe..If Ukraine wishes to aspire to the best European standards, then upholding the freedom of belief and association will be one of the basic building blocks."
UK: Letter to the Ukraine Ambassador from the Falun Gong Association (UK)
2002-08-29"This detention, that reminds us of the practices of the red terror to which citizens of your own country were subjected not that long ago that are still in our memory, should never have occurred, and could not and would not have occurred in any democracy around the world. The facts of this case are clear: the Ukrainian police were acting under pressure from Jiang's regime."
Letter from Belgian Falun Gong Association to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
2002-08-27"Mr. High Commissioner, we appeal to you to urge Cambodia to assure the safety and other basic rights of these two people and others who practice their belief in Truth-Compassion-Tolerance and face the danger there. We appeal to you to condemn the Chinese governments wrongdoing and ask the Chinese government to release Mr. Li and his wife who are now detained in China."
Letter to Mary Robinson from the Belgian Falun Gong Association
2002-08-27"We know from the UN news that you are now in the trip to China and Cambodia. Your enormous effort on improving human right in China is highly appreciated...We believe these recent developments are serious enough to catch the attention of the United Nations and all democratic countries because many of these are beyond the Chinese border and affect citizens of western democracies."
Letter From Nordic Falun Dafa Association To The Hong Kong Media
2002-08-20As a citizen of the world, we appeal to you to express your concerns about the unprecedented so-called trial of peaceful Falun Gong practitioners, presently proceeding in Hong Kong. Falun Gong practitioners are all good people. They insist on appealing with dignity for a stop to the persecution in a peaceful manner. The trial now proceeding has in fact been a sham from the beginning.