Letters from Dafa Associations, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials

  • Austria: Parliamentary MPs are Concerned about Organ Harvesting from Falun Gong Practitioners

    On November 21st, 2006, the former Canadian Secretary of State (Asia Pacific) David Kilgour was invited by the Austrian branch of the International Human Rights Association (IGFM), to hold a press conference in Austria. Afterwards, he and several Austrian politicians discussed the CCP's trade in organs harvested from living Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Holland: "The Chinese Communist Regime has moved Auschwitz Concentration Camp to China"

    On November 25th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners from Holland and Belgium held a poster exhibition at the Waterdam Square in the centre of Amsterdam, exposing the Chinese Communist regime’s torture and relentless persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. They also exposed the regime’s trade in organs harvested from living Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Germany: Hamburg Practitioners Expose the Crimes Committed by the CCP

    Hamburg Falun Gong practitioners organised an information day on Saturday, November 2nd, 2006, in downtown Hamburg. They wanted the public to hear about the persecution of Falun Gong. Some of the practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises while others distributed flyers to passersby.
  • Belgian Senator Investigates the CCP's Trade in Harvested Organs and Calls for Legislation to Punish these Crimes

    On the evening of November 27th, Prof. Vincent Donckier, the president of the Belgian Transplant Association, chaired a seminar on the “Ethical Issues of Organ Transplantation” held in Brussels’ Hospital Erasme. The Association explicitly stated its firm opposition to this kind of organ trade which violates basic ethical and moral principles.
  • Spain: Mainstream Media Focus on Organ Harvesting

    On November 30th, David Kilgour, coauthor of the Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China, visited Spain. The report has attracted widespread attention from Spanish media. Mr Kilgour held a press conference in Madrid, and nearly twenty media outlets including all the prominent Spanish media attended.
  • Germany: Promoting the 'Nine Commentaries' at Cologne Cathedral

    For more than six years, there have been Falun Gong practitioners distributing information about Falun Gong and the persecution outside Cologne Cathedral. During the past year practitioners have focussed on promoting the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” (an editorial published by The Epoch Times newspaper) to tourists from Mainland China visiting the cathedral and encouraging them to withdraw from the CCP and its associated organisations.
  • Ireland: All Sections of Irish Society are Concerned about the CCP Organ Harvesting

    In response to Irish Senator Joe O’Toole’s invitation, Mr. David Kilgour, the Canadian Ex-Secretary of State (Asia -Pacific) visited Ireland on November 23rd, 2006. During his visit, Mr. Kilgour delivered a speech to the Foreign Affairs Joint Committee of the Irish Parliament and met the Irish Secretary of State to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Moylan. The two sides had a useful conversation.
  • Czech Republic: Introducing Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution to the People of Zlin

    At the end of October, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners visited Zlin in the Czech Republic to raise awareness of the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong. Many citizens of Zlin came by and showed compassion for the present situation in China where it is illegal to live according to the principles of truthfulness, compassion, tolerance. Falun Dafa has been banned and persecuted for seven years in China. Falun Gong practitioners are horrifically persecuted and tortured for their beliefs. Lately it has been shown that they are also victims of organ harvesting for profit.
  • Ireland: Car Tour Through Northern Ireland to Expose the Persecution

    From November 13th, several Falun Gong practitioners from Ireland, England and Scotland set out on a week-long car tour. The tour through the six counties of Northern Ireland was to raise awareness about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. The tour also exposed the Chinese Communist Party's trade in organs harvested from living Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Germany: Introducing Falun Gong to the People of Leipzig

    The most important annual western festival, Christmas, is around the corner, people in Leipzig City have become busy preparing for the festival. Since November the 25th happened to fall on a Saturday, the gloomy weather didn’t affect people’s passion for shopping. In particular, the busy shopping area in the city centre was crowded with busy people. At this busy business centre, Falun Dafa practitioners once again set up an information booth to present residents in Leipzig City with something valuable as their Christmas gift.
  • United Kingdom: Cambridge Parade to Promote Freedom in China

    A parade was coordinated by local Chinese residents to celebrate the fifteen million people who have renounced the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The “Quit the CCP” movement was sparked when The Epoch Times newspaper published its award-winning series: “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”, an expose of the Communist Party’s brutal history.
  • Germany: Exposing the CCP's Trade in Organs Harvested from Living Falun Gong Practitioners

    On November 18th, Falun Gong practitioners from Germany and Austria staged a rally in downtown Munich, Germany. The purpose of the activities was to support fifteen million Chinese people quitting the CCP, and to expose the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong, its atrocities against the Chinese people as well as its destruction of ancient Chinese culture.
  • Slovakia: David Kilgour Informs MPs from the Slovak Parliament about Organ Harvesting in China

    David Kilgour, former Canadian State Secretary (Asia Pacific), visited Slovakia in order to publicise his investigation into organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in Chinese prisons. In the morning he met with the leadership of the Committee for human rights, other minorities and the women of the Slovak parliament. The subsequent press conference for the Slovak media was attended by both Slovak press agencies and national TV.
  • Germany: People Come One After Another to Learn Falun Gong

    In addition to learning the five sets of exercises, people also learned about the characteristics of Falun Gong, which emphasises a big change in mentality. When the learners heard that Falun Gong had been banned in China and that practitioners were brutally mistreated, they all thought it was unbelievable and asked for the reason. The assistant told them that it is because the Communist Party upholds Falseness, Wickedness, and Competitiveness, and cannot tolerate “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.
  • United Kingdom: "Friends of Falun Gong" Student Society at Bristol University Takes Part in Freshers Fair

    On October 5th and 6th, the Student Society ‘‘Friends of Falun Gong’’ at Bristol University participated in the 2006 Fresher’s Fair. Many Chinese students came to our table and we told them how we had benefited from practising Falun Gong. Some encouraged us to continue to practise, some of them read the information we provided. There were also some who did not dare to take leaflets.