Letters from Dafa Associations, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials

  • Macedonia: Public, Media and Government of Macedonia are Supportive of Falun Gong (pictures)

    Government officials at the Foreign Ministry and other offices were all very kind and supportive and offered their help. Practitioners told them they would help us a lot if they spread the truth about Falun Gong to other government officials, and they promised to do this. A representative of the Ministry of Justice was very interested in the lawsuits against Jiang Zemin. He asked to receive regular information from practitioners and agreed that it was about time something was done to stop this persecution.
  • Dafa Practitioner tells Chief Persecutor Luo Gan: “Falun Dafa is Good!”

    The Dafa practitioner said: “I have something very important to tell you”. At this point, everyone accompanying Luo focused their attention and listened carefully. The Dafa practitioner said peacefully: “I practise Falun Dafa”. Once Luo had heard the words Falun Dafa, his face immediately turned pale grey and he turned his head away. One of his entourage was so angry that he tried to push the Dafa practitioner away. The Dafa practitioner continued to say peacefully: “Falun Dafa is good.”
  • A Letter to the Newspaper “Keskisuomalainen” from the Falun Dafa Association of Finland

    "China has signed the Declaration for Human Rights and as yet is still able to almost freely destroy its citizens, even though many human rights associations have been informing the world about its crimes – Finland however is remaining silent. By approving the conduct of the governments of these kinds of countries, we are in fact giving support to them when they are committing violations against their own people. We cannot approve these kinds of atrocities, and let them exist in modern society. They should be brought to justice. With righteousness, can we lead by example."
  • Luo Gan Faced a Criminal Lawsuit in Finland

    Following the Icelandic criminal lawsuit against Luo Gan, head of China's "610 Office", on charges of persecuting Falun Gong, the Finnish human right lawyer Mr. Erkki Kannsto filed a criminal lawsuit against Luo Gan with the National Criminal Prosecutor Office and the Police Department in Helsinki on the charges of “cruel torture” and “genocide.”
  • The UK Minghui School is Officially Established

    On the 7th of September 2003, the UK Minghui School was formally set up. The school is based on Falun Dafa, teaching the students about Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. The main emphasis is on moral education, as well as improving their Xinxing [moral character] and learning the five sets of exercises.
  • Norway: Practitioners introduce Falun Gong in a City near Oslo

    There were people of all ages present. They were all very grateful to us for coming to share the practice and teach them the exercises. Many were anxious about how to learn more and continue with the practice. Some of the people said they had experienced strong energy. An elderly lady told us she felt that Falun Gong is really good for her.
  • Spain: Touring the Country to let People know about Falun Dafa (part 1)

    We told the Deputy Mayor that practitioners are being brutally persecuted in China and he expressed astonishment at how the Jiang regime has consistently committed such crimes. He thanked us for the materials we gave him and said that he will pay attention to the persecution in China and the lawsuits against Jiang that are happening worldwide.
  • Moldova: The People of Moldova are Happy to Welcome Falun Dafa

    We also left books at the book market, as well as a Video-CD with an exercise demonstration on it. We went to a Chinese restaurant where Chinese people took Dafa materials with pleasure. We gave out newsletters in the city centre every day. All of the materials distributed, including letters, contained a variety of information, including the beginning of the horrible persecution and the lawsuits against Jiang Zemin.
  • Swedish Falun Dafa Association writes to Finland Government

    "The 610 office uses violence, threats, psychiatric abuse, coercion and blackmail to terrorise Falun Gong practitioners, their family members, friends, and even the general public. Luo Gan runs the 610-office. He is currently being charged in European and U.S. courts for genocide and other crimes categorised as crimes against humanity by the ICC."
  • Norway: Promoting Falun Gong at a Cultural Festival in Sandefjord

    Festivalgoers often asked practitioners questions such as “Is it true that the persecution is so severe in China?” and “Is it true that people are tortured so severely?” They could not believe their eyes when they saw photos of tortured practitioners, confirming the cruel reality of this persecutionm which has now continued for over four years.
  • UK: European Friends of Falun Gong holds Seminar in Houses of Parliament

    After an informal lunch, which gave UK Falun Gong practitioners a great chance to let important dignitaries know more about the persecution Falun Gong, the seminar presentations began. This part of the seminar was chaired by Iain Luke MP, a Member of UK Parliament who has worked hard for the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Finland invites a Leader who has been accused of Human Rights Violations

    “Luo Gan is the head of the Gestapo-like office. The office is doing a dirty job, carrying out this persecution. It is unbelievable that a man who is committing an act of genocide is invited to Finland.”
  • Photo Report: Swiss Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Press Conference in Geneva

    On the 4th of September 2003, Swiss Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference in Geneva, and announced that in order to be able to continue to speak on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners detained and tortured in China, Swiss citizens and victims of the persecution, have decided to take joint action against the Jiang regime to obtain compensation legally.
  • Iceland: Media Show Great Interest In Lawsuit Launched Against Head of 610 Office

    After submitting the lawsuit, European practitioners and Ragnar Adalsteinsson held a press conference outside of the Ministry of Justice only metres away from the building where Luo Gan was. The press conference was attended by Iceland media, including major newspapers, TV stations and radio stations.
  • Russia: Stories of Spreading Falun Gong in City of Tver

    When we were distributing materials, two boys came along and said they would like to hand out materials for us. They skated and gave out materials to the crowd. They returned for more when they had given out all of the materials. Later they went home to get their bikes. Perhaps they wanted to travel further to hand out the materials. That day, we distributed several thousand Dafa booklets and newspapers.