Poem: The Great Law
2005-01-14The dawn of Ages unfolding,A call from fathomless heights.Inside the heart of origins,Transcending every horizon,Come seed to flower and far beyond.
Poem: Behold
2005-01-13Behold the sky awakening now, Weaving worlds anew.From clouds convergingUntil its final departing,Come light upon peerless ascent.
Painting: Coming for You
2005-01-06 -
Poem: Persecution
2005-01-06Unleashed into thisWorld a despot like no other.A persecution,For the most part,Silent still.
Poem: Law Gate
2005-01-05The great Law-GateOpened forever wide,Encompassing, transformingImmeasurable realms.
Poem: The Buddha Law has Arrived
2005-01-04For the Buddha Law has come,The hour awakenedWhere new worlds aboundAnd no true heart forsaken.
Poem: Every Shore
2005-01-03From nations in divide,Past horizons subsideWhere Buddha LawComes to the fore.
Poem: Lawsuits
2005-01-01To bring Jiang to justiceMany lawsuits in processExposing his regime’s countless crimes.
Poem: Heaven and Heart
2004-12-31Far above cloud and worldly affairsWhere only horizons of blue abound.
Poem: Upon a Light
2004-12-30Overcoming the endless moments,Many a heart transforming China’s darkest night.
Poem: Heavens High
2004-12-28Hearts come widenTo new horizons,Sails reaching peerless skies.
Poem: Beyond
2004-12-27From darkest densTo skies of blue,Hearts transcending allDespite the many horrors,Evil pursuits of this persecution.
Poem: Eclipse
2004-12-26Such terror untoldEclipsing heaven and earth,The descent into China’s darkest hour.
Poem: Becoming
2004-12-25Of hearts unfolding,Countless worlds becoming,Horizons beyond travail.
Poem: Arise
2004-12-24Arise, come lift your heart,Time is rife, the hour awakened.Worlds to traverse, transcend and more, The path of cultivation stretches before you…