Death Cases
Mr. Jin Lilin Serving Seven-Year Sentence--Wife Passed Away after Struggling Alone for Years
2009-01-16On the morning of December 22nd, 2008, the wife of Mr. Jin Jilin, a resident of Jinjiaya Village, Yuzhong County, Lanzhou City in Gansu Province, passed away after struggling alone for years, trying to raise their family. The children were severely traumatized by their mother's death, and with the grandmother lying sick in bed, the children have no one to turn to. Those who know the family's situation are moved to tears. In September 2000, police ransacked Mr. Jin's home and arrested him. He was later sentenced to one year of forced labour. In May 2002, he was arrested and detained by police and sentenced to ten years in prison.
Ms. Xu Chunmei Dies as a Result of Persecution in Heilongjiang Province
2009-01-14Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xu Chunmei, 55, went out to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong and police detained her in the Anda City Detention Centre. Ms. Xu became very weak, and started to pass blood in her urine. She endured extreme mental pressure and physical mistreatment. On July 25th, 2008, Ms. Xu was released, but was fined 10,000 yuan. The Anda City Detention Centre kept calling her to come in and report her situation. She was very worried of being brutally mistreated again. She developed blood in her urine, and her heart, lungs, and kidneys were all failing. She died on December 7th, 2008.
Older Practitioners Ms. Jiang Xianyi and Mr. Wang Peiming Died under Persecution in Guangdong Province
2009-01-13Ms. Jiang Xianyi, 58, was arrested while distributing leaflets informing people about the persecution of Falun Gong and detained in Tongle Village Detention Centre. She went on hunger strike to protest, was injured severely by force-feeding, which resulted in her having difficulty eating, and she could not stop coughing. She refused to accept the brainwashing, and was then sentenced to three years of forced labour at Sahnshui Women's Labour Camp. In August 2008, Ms. Jiang Xianyi was emaciated, weighing only about 70 pounds, and coughing non-stop and so the labour camp released her. Less then six months after returning home, she was take to the hospital on December 31st, 2008, and died on January 2nd, 2009.
Ms. Luo Guangquan Died in 2005 after Six Years of Persecution in Songzi City, Hubei Province
2009-01-12Ms. Luo Guangquan was a Falun Gong practitioner from Songzi City, Hubei Province. She endured brutal abuse for six years. Due to this extended period of threats, harassment, and torture, Ms. Luo Guangquan's health deteriorated, leading to her eventual death in August 2005. Prior to her death, the local 610 Office officials had persecuted her relentlessly. Ms. Luo's daughter, Hu Jiqin, is also a practitioner and has faced inhumane treatment for a long time. Currently, Ms. Hu is currently detained in the First Detention Centre of Songzi City.
Mr. Xie Chuhua from Denghai City, Guangdong Province, Died as a Result of Three Years of Torture
2009-01-10On June 9th, 2004, police broke into 50-year-old Mr. Xie Chuhua's home, ransacked it, confiscated his belongings, and arrested him. Mr. Xie Chuhua was sentenced to forced labour and was held in the Meizhou Jail for three years. He was severely tortured, which caused internal breeding. He was then sent home by police officers after suffering so much that he could no longer function. Not only did he suffer physically from the tortures but he also experienced extreme fear and horrors, which couldn't be described in words. Mr. Xie Chuhua died in June 2008, after he was subjected to a long period of mental and physical torture.
Retired Schoolteacher from Liaoning Province Severely Tortured Before He Died
2009-01-10Mr. Zhang Shimin was a 74-year-old Falun Gong practitioner. When he worked, he was an outstanding schoolteacher. Mr. Zhang started practising Falun Gong in 1996 and became very healthy and enthusiastic in helping others. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began the suppression of Falun Gong on July 20ht, 1999, Mr. Zhang was sentenced to a forced labour camp in 2001 for one and a half years, because he persevered in practising Falun Gong and telling people the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong. In the labour camp he was subjected to severe psychological and physical abuse. He died on October 20th, 2008.
Witnessing Ms. Tian Huiying's So-called "Suicide Attempt" in the Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-01-07Ms. Tian Huiying was killed in a so-called "suicide attempt" in July 2005 as claimed by the Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp. She was 50 years old. I witnessed the entire process of her being persecuted. A car drove out of the cafeteria in the labour camp and struck Ms. Tian Huiying. The wheels of the car drove over her legs and feet. She immediately lost consciousness. Later on, police said that Ms. Tian had run towards the car to commit suicide and that the people who were monitoring her could not stop her. In fact, there were no guards at the scene. Moreover, the two criminals who were monitoring Ms. Tian were very strong young men. The car hit her on purpose.
Older Practitioner Ms. Xu Lindi Dies After Being Persecuted by 610 Office in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province
2009-01-06After Ms. Xu Lindi retired, both she and her husband suffered from many illnesses. When they started to practise Falun Gong, both of them recovered from their poor health. However, after the Chinese Communist Party began to persecute Falun Gong in July 1999, they were severely persecuted. Their home was searched five times and their property was confiscated. Ms. Xu's husband was arrested and detained five times, for 34 days the fifth time. The Jiangbei District Police Department forced Ms. Xu to pay 15,000 yuan for her husband's release. In the brainwashing centre, Ms. Xu was interrogated, threatened and deprived of sleep. She was hurt both physically and mentally. She passed away on July 21st, 2004.
Elderly Ms. Zhou Fengxiu Dies under Long Term Persecution in Hunan Province
2009-01-05Ms. Zhou Fengxiu, 70, lived in Hunan Province. Her husband died from cancer 15 years ago. She became depressed and very sick and weak. After she started cultivating Falun Gong in 1998, her sicknesses and pain went away. She felt gratitude to Falun Gong for saving her. After the persecution began in 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong, and she was arrested and detained many times. Police officers brutally beat her and often broke into her home and took her Falun Gong books. On the afternoon of October 28th, 2008, five police stormed into her home again and took her Falun Gong books, despite her protests. Deeply hurt by the police actions, Ms. Zhou was sick for several months. Her condition worsened quickly, and she died a little over twenty days later.
Ms. Li Dan Died under Persecution Two Years Ago in Liaoning Province
2009-01-05Ms. Li Dan was a music teacher and received merit many times. She began cultivating in Falun Gong in 1996 because she had a weak and ill body, and her sicknesses soon disappeared. After July 20th, 1999, Ms. Li Dan went to Beijing to appeal and defended Falun Gong according to her personal experiences. She was arrested and brutally beaten multiple times. In 2006, Ms. Li Dan was arrested again. She was tortured to the degree of deformity. She was rescued from detention, but she was already dying. Her fellow practitioners took turns taking care of her in the hospital, but she died soon after returning home because of the severity of the torture.
Mr. Xue Jingye from Heilongjiang Province and Mr. Xin Chao from Shaanxi Province Persecuted to Death
2009-01-04After July 20th, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party, under Jiang Zemin's [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] orders, started the persecution of Falun Gong. Mr. Xue Jingye, 38, was given one year of forced labour in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp simply because he continued to practise Falun Gong. He suffered a great deal physically and mentally in the camp. Around the time of the Olympic games this year, the local police repeatedly visited his home. The continued harassment caused Mr. Xue a great deal of stress and he passed away on December 6th, 2008.
Wreaths and Banners Condemn Jinzhou Prison for Killing Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Zhang Litian
2009-01-02Mr. Zhang Litian was a 36-year-old Falun Gong practitioner in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province. After Mr. Zhang was detained in Jinzhou Prison for over a month, Cheng Jun, the head of Division 20, and Zhang Baozhi, the assistant head of Division 20, instigated four inmates to beat Zhang Litian to death on November 17th, 2008. Recently, some goodhearted people hung wreaths and banners near Jinzhou Prison to commemorate Mr. Zhang and publicize the fact that he was tortured to death. We hope conscience and justice will prevail, and the persecution will end.
Seven Practitioners Held in the Shenyang City Detention Centre
2009-01-02The top officials of the detention centreboften instigated the criminal inmates to torture practitioners. The torture methods included beatings, forced-feedings of concentrated salt water, forcing practitioners to sit on the tiger bench, injecting them with drugs, and extorting money from them. In August 2006, practitioner Ms. Wen Yingxin, 34, was tortured to death after nine days in the detention centre
Ms. Zhang Xiuqin Dies One Month after Being Arrested
2008-12-31On November 13th, 2008, someone reported Ms. Zhang Xiuqin, around 48 years old, while she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. Police arrested her and detained her in the Xining City Detention Centre. According to guards, on December 7th, Ms. Zhang suddenly passed out. The centre doctor tried to resuscitate her in vain, then took her to hospital. The hospital forbade anyone from getting close to Ms. Zhang, including her husband. She died on December 13th, only one month after she was arrested. It has not been discovered how the officers and guards mistreated her in custody, but based on the fact that she fell into a coma during detention, all responsible parties will not escape justice.
Ms. Sun Sumei Dies after Extended Persecution in Hengshui City, Hebei Province
2008-12-30Ms. Sun Sumei, a Falun Gong practitioner from Hengshui City, Hebei Province, was arrested and sent to the Hengshui City Detention Centre by police officers from the Hengshui City Development Area on June 30th, 2008. The perpetrators extorted 15,000 yuan from her family members before releasing Ms. Sun in mid September. On October 23rd, the Public Security Bureau in Hengshui City Development Area began harassing her again. In the past several years, Ms. Sun Sumei has been imprisoned, harassed and threatened by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). She passed away on November 6th, 2008.