Death Cases
66 Year Old Lady Henan Dafa Practitioner Dies After Extended Detention and Exhausting Slave Labour
2003-04-28In the autumn of 2000, Li Kun was arrested by the Wolong District Security Brigade while clarifying the facts about the persecution and she was taken to the Shangzhuang Detention Centre. While in detention, she was not allowed to study the Fa or practise the Dafa exercises. Instead, she was forced to do intensive exhausting labour, which led to the recurrence of her disease she had prior to taking up the practice of Falun Gong: cancer in her uterus.
Harbin Practitioner Dies from Persecution
2003-04-28The prison guards threatened him, "If you don't write, we will send you to a forced labour camp." In the later days, these villains would go to his house to harass him while his illness grew worse. At that moment, his son was arrested for a second time and was detained illegally in Harbin Changlin Forced Labour Camp. Under such circumstances, the Township Government agents forced his wife to go into a brainwashing class.
10 Year Old Left Motherless Due to Shandong Province Practitioner Tortured to Death
2003-04-28Due to the incessant torture both mentally and physically, after a few months of intense suffering, Bai Shihua passed away tragically early in the morning of March 13, 2003, leaving behind her aging parents and a daughter who is only 10 years old.
Practitioner Tortured to Death at Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-27During her detention, the camp officials brutally tortured her until her body became very weak, then she was released on bail for medical treatment. She was still monitored while serving the remainder of her sentence as she underwent treatment. She died after 3 months.
Elderly Dafa Practitioner Imprisoned for One Week: Dead One Month Later
2003-04-27Ms. Zhou was cooking at home when some policemen from Guankou Police Station came in and, claiming that she had "attacked the police," beat her savagely. After ransacking her home, the police took her to the city detention centre. One week later, the police called her family members at midnight and told them to take her home.
Dabei Prison Cause Fatal Injuries to Two Female Falun Dafa Practitioners
2003-04-27Although they made up her face, there were still very visible marks caused from the electric baton shocks and bruises from the beatings. Her family members were threatened not to reveal any information to the public, and the prison attempted to prevent any information about the death from becoming public knowledge.
Following Female Practitioner Dies from Brutal Persecution after More than 1000 Days in Prison
2003-04-27In China, upon a senior citizen's 66th birthday, relatives and close friends gather together to celebrate and wish them a peaceful and happy life. However, Zhang Cuizhen can no longer enjoy the happy life she was supposed to have. Inside a gloomy and damp prison cell in detention centre, with no fresh flowers and no kind blessings, she had only handcuffs, foot shackles, iron bars, and the prison's electric fence with her, as well as the relentless and brutal persecution.
Elderly Woman Dafa Practitioner Received Relentless Torture in Detention Centre and Subsequently Died
2003-04-27At that time, Zhao Baolan could not take care of herself. However, the Petroleum Exploration Field "610 Office" still did not leave her alone, and made the staff of the brainwashing class watch over her at her home. Her husband was so traumatised by these events that he became ill and had to be hospitalised. Her son was still wrongfully detained in the brainwashing class.
Female Dafa Practitioner Steadfast in Her Belief Despite Her Untimely Death from Torture
2003-04-23While her hands were cuffed behind her back, 8-9 policemen took turns beating her, with another policeman stomping on her legs. As a result, she had difficulty walking. Later on, she was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labour education and sent to the Shibalihe Female Forced Labour Camp in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. Several days later the labour camp falsely claimed that she had blood poisoning and sent her home.
Persecution in Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp Causes Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner to Lose His Life
2003-04-23He was released on bail for medical treatment on July 31. When he came back, people saw that he staggered while walking and two of his left toenails had fallen off. There was a purple blister under his right thumbnail and he was in a state of trauma. He lost control of his bowels and bladder and could not get out of bed for two days after his release.
Handan City Forced Labour Camp Victimise to Death Dafa Practitioner
2003-04-22Yet another victim of the Jiang regime's policy of attempting to annihilate Falun Dafa through extreme measures of torture and deprivation of human rights. Thus this peaceful practitioner, who only appealed for the right to live his life according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, could submit no longer to the persecution and tragically died as a result.
Forced-Feeding Leads to Death of Falun Dafa Practitioner
2003-04-22We stopped the Detention Centre Chief Shi at the cell door, and told him not to torture Falun Dafa practitioners under the pretext of force-feeding. He turned around and left without listening. On October 6, Li was seen being dragged out again by two people. He was unable to walk at all and looked extremely pale. We told these two people not to help a tyrant do evil.
Elderly Female Practitioner Killed by Fatal Blow to Head in Chongqing City
2003-04-21Because she firmly practiced Dafa, she was subjected to various forms of torture. On May 11, 2001, in order to stop her from cultivating Dafa, an evil guard grabbed her hair and slammed her head against the wall. The blow was fatal and the next day, she sadly passed away as a result of the severe injury she had sustained.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Hou Mingkai Tortured to Death for Broadcasting Truth-Clarifying Programmes on Cable TV
2003-04-20Hou Mingkai, working with other practitioners, risked their lives and took the unprecedented step of tapping into the local cable TV to broadcast Dafa truth-clarifying programmes. In response to this, the "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] issued a warrant for Mingkai and promised a 50,000 Yuan reward plus a promotion to whoever caught him.
Heaven's Fury at Torture Death of Female Dafa Practitioner in Weifang City
2003-04-20In 13 days, a life full of energy was destroyed. Gao's husband was denied a last visitation. Her daughter had to face the harsh reality of her father's detention and her mother's death. Worrying that her grandmother may be unable to bear the bad news, she had to put on a smiling face and told her, "Mum went to Jinan City on business. She will be back in a few days." Now the elderly grandmother asks every day when her daughter-in-law will come back.