Death Cases
Senior Practitioner Li Xiumei From Dalian City Is Tortured to Death at Yaojia Detention Center
2001-12-24Yet another older person died a tragic death in the wicked Dalian policemen's hands. To the Dalian police: How many kind hearted, good Falun Gong Practitioners have you killed? How many happy families have lost their affectionate fathers and mothers because of you?
Death of Practitioner Hou Zhanhai
2001-12-20 -
Tortured to Death: Practitioner Yang Yi from Fuquan City, Guizhou Province
2001-12-20Yang Yi passed away. When he died, his hands had abscesses, and yet he was still handcuffed. For one year, Yang Yi's wife was not able to see him, and when she finally saw him, Yang had already passed away.
Liu Huanqing Tortured to Death
2001-12-19 -
List of Those Responsible for the Death of Chen Dewen
2001-12-19Ten days later, Chen Dewen was sent to the hospital where he died. The guards falsified the evidence, concocting a story that Chen died from heart disease. Another practitioner took the guards to task, demanding to know how patients with heart disease could be beaten and shocked with an electric baton. The guards were shocked and speechless.
After brainwashing Qin Airong's mental disorder resurfaced: who is responsible for her death?
2001-12-10Qin Airong suffered mental health problems until she found and started to practise Falun Gong in 1998. Since that time her view of life changed, and her physical and mental health improved dramatically. However, after being locked in a detention centre for 50 days starting in August 2001 her mental disorder went to the extreme. She threw herself into a well and committed suicide.
Three Falun Dafa Practitioners Murdered in Zhucheng City
2001-12-09After this atrocity, the police immediately blocked all the news, imposed a curfew on the village where Yang Guizhen had lived, and closely monitored and watched her family members. They detained Dafa practitioners who had associated with her and who were trying to get information on this case.
A Falun Dafa Practitioner in Dalian City is Tortured to Death
2001-12-09 -
Police Commit Premeditated Murder Against Falun Gong Woman
2001-12-08While the relative was filling out the paperwork in one room, Ms. Hou was being watched by police in another room, sources say. After the paperwork was finished, police told the relative that Ms. Hou had committed suicide by "jumping out the window." The relative refused to believe or accept the news, and believing Hou was murdered, intended to file an appeal for investigation of the death. She was given 20,000 Yuan (approximately US$2,500) to keep it quiet.
Practitioner Hou Xiuping Killed in Police Department
2001-12-05 -
Exposing those Responsible for Beating Yantai Dafa Practitioner Wu Haiyou to Death
2001-12-04Practitioner Wu Haiyou was arrested by six policemen of Xipaotai Police Station. At Huangwu Police Station he was pushed, dragged, and brutally beaten from the fourth floor to the ground floor by the six policemen, until he lost consciousness. Five days later, Wu Haiyou's family received a notice from Huangwu Police Station asking them to claim his corpse. Obviously, Wu Haiyou had been beaten to death.
Authorities Fake Autopsy Results of Murdered Practitioner and Prevent Lawyers From Representing His Family
2001-12-04 -
Retired Teacher Zeng Fanshu Dies of Abuse in Local Brainwashing Class
2001-12-03 -
Recalling Yuan Jiang
2001-12-01 -
Dafa Practitioner Shan Yongshun Tortured to Death in Baimiao Labor Camp Zhengzhou City, HenanProvince