Press Releases
FDIC: Worldwide Activities Mark April 25th, Call for End to Half-decade of Persecution
2004-04-25Practitioners of Falun Gong will mark April 25 this Sunday with activities around the world, renewing the call for Beijing to end a five-year campaign of suppression that legal experts have come to term genocide.
EFGIC: Legal Action in UK against Chinese Officials for Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners in China, Genocide and Crimes against Humanity
2004-04-24LONDON (EFGIC) – Falun Gong practitioners in the UK are initiating a criminal action against Jiang Zemin, former president of China, for his personal responsibility, from 1999 onwards, in the persecution of the 100 million adherents of the ancient Chinese system of moral discipline, Falun Gong, which is centred on Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. The action concerns the torture of a male UK resident, who has now been granted asylum here.
Press Release: Dictator Jiang Zemin on Trial in London
2004-04-24On Saturday 24th April, a symbolic trial of Jiang Zemin will be held outside the Royal Courts of Justice in The Strand and on Sunday 25th at the Chinese Embassy in Portland Place, London. The 25th of April has a special significance, as it is the 5th Anniversary of the original peaceful appeal to the Chinese Government in 1999 by Falun Gong practitioners. This symbolic trial exposes the crimes committed by Jiang, and demonstrates the reality of using legal means to bring him to justice.
EFGIC: Chinese Official Served With Lawsuit While Visiting United States
2004-04-24LONDON (EFGIC) – Bo Xilai, the Minister of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, was served with a lawsuit today during his visit to the United States. The complaint, brought by Li Weixun and others, alleges such serious human rights abuses as torture, genocide and other crimes against humanity carried out while persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in China.
EFGIC: Deaths of 25 Falun Gong Practitioners Verified in March
2004-04-22LONDON (EFGIC) – The deaths of 25 more Falun Gong practitioners in China as a result of state-run persecution were verified in March, according to reliable sources. One of those killed in March was Daqing City-resident Mr. Li Yuanguang, 34. He died weighing less than one hundred pounds after prolonged torture, leaving behind his wife and a family bankrupted by police extortions.
Statement by the Falun Gong Association of the Czech Republic
2004-04-16"Every step made by the Czech Government can become a historic moment when the Government leans either toward the defence of human rights or toward “quiet acquiescence” with the abuse. Actually, human rights and trade with China are tightly connected and that is why we think that upholding human rights is a necessary prerequisite to a successful realisation of all projects with China which we may wish to commit ourselves to undertake."
Falun Gong Information Centre Germany: Xiong Wei - Released From Detention But Not Yet Free!
2004-04-15Commenting on the report of a special correspondent at the UNHRC for freedom of Religion and Belief, China’s claims concerning Xiong Wei are as follows: "In its work, the Beijing women's labour re-education facility strictly abides by the principles that inmates should be re-educated, guided by persuasion and thus reformed. The management methods that it applies are legal, civilised and scientific and no form of corporal punishment or ill-treatment is ever used against those undergoing labour re-education."
Human Rights Organisations Encourage U.S to Introduce a China Resolution at UNHRC
2004-04-08This resolution points out that China's human rights record continued worsening in the past year. Examples include the on-going repression of spiritual and political groups such as Falun Gong practitioners, Tibetans, Catholics, Protestants, the unjust arrest and detention of spiritual leaders and political dissidents, harsh conditions in prisons and labour camps, forced-labour in labour camps, coercive family planning policies, and deprivation of fundamental freedoms of expression, assembly and press.
EFGIC: Products Worldwide Made by Falun Gong Slave Labour
2004-04-01'Products made by Falun Gong practitioners in other labour camps that are often exported include: moon cake boxes, dishwashing products, popsicle sticks, coffee straws, hand made wool coats, buttons, bedding products, plastic cement packages, fake eyelashes, embroidered products, hand knitted hats, dry flowers, plastic flowers, necklaces, and other handcrafts.'
EFGIC: Worldwide Appeals Identify Four Chinese Officials Who Lead the Atrocities against Falun Gong
2004-03-28'In more than 20 countries during the past few months, Falun Gong practitioners have been holding appeals and press conferences to highlight four Chinese officials who lead the campaign to “eradicate Falun Gong” in China. Two of the four, former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin and Politburo Standing Committee Member Luo Gan, have already been the target of several lawsuits and their names are frequently cited in documents detailing the persecution of Falun Gong. The other two, Minister of Public Security Zhou Yongkang and “6-10 Office” Chief Liu Jing, have –until the recent appeals – not been widely named in connection with the atrocities against Falun Gong.'
EFGIC: 30 Torture and Severe Abuse-related Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners Reported in February
2004-03-27LONDON (EFGIC) – During the month of February 2004, details of 30 deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in China were uncovered despite a continued black-out maintained by Chinese authorities on information about Falun Gong-related cases. Many of the deaths occurred in the past few months, while some were deaths from 2002 and 2001 that have only recently been uncovered.
EFGIC: An Open Letter from Women in China Who Practise Falun Gong
2004-03-24"We follow the teachings of Falun Dafa [Falun Gong], (website) which expound upon the universal characteristics of Truth-Compassion-Tolerance, and practise gentle exercises and meditation to maintain our health. On July 20th, 1999, the former Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin launched a campaign to eliminate Falun Dafa. We have been deprived of our basic human rights ever since, and have been physically and mentally tortured in many ways."
Amnesty International Press Release: "Pleasant words are insufficient; they must be accompanied by substantive actions."
2004-03-20Amnesty International observed that in fulfilling its responsibilities towards international human rights, China’s record is still appalling. The article also pointed out the misfortune encountered by Hua Huiqi in Beijing Fengtai region’s police station and requested that China allow respective workgroups in the UN to conduct investigations into this matter.
EFGIC: A Call for Decisive Action to End the Genocide in China
2004-03-18As the United Nation's Commission on Human Rights convenes in Geneva this week, the European Falun Gong Information Centre (EFGIC) joins the growing chorus of voices urging the Commission to censure China for the horrific and widespread abuses of human rights against Falun Gong practitioners throughout China. As the U.S. State Department “Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2003” says, the situation in China has been “backsliding” in the past year, and the persecution against Falun Gong has been “particularly harsh.”
EFGIC: U.S. House of Reps. Passes Resolution Urging Censure of China for Human Rights Abuses
2004-03-09'LONDON (EFGIC) – The House of Representatives passed resolution H. Res. 530 urging the international community to rebuke the People’s Republic of China for a litany of human rights abuses. Yesterday’s vote on the resolution was 402-2. H. Res. 530 urges the Bush Administration to sponsor and aggressively pursue a resolution condemning China for its human rights abuses at the annual meeting of the United Nation’s Commission on Human Rights, which will meet later this month in Geneva.'