United Nations
Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong in the Chinese Educational System During the Annual Meeting of the UN Human Rights Commission
2004-04-16On April the 6th, during the annual meeting of the UN Human Rights Commission (UNHRC), the World Women's Organisation (USA) staged a seminar on Human Rights in the Chinese educational system. World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) president John Jaw, Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Ming and Australian human rights lawyer Christopher Nyst were invited to this seminar.
The Suffering of Chen Aizhong’s Family Arouses Attention in the UN
2004-04-14"Since Jiang’s group began suppressing Falun gong in 1999, authorities in Zhangjiagkuo City, Hebei Province, have followed Jiang’s persecution instructions to the letter. In addition to illegal imprisonment and sending a huge number of Falun Gong practitioners to forced labour camps, over ten practitioners have been persecuted to death in that city. Among them were two of Chen Aizhong’s family members, who were tortured to death in succession, Chen Aizhong and his younger sister Chen Hongping."
Female Falun Gong Practitioner Testifies to the UNHRC about Violence Conducted Against Women
2004-04-13Ms. Yoko Kaneko, a Japanese Falun Gong practitioner who was imprisoned in a Chinese forced labour camp for one and half a years, gave an account at a forum of the United Nations’ Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) of the brutal torture and brainwashing that she has experienced. She called for an immediate end to the persecution of Falun Gong.
Speeches Delivered by Falun Gong Practitioners at the UN Forum on Human Rights in China
2004-04-09On the afternoon of April the 2nd, the American delegation attending the meeting of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights organised a seminar regarding the resolution condemning China’s human rights abuses. Those attending included representatives of the United Nation’s member states, human rights organisations, Falun Gong practitioners and members of Family Church etc. The auditorium did not have a vacant seat.
Human Rights Organisations Encourage U.S to Introduce a China Resolution at UNHRC
2004-04-08This resolution points out that China's human rights record continued worsening in the past year. Examples include the on-going repression of spiritual and political groups such as Falun Gong practitioners, Tibetans, Catholics, Protestants, the unjust arrest and detention of spiritual leaders and political dissidents, harsh conditions in prisons and labour camps, forced-labour in labour camps, coercive family planning policies, and deprivation of fundamental freedoms of expression, assembly and press.
UNHRC: The Draft Resolution Proposed by the United States
2004-04-08On April the 2nd 2004, during the U.N. Human Rights Commission in Geneva, the U.S. Mission to the United Nations held a consultation to discuss the draft resolution on China’s human rights abuses, which the U.S. government planned to introduce to the U.N. Human Rights Conference. More than one hundred representatives from various governments’ and non-governmental organisations' missions to the United Nations participated in this consultation.
Radio Free Asia: Germany will Support US Resolution Condemning China’s Human Rights
2004-04-04On March 22nd, the US government put forward a resolution condemning China’s human rights. In response, the Chinese government not only put forward a White Paper to defend its position, but also tried to persuade some member African nations to shun the resolution. To gauge the reaction of the German society and government, RFA’s correspondent interviewed a Law scholar from the University of China, Ms Zheng Zhihong, now living in Berlin, on the evening of Tuesday 30th.
Spanish Ambassor to UN critical of Jiang regime human rights atrocities
2002-11-11Speaking on behalf of the European Union at the 58th session of the Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, the Ambassador stated; "The persecution of...Falun Gong practitioners is particularly harsh and has led to a great number of cases of torture and deaths in custody."
Letter from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to the Belgian Falun Gong Association
2002-10-07"UNHCR remains deeply concerned for the well being of these individuals, and continues to seek assurances from the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia that they, as well as other refugees and asylum seekers in the country are accorded and can meaningfully enjoy protection in conformity with the States international obligations."
Letter from a Representative of the U.N. Freedom of Religion Association to Falun Gong Practitioners in Switzerland
2002-08-15 -
United Nations Officials Pay Close Attention to "The Falun Gong Report"
2002-05-12 -
UN Secretary General Annan Urged to Pay Attention to the Persecuton of Falun Gong
2002-05-09 -
The United Nations Commission On Human Rights Adopts Resolution Against Torture
2002-04-28 -
Jiang's State-Sponsored Terrorism Exposed at United Nations Human Rights Commission
2002-04-16 -
Practitioners Persecuted in China Speak at Press Conference Hosted by U.N Press Association in Geneva