Important Announcements
Founding Statement of the European Branch of the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-04-03"The primary focus of the European branch is to investigate the criminal conduct of the Jiang Zemin regime in extending the persecution of Falun Gong to Europe, and to file lawsuits in each European country against institutions, organisations, and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong."
Greek Falun Dafa Association is Established
2003-03-26The Greek Falun Dafa Association has been established. This wonderful news is another milestone in the progress of the Fa-rectification in Europe and the world, and is a manifestation of Dafa's roots being established ever more strongly in the world and throughout society.
Human Rights Lawyer Says Jiang Zemin Will Face Lawsuits in a Number of Countries, Could Lead to Life-Imprisonment
2003-03-23Mr. Grant pointed out that from now on, criminal complaints will be filed against Jiang Zemin all over the world. Jiang will be held accountable for the crimes he has committed. His crimes are extremely serious, and the victims of his persecution are numerous; he could be facing life-imprisonment.
Italy: Practitioners File Lawsuit Against Those Responsible for Slandering Falun Gong
2003-03-15In order to uphold justice and to warn those who were slandering Dafa that there actions would not be accepted, practitioners filed a lawsuit against the people responsible for the slanderous exhibitions and newspaper articles, including Shu Maogao, the Consul General of the Chinese Consulate in Milan who published defamatory articles in a Chinese newspaper called “European Chinese Newspaper”. This article incited hatred and threatened Falun Gong practitioners.
Russia: Moscow Falun Dafa Association is Officially Established
2003-03-13After two years of efforts to register, the Federal Registration Administration of Russia has officially approved the founding of the Moscow Falun Dafa Association on February 6 2003. Dafa practitioners in Russia think this is the visible display of specific progress during this special period and of the efforts of Dafa practitioners in Russia.
Russia: Reibinsk Falun Dafa Association Established in Yaraslafli
2003-03-13On June 28, 2002, the Reibinsk Falun Dafa Association was registered with the local government in Yaraslafli, Russia. Moreover, the Reibinsk Falun Dafa Association also registered a branch association in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Welcome Note from the Hungarian Clearharmony Website
2003-03-03The Hungarian Clearharmony website is published voluntarily by Falun Gong practitioners. Its aim is to reveal the facts about Falun Gong, to give our readers first hand information about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, to display the voices of support for Falun Gong from all over the world, and to let our readers know the efforts made by Falun Gong practitioners to stop this persecution.
Romanian Falun Dafa Association Officially Established
2003-02-20"We are happy to announce that on the 18 February 2003, the Romanian Falun Dafa Association was officially established. It took the Romanian practitioners more than 1 year to overcome different forms of interferences to bring this process to its conclusion."
Germany: The Ministry of Domestic Affairs in Berlin Apologises to Falun Gong Practitioners for Over-reacting in April 2002
2003-02-09When Jiang Zemin visited Berlin, from April 8 to 11 2002, the German police over-reacted and forced Falun Gong practitioners away from certain areas, searched through their belongings, and confiscated their yellow T-shirts. The Chief Officer of the Police Station and the Ministry of Domestic Affairs recently expressed their sincerest apologies for the fact that they "over-reacted in certain details" during these events.
A Statement from the European Falun Dafa Association
2002-12-19'The European Falun Dafa Association opposes the proposed legislation to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law.'
Joint Announcement By Falun Dafa Associations in Europe: Falun Dafa Practitioners To Hold Peaceful Appeals In European Countries
2002-10-27To coincide with North American Falun Dafa practitioners' large scale activities during the Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin's visit to the United States, practitioners in Europe will hold peaceful appeals in front of Chinese embassies and consulates in European countries between October 20, 2002 and October 27, 2002.
Czech Republic: Announcing the Establishment of the Czech Falun Dafa Association
2002-08-17We are happy to announce that the Czech Falun Dafa Association was established under the name "Association Falun Gong of the Czech Republic" and approved by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic in Prague on Wednesday 17 July 2002.
Italian Falun Dafa Association Files Lawsuit against Two Chinese Newspapers
2002-03-19 -
Further Report from the First World Congress of Future Science and Culture in Cambridge, UK
2002-03-12 -
First World Congress of Future Science and Culture Successfully Opens in Cambridge University (photos)