Practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts every thirty minutes from 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm. With its strength, purity, compassion and dignity, the field of righteous thoughts seemed to purify the surrounding environment and attract attention from passers by.
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Many people asked the practitioners about the purpose of their appeal. The practitioners told them that in China, the Jiang regime has overthrown justice, reversed right and wrong and gone against human nature in its treatment of Falun Gong. The regime brutally persecutes innocent, peaceful people who believe in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. To uphold justice, Falun Gong practitioners have filed a lawsuit against Jiang for committing crimes against humanity, genocide and brutal torture.
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After listening to the practitioners explanations, passers by expressed their understanding and warm support. Some of them pointed their fingers at the Chinese Embassy and said, They ought to be got rid of! Some of them even wanted to donate money. With sincere thanks for their kind gesture, practitioners politely refused and told them that Falun Gong does not accept donations. A gentleman from America told practitioners that there are many Chinese students in the university that he is associated with, and that he will tell the facts to these students when he returns.
After he finished reading the leaflet about Falun Gong, one passer by returned it to the practitioners. When he was told that he could keep the leaflet, he said that he did not need to because the contents would remain firmly in his mind. Other people also expressed their admiration and support in various ways.
Translated from Chinese at http://www.yuanming.net/articles/200304/19337.html
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