Bringing Jiang and the "610" Office to trial under the charge of genocide, that was initiated by the United States Falun Gong practitioners and will be supported in other countries, is a momentous step in the course of Fa rectification. It is also a global event for practitioners to utilise legal procedures in the human world to uphold justice and throughout the proceedings, to comprehensively clarify the truth and eliminate this evil persecution.

On April 14 2003, the plaintiffs' attorney provided the US district court in Illinois with documents citing evidence of crimes committed by Jiang and the "610" Office as well as those for the legal procedure of the lawsuit. At this important historical moment, Falun Gong practitioners from Denmark continued their activity of sending forth righteous thoughts at set hours outside the Chinese Embassy, which has been ongoing for more than a year. This activity will continue during the Easter and afterwards.
Let our powerful righteous thoughts and righteous actions function as one body to uphold justice in the human world and to bring to justice the person responsible for the persecution.
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