People who saw the paintings said that they felt that the exhibition had a vibrant spirit. Many people left their comments afterwards: I am glad to see an ambassador of ancient Chinese culture in our country..; Zhang Cui Ying has an ability to touch people with real, high art; It is excellent to see a brilliant oriental artist in Estonia, and it is a joy for us. Many people bought copies of her paintings and said they hoped her tour would be a successful one.
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The exhibition coincided with a general election in Estonia. The offices of the President of Estonia and the Mayor of Tallinn happily received presents from Zhang Cui Ying, and government officials extended good wishes to the artist.
After learning that Zhang Cui Ying is a Falun Gong practitioner and hearing about her 8-month ordeal in a Chinese jail for her belief in Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, many people wanted to know more about and begin to practise Falun Gong.

During the art exhibition, a large Russian newspaper interviewed Zhang Cui Ying and reported on her art and her practise of Falun Dafa, as well as describing her 8-month ordeal in China because she was seeking justice for Falun Dafa and the practitioners in China.
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