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Stockwell Day
Vice-president of the Parliamentary Diplomatic Council Mr. Stockwell Day, Members of Parliament Mr. Rob Anders, Mr. Jim Peterson and Mr. Larry Bagnell joined the rally and delivered speeches. MP Svend Robinson and Libby Davies also came to show their support. The Chairman of Amnesty International wrote a support letter stating, "One who wrecks human rights and commits genocide should be brought to justice." This is the responsibility of the entire world.
MP Rob Anders was clearly moved by the crowd that persevered in calmly practising the Falun Gong exercises even in the rain. He was moved to tears as he said, "The Chinese authorities will one day understand what you are doing. What you have been doing has brought hope." He praised the practitioners for their persistence even in this bad weather.
Mr. Anders expressed his view on the lawsuit against Jiang during an interview, "Clearly, what (Jiang) committed are crimes against humanity. More than 700 people have been murdered, hundreds of thousands of people have been arrested and detained. So many people have been beaten and tortured. They are all peaceful and kind people. "First, China is one of the biggest countries that Canada provides financial aid to. I think when providing China with economic aid, we will be very, very careful and make sure that this assistance will not be used for persecuting Falun Gong. We need to make sure that Jiang and other Chinese leaders understand that trade is closely related to human rights. I think we will use every opportunity to publicly appeal (for Falun Gong). I understand that the Chinese authorities would feel very embarrassed. However, what they have done is what makes them feel embarrassed. They should feel embarrassed by what they have been doing. We need to let people know, let the world know that this is the punishment that they deserve.
Vice-president of the Parliamentary Diplomatic Council MP Stockwell Day said, "As a government, as a government that considers itself a democratic one such as Canada, we should take up our responsibility. Whenever we meet with the leaders or representatives of those totalitarian countries where people's fundamental freedoms and rights are being deprived, we should raise this issue as the most important item on the agenda.
Jim Peterson said, "The goal that you have been pursuing will make the world better. The Chinese government uses the so-called "threat theory to attack Falun Gong, but they are unable to prove this threat to the world. In fact, the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is exactly what the Chinese government should be condemned for.
Larry Bagnell said, "Your peacefulness has gained my support. Who would say those who believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are wrong "
Falun Gong practitioners and their family members testified regarding Jiang's crimes against them. Among them, two Canadians' direct family members died as a result of the persecution. Lin Shenli, who was imprisoned in a forced labour camp for two years for his belief in Falun Gong, related the plight of himself and that of his family members. A practitioner from Toronto spoke on behalf of 12 Canadian Falun Gong practitioners, telling of the brutal tortures that their family members have endured. Speaking on behalf of one of the practitioners, she said, "Because my mother practises Falun Gong, she was imprisoned. During her detention, they tortured her by means of electric shocks. As a result, she became blind. They bore witness to the crime of genocide that has been committed by Jiang.
A number of Falun Gong supporters delivered speeches. In accordance with rules of the International Court, they enumerated genocide, torture and crimes against humanity committed by Jiang. They represented people with a sense of justice throughout the world to expose the genocide committed by Jiang in persecuting Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners.
A program simulating a public trial of Jiang was played at the rally.

The attendees made a mask of Jiang and used a large balloon to represent his body. As one after another of his crimes were exposed, Jiang's mask trembled as the balloon body deflated. Finally, the empty shell fell to the ground, where it was swept into the dust heap of history by three large brooms.
The scene of the trial was solemn and serious. When the mask was swept away, the audience applauded.
A practitioner organising the rally said, "Jiang will inevitably be brought to justice, and it is the responsibility that history has bestowed upon us. Jiang does not only commit crimes against Falun Gong practitioners, but he also commits monstrous crimes against people throughout the world by attempting to destroy human beings' morality and conscience.
Before the rally concluded, a spokesperson from the Canadian Falun Dafa Association and representatives of the persecuted practitioners presented the Prime Minister's Office with about 50,000 petition signatures and a banner with about one thousand signatures.
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Signing petition to support the lawsuit against Jiang
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